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BIGNELL's Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court, Calcutta. 1831. (1 Part all published.)

BORRODAILE. A Treatise on the Heads of Hindoo Law, applicable to the Topics of Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence. Translated by BORRODAILE. 4to. 1827.

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CLARKE'S Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1834.

COLEBROOKE. Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance. Translated. 4to. Calcutta, 1810.

COLEBROOKE'S Treatise on Obligations and Contracts. published.) 8vo. 1818.

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COLEBROOKE'S Digest of Hindu Law. 4 vols. folio. 1798.

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PRYNNE'S Sovereign Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms. 4to. 164

vide Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum, p. 207.

PUFFENDORFF'S Law of Nature and Nations. Folio. 1749.

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