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Blackstone's Commentaries, systematically Abridged and Adapted to the existing state of the Law and Constitution, with great Additions. By SAMUEL WARREN, Esq., Q.C. 1856. In post 8vo. 2nd edition, price 18s. cloth. Watkins's Principles of Conveyancing. Ninth Edition. By H. H. WHITE, Esq. 8vo. 1845. 7s. 6d. boards. Watson on Awards. A Treatise on the Law of Arbitration and Awards, including the Act of Par liament relating to Arbitrations between Masters and Workmen; with a Appendix of Precedents. By W. H. WATSON, Esq. ate one of the Judges o the Court of Exchequer). Third Edition. 8vo. 1846. Price 18s. boards. Watson's Office and Duty of Sheriff. A Practical Treatise on the Office of Sheriff; comprising the whole of th Duties, Remuneration, and Liabilities of Sheriffs in the Execution and Return o Writs, and in the Election of Knights of the Shire. By WILLIAM HENR WATSON, Esq. (late one of the Judges of the Court of Exchequer). Secon Edition. By W. N. 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A Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of Jurisprudence, explaining all the Technical Words and Phrases employed in the several Departments of English Law; including also the various Legal Terms used in Commercial Transactions, together with an Explanatory as well as Literal 1 anslation of the Latin Maxims contained in the Writings of the Ancient and Modern Commentators. Third Edition. Royal 8vo, greatly improved and enlarged. (See page i.) Wharton's Articled Clerk's Manual. 1864. 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