PUBLISHED ANNUALLY. THE LAWYER'S COMPANION Diary, AND LAW DIRECTORY. FOR THE USE OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION, PUBLIC COMPANIES, JUSTICE MERCHANTS, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, &c. &c. PARTS II. AND III. EDITED BY ROLLA ROUSE, ESQ., BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Author of "The Practical Man," "The Practical Conveyancer," &c. &c. &c. In preparing the 18th annual publication of the "LAWYER'S COMPANION," it ha been thought desirable to adopt a more methodical arrangement, by dividing t work into five parts : No. I. THE ALMANAC, AND THE INFORMATION USUALLY GIVEN WITH AN II. INFORMATION IN GENERAL LEGAL BUSINESS. III.-RULES AND TABLES, APPLICABLE TO CALCULATIONS OF INTEREST, DISCOUNT, INCOME, THE VALUE OF LEASES, ANNUITIES, REVERSIONS, &c. IV.-A DIARY. V.-A LEGAL DIRECTORY. The Work is strongly bound, and published at the following prices :— 1. Plain, two days on a page. 2. Plain, two days on a page, INTERLEAVED for ATTENDANCES 3. Ruled with faint lines, and money columns, for two days on a page 4. Ruled with faint lines, and money columns, two days on a page, INTERLEAVED for ATTENDANCES 5. Whole page for each day, plain. 6. Whole page for each day, plain, INTERLEAVED for ATTENDANCE 7. Whole page for each day, ruled with faint lines, and money columns. 8. Whole page for each dav, ruled with faint lines, and money columns, and BY AUTHORITY. Published Annually, Price 9s., Bound, THE LAW LIST. COMPRISING THE Judges and Officers of all the Courts of Justice; INCLUDING THE IRCUITS, JUDGES AND OFFICERS OF THE COUNTY COURTS, COUNSEL, SPECIAL PLEADERS, DRAFTSMEN, CONVEYANCERS, ATTORNEYS, NOTARIES, &c., IN ENGLAND AND WALES. ISTRICT REGISTRIES AND REGISTRARS UNDER THE PROBATE ACT, LORDS LIEUTENANT OF COUNTIES, RECORDERS, CLERKS OF THE PEACE, TOWN CLERKS, CORONERS, OLONIAL JUDGES, AND COLONIAL LAWYERS HAVING ENGLISH AGENTS, METROPOLITAN POLICE MAGISTRATES, PARLIAMENTARY AGENTS, LAW AGENTS, LAW AND PUBLIC OFFICERS, IRCUITS OF THE JUDGES AND COUNSEL ATTENDING CIRCUIT AND SESSIONS, TABLE OF SHERIFFS AND AGENTS, LONDON COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING OATHS IN CHANCERY, QUEEN'S BENCH, COMMON PLEAS, AND EXCHEQUER; QUARTER SESSIONS, &c., &c., AND A VARIETY OF OTHER USEFUL MATTERS. SO FAR AS RELATES TO ecial Pleaders, Draftsmen, Conveyancers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Proctors, and Notaries, COMPILED BY WILLIAM WILKS DALBIAC, OF THE INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, SOMERSET HOUSE, W.C., And published by the Authority of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue. мипасу огuers. GENERAL ORDERS IN LUNACY. April 15, 1844, price 3d. December 1, 1845, price 6d. November 7, 1853, price 1s. January 12, 1855, price 3d. July 3, 1854, price 3d. Lush's Practice by Stephen. Second Edition. 8vo. 1855. Price 42s. cloth. Mackenzie's Roman Law. Studies in Roman Law with comparative views of the Laws of France, Engla and Scotland. By LORD MACKENZIE, one of the Judges of the Court of Sess in Scotland. 8vo. 1862. Price 12s. cloth. Maclachlan's Law of Merchant Shipping. A Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping. By DAVID MACLACHL M.A., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. With a Suppleme 1862. Price 36s. cloth. *** The Supplement may be had separately, price 5s. cloth. Mc Laren on Trusts And First Settlements in Scotland. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 1863. Price 45s. clo Macnamara on Nullities And Irregularities at Law. 12mo. 1842. Price 6s. boards. Macpherson's Practice of the Judicial Committee Of the Privy Council. 8vo. 1860. Price 16s. cloth. Macqueen on Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. A Practical Treatise on Divorce and Matrimonial Jurisdiction, under th Act of 1857 and New Orders; including Scotch Marriages, and Scotch La of Divorce, &c., &c. With numerous Precedents. Second Edition, great enlarged. By JOHN FRASER MACQUEEN, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Honorary Secr tary to H. M. Divorce Commission, &c. In 8vo. 1860. Price 18s. cloth. Macqueen's Practice of the House of Lords and Priv Council. 1 vol. royal 8vo. 1842. Price £1 11s. 6d. boards. Maddock's Chancery.-See SPENCE. Maine's Ancient Law. Second Edition. 8vo. 1863. Price 12s. cloth. Malcolm on Executors and Administrators. A Concise and Practical Treatise of the Law of Executors and Administrator By JOHN GEORGE MALCOLM, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 8vo. (In the Press.) Manual of Military Law, For all ranks of the Army, Militia, and Volunteer Services. By Colone J. K. PIPON. and J. E. COLLIER. Esa. Barrister-at-Low 1860 Marshall (W.) on Law of Railway Carriers. 12mo. 1861. Price 10s. cloth. Marshall's Law of Costs. Second Edition, 12mo. 1862. Price 16s. cloth. Marshall's Marine Insurance. Fourth Edition. By Serjeant SHEE. Royal 8vo. 1860. Price 25s. cloth. Maude and Pollock's Law of Merchant Shipping. A Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping, with an Appendix, containing all the Statutes of practical utility. By FREDERICK PHILIP MAUDE and CHARLES EDWARD POLLOCK, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. In 1 vol. royal 8vo. Second Edition. 1860. Price 30s. cloth. Maugham's Digest of Examination Questions. Eighth Edition. 1860. Price 6s. cloth. May's Parliamentary Practice. A Practical Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. By THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Clerk-Assistant of the House of Commons. Fifth Edition. In 8vo. 1863. Price £1 12s. cloth. May's Constitutional History. Vol. 1. 1861. Price 15s. cloth. Mayhew's Law of Merger, As it affects Estates in Land, and also Charges upon Land. By C. J. MAYHEW, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1861. Price 5s. 6d. cloth. Mayne's Treatise on Damages. 8vo. 1856. Price 16s. cloth. Mayne's Equitable Defences. A Treatise on Equitable Defences and Replications under the Common Law Procedure Act of 1854. By JoHN D. MAYNE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. boards. 1855. Merrifield-The Burgess' Manual. Price 4s. A Practical Exposition of the Constitution of Corporate Towns, as regulated by the various Municipal Corporation Acts; comprising the Provisions relating to the Municipal Elections, the Officers of the Corporation, the Town Council, the general Government and Improvement of and the Administration of Justice in Boroughs, and the Grant of Charters. By FREDERIC MERRIFIELD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1854. Price 5s. cloth. "Mr. Merrifield has very well accomplished his difficult task. "The burgess who desires to understand what are his privileges and duties should make this volume his manual."-Law Times, October 21, 1854. Iillar and Collier's Bills of Sale. Second Edition. A Treatise on Bills of Sale, with an Appendix containing the Registration Act, 17 & 18 Vict. c. 36, and Precedents, &c. Second Edition. By F. C. J. MILLAR, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1 vol. 12mo. 1860. Price 9s. cloth. Iitford on Pleading. A Treatise on the Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery, by English Bill. By JOHN MITFORD, Esq. (the late Lord Redesdale). The Fifth Edition, comprising a large body of Additional Notes, by JOSIAH W. SMITH, Esq., B.C.L., one of Her Majesty's Counsel, Editor of Fearne's Contingent Remainders, and Author of a Treatise on Executory Interests. In royal 8vo. Price 10s. boards. 8vo. 1859. Price 10s. 6d. cloth. Moore's Solicitor's Book of Practical Forms. 12mo. 1852. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. Moore's Instructions for Preparing Abstract Titles. 12mo. 1852. Price 6s. cloth. The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Judicial C mittee of the Privy Council. By EDMUND F. MOORE, Esq. (In the Press.) Morgan's Chancery Acts and Orders. Third Edit 1862. See page iv. The Statutes, General Orders, and Regulations relating to the Pr Pleading, and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery; with copious Note taining a Summary of every reported Decision thereon. By GEORGE OS MORGAN, M. A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition, con ably enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo. Price 28s. cloth. "No labour has been spared to make the work as complete and accurate as po With its elaborate index and marginal references, it is impossible to over-estimate its as a manual of general practice."-Law Magazine, May, 1862. Morris's Two Lectures On the Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. Svo. 1860. Price 1s. se Moseley, on Contraband of War. 8vo. 1861. Price 5s. cloth. Muir's (F.) Stamp and Tax Office Manual. Cr. 8vo. 1861. Price 16s. cloth. Nicolas's Reports of the Claims To the Barony of L'Isle. 8vo. 1829. Price £1 1s. cloth. Nicolas's History of the Earldom Of Strathern, Monteith, Airth, &c. 8vo. 1842. Price 128. cloth. Norman's Law of Patents. In 12mo. 1853. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. Oats's (H. C.) Factory Acts. The Factory Acts; including the Bleach and Dyeworks Act, the I Factories Act, and the Print Works Acts: with explanatory Notes, embracing the Cases decided upon the above Acts; with two Appendices, containin summary of the powers of inspectors, and Abstract of Penalties for the vari offences under these Acts, &c., &c., together with all the requisite Forms, an full analytical Index. By HENRY CARNE OATS, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 121 1862. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. "The Acts are explained and illustrated by numerous notes, which are written w purpose to instruct the public, as well as for the professional reader; and they exhibit m than common acumen in the construing of obscure portions of the text. "Altogether it is one of the best editions of statutes' that we have seen. 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