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Haynes' Outlines of Equity.

12mo. 1858. Price 10s. cloth.

Heron's Introduction to the History of Jurispru


1 vol. 8vo. 1860, Price 21s. cloth.

Hazlitt and Roche's Bankruptcy Act and Orders, 1861. Incorporating so much as remains in force of the 12 & 13 Vict. cap. 106, Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act, 1849; of the 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 77; and of the 17 & 18 Vict. cap. 119. With an Appendix, containing the 7 & 8 Vict. cap. 70; the 23 & 24 Vict. cap. 33; the 23 and 24 Vict. cap. 147; the General Orders under the Bankrupt Act; and the Rules in the County Courts. With Notes and a full Index. By WILLIAM HAZLITT, of the Middle Temple, Esq., a Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy; and HENRY PHILIP ROCHE, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 12mo. 1861. Price 12s. 6d. cloth.

**The GENERAL ORDERS under the BANKRUPT ACT, 1861, with Notes and an ample Index, may be had separately, price 2s. sewed.

Hazlitt and Roche's Law of Maritime Warfare.

A Manual of the Law of Maritime Warfare; embodying the Decisions of Lord Stowell and other English Judges, and of the American Courts, and the opinions of the most eminent Jurists; with an Appendix of the Official Documents and Correspondence in relation to the present War. By WILLIAM HAZLITT and H. P. ROCHE, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. In 12mo. 1854. Price 10s. 6d. cloth.

Headlam's Trustee Acts.

The Trustee Acts, namely, the Trustee Act, 1850; the Trustee Extension Act, the Trustee Relief Act, 1847; the Trustee Relief Act, 1849, with the General Orders, Cases, Notes, and Explanations. By T. E. HEADLAM, Esq., M.P., one of Her Majesty's Counsel. Third Edition, in 12mo. 1855. Price 3s. 6d. sewed.

Hensman's Handbook of the Constitution.
Fcap. 8vo. 1860. Price 4s. cloth.

ildyard on Marine Insurance.

A Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Marine Insurance. In Two Parts. 1 vol. royal 8vo. 1845. Price £1 10s. boards.

Hill's Probate Practice.

Royal 12mo. 1859. Price 8s. cloth.

ill's Treatise on the Law relating to Trustees. In royal 8vo. 1845. Price £1 6s. boards.

indmarch's Treatise on the Law relating to Patents.

Hodges' Law of Railways.

The Law of Railways, Railway Companies, and Railway Investments. the Cases of Compensation, Mandamus, Injunction, and Railway Rating the Practice in Committees in Parliament on passing Railway Bills. Wi Appendix of Statutes and Precedents. By SIR WILLIAM HODGES, Chief Ju Cape of Good Hope. Third Edition. By CHARLES MANLEY SMITH, Esq.. rister-at-Law. In 8vo. Price £1 11s. 6d. cloth. 1863.

Hodgson on Appeals

Against Orders of Removal. 12mo. 1845. Price 6s. 6d. boards. Hodgson on the Rating of Railways, &c.

12mo. 1851. Price 4s. 6d. boards.

Hopkins's Handbook on Average.

8vo. 1859. Price 15s. cloth.

Horsey on Probates and Administrations.

Third Edition. 12mo. 1859.

Price 10s.

House of Lords Appeals:-viz:

Dow and CLARK's Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in
House of Lords, 1827-32. 2 vols. royal 8vo. 1830-32.

CLARK and FINNELLY'S Reports of Cases heard in the House of Lords up
Appeals and Writs of Error, 1832 to 1846. 12 vols. royal 8vo. 1834-46.
For remainder of House of Lords Reports, see page 58.

Housman's Precedents in Conveyancing.

A Selection of Precedents in Conveyancing; designed as a Handbook Forms in frequent use, with Practical Notes, including Notes on the Convey ancing Act of 1860, and the adoption of its provisions in actual practice. E FRANCIS HOUSMAN, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1861. Price 15s. cloth.

"Mr. Housman, in this moderate sized volume, has presented to the conveyancing bran of the profession an excellent selection of precedents and forms in daily use in chambe and the office.

"The manner in which the precedents and 'variations' are printed renders the use of t volume extremely easy, and we know of no work of the kind which contains within the san limited number of pages, and consequently at the same moderate price, so extensive a colle tion of forms readily applicable to the various exigencies of the draughtsman."-La Magazine and Review, August, 1861.

Hughes's Precedents in Conveyancing.

3 vols. royal 8vo. Price £4 4s. cloth.

Hunter's Law of Landlord and Tenant in Scotland Third Edition. Royal 8vo. 1861. Price 42s. cloth.

Hunter's Suit in Equity.

An Elementary View of the Proceedings in a Suit in Equity, with an Appendix of Forms. By S. J. HUNTER, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1862. Second Edition. Price 8s. cloth.

Hunter's Property Amendment and Relief of Trustees


1860. 12mo. Price 5s. 6d. boards.

Ibbotson's Legal Prompter, or Statute Indicator.

12mo. 1860. Price 5s. cloth.

Ince's Trustee Acts, 1850 and 1852.

A Systematic Arrangement of the Trustee Act, 1850, and the Extension Act of 1852, with references to other enactments having relation to the same subject-matter, and with Practical Notes, and the Cases to the present time. And an Appendix containing the above Acts. By HENRY BRET INCE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Second Edition. 12mo. 1858. Price 5s. cloth.

"Mr. Ince possesses the valuable faculty of clear arrangement, and the great advantage of a terse and lucid style; he has done his work well, exceedingly well, and his book, which is small in bulk and moderate in price, may safely be recommended as a most useful compendium on the important subject to which it relates."-Daily News, 27th Jan., 1858, Inclosure Acts.—See ACTS OF PARLIAMENT.

Income Tax Table.

Table of Income and Property Tax payable from 1842 to 1861. On sheet, 6d.; or cloth, 1s.

Inderwick on Divorce.

The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Acts, with the Rules and Orders, Notes and Forms. By F. A. INDERWICK, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1862. Price 6s. cloth.

Jarman's Chancery Practice.

THE NEW PRACTICE OF THE HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY, relative to the conduct of Suits, by Bill, Claim, or original Summons, and to Proceedings in the Judge's Chambers and Master's Offices; including Forms of Costs and numerous other Forms, the Practice relating to Special Cases, the several Acts concerning Trustees and Charitable Trusts, and the Indemnity of Executors and Administrators; with the Orders and Decisions of the Court thereunder, and a copious Index. By HENRY JARMAN. Third Edition. In 12mo. 1864. Price

24s. cloth.

arman on Wills.

The Third Edition. By WOLSTENHOLME and VINCENT. 1861. Price £3 3s. cloth.

emmett's (C. E.) Bankruptcy Act, 1861.

12mo. Price 10s. 6d. cloth.

vols. Royal 8vo.

emmett's (C. E.) Law of Property Act, 1860.

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ervis's Practical Treatise on the Office and Duties of Coroners.

With Forms and Precedents. By JOHN JERVIS, Esq. (late Lord Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas). Second Edition. By W. N. WELSBY, Esq., Barrister-at-law, Recorder of Chester. In 12mo. 1854. Price 10s. 6d. boards.

ervis's Acts,

Regulating the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions. By W. C. GLEN, Esq. 2nd Edition. 1861. Price 8s. cloth.

astinian's Institutes.-See COLQUHOUN, CUMIN, and SANDARS.

eane's Nuisances Removal Acts.

Fourth Edition. 12mo. 1860. Price 3s. 6d. boards.

err's Action at Law.

Third Edition, 1861. Price 13s. cloth.

Langley's Trustees and M 12mo. 1862. Price 7s. 6d. cloth.

Law's Church Building Acts.


The Acts for Promoting the Building and Endowing of Churches and C in populous parishes and places, and for forming new parishes and dis Fourth Edition. By JAMES THOMAS LAW, A.M., Chancellor of the Dio Lichfield. 8vo. 1858. Price 9s.

Law on the Office of Churchwardens, &c.

Lectures on the Office and Duties of Churchwardens, Chapel wardens Sidesmen, Parish Clerks, and Sextons, delivered to the Students of the T gical College, Lichfield. By JAMES THOMAS LAW, M.A., Chancellor of the Di of Lichfield. 8vo. 1861. Price 3s.

Law's Ecclesiastical Lectures.

Lectures on the Ecclesiastical Law of England. Delivered to the Studer the Theological College, Lichfield. By JAMES THOMAS LAW, M.A., Chand of the Diocese of Lichfield. 8vo. 1861. Price 18. sewed.

The Lawyer's Companion and Diary. (Published Annual Vide page 26.

Leeming and Cross's Quarter Sessions' Practice.

The General and Quarter Sessions of the Peace: their Jurisdiction Practice in other than Criminal matters. By HENRY LEEMING and RICH ASSHETON CROSs, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. 8vo. 1858. Price 16s. cloth.

Le Riche's Book of Costs in the Common Law an Divorce Courts.

Royal 12mo. 1860. Price 5s. cloth.

It may be stated, that most of the Bills have been drawn from such as h actually been taxed by the Masters; and, consequently, such supervision m insure advantages which Bills that have not been taxed (however well drav cannot possess.

Leapingwell's Manual of Roman Civil Law.

8vo. 1859. Price 12s. cloth.

The Legal Examiner.

Edited by C. H. ANDERSON, Esq., Solicitor, and Senior Prizeman of the Inc porated Law Society. Published every Term. Price 6d. per Number.

A principal object of the "Legal Examiner" is to draw attention to t present deficient Legal Education of Solicitors; and in the Hilary Term numb will appear a new and original scheme, founded on the soundest principles Education, which is intended to supply the present wants of the Profession.

"The main object of this publication is to supply short and intelligible answers to t questions put to Candidates for admission at the Law Institution. The Editor says that t Student ought to be able to refer to the published answers, not only for sound law, b also as models for his guidance when under examination.' Articled Clerks who are prepa ing for examination will be glad to know the kind and manner of answers which will fir favour in the eyes of their Examiners, and a Prizeman ought to be a good Judge on th subject. This little periodical does work of this kind as well as it can be done. The answe are written with evident care, and with an eye to save from error as well as to communica knowledge; and if Articled Clerks must have a prophet and a guide of this kind, the cannot do better than attach themselves to the Editor of 'The Legal Examiner.'”—Solic

Levi's International Commercial Law-Second Edition.

Being the Principles of Mercantile Law of the following and other Countries -viz.: England, Scotland, Ireland, British India, British Colonies, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hans Towns, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, Würtemburg. By LEONE LEVI, Esq., F.S.A., F.S.S., of Lincoln's-inn, Barrister-at-Law, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Commerce at King's College, London, &c. In 2 vols. royal 8vo. 35s. cloth lettered.


1864. Price



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Fourth Edition. In 1 vol. royal 8vo. 1861. Price £1 11s. 6d. cloth. Lewis's Principles of Conveyancing, with Precedents.

8vo. 1863. Price 18s. cloth.

ewis's Bankruptcy Manual.

12mo. 1861. Price 1s. 6d. cloth.

indley's Law of Partnership.

Two vols. royal 8vo. With Supplement. 1863. Price £3 3s. cloth.
**The Supplement may be had separately, price 16s. cloth.

ittleton's Tenures.

Littleton's Tenures in English. A New Edition, corrected. Handsomely printed in a very small pocket volume. 1845. Price 6s. boards.

loyd's County Court Practice-Seventh Edition.

The Law and Practice of the County Courts, with the Statutes, Rules, Instructions, Forms, and all the Cases decided up to the Present Time. Seventh Edition. By MORGAN LLOYD, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 1 vol. 12mo. 1857. Price £1 1s. cloth.

ocal Acts-See Acts of Parliament.

primer's Handbook of the Law of Scotland.
Second Edition. 12mo. 1862. Price 7s. 6d. cloth.
umley on Parochial Assessments.
12mo. Fifth Edition. 1863. Price 6s. 6d.

mley's New Sanitary Laws.

Namely, the Public Health Acts, 1848 and 1858, and the Local Government

Act 1858 By W G Lavier Pa

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