A Supplement to the Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act, (19 & 20 Vict. c. 120,) containing the Amending Act, 21 & 22 Vict. c. 77, and additional notes. By M. I. FORTESCUE BRICKDALE, of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. Price 2s. 6d. sewed. Bright's Law of Husband and Wife. A Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife, as respects Property. Partly founded upon ROPER'S Treatise, and comprising JACOB's Notes and Additions thereto. 2 vols. royal 8vo. 1849. £1 10s. boards. Bristowe's Private Bill Legislation. 12mo. 1859. Price 6s. cloth. Brooke's Treatise on the Office and Practice of a Notary. Third Edition. (Preparing for Publication.) Broom's Commentaries on the Common Law. Second Edition. 8vo. 1861. Price £1 11s. 6d. cloth. Broom's County Court Practice. Broom's Legal Maxims. 8vo. Fourth Edition. (In the Press.) Brown's Railway Traffic Acts. 12mo. 1859. Price 5s. cloth. Browne and Green's Practice of the Divorce Court 12mo. 1858. Price 2s. 6d. sewed. Browning's Divorce Court Practice. Bruce's (W. D.) Land Transfer Act. An Act to facilitate the proof of Title to, and the Conveyance of, Real Esta (25 & 26 Vict. c. 53), with the Rules and Orders made in pursuance thereof, a "The Declaration of Titles Act, 1862," 25 & 26 Vict. c. 53; also an introdu tory chapter, notes to each section of the Acts, reference to leading cases beari on any important point, Table of Costs, &c. With an Index to the whole wor forming an alphabetical analysis of the Acts and Orders. By W. DOWNI BRUCE, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. 8vo. 1862. Price 5s. cloth. Bullen and Leake's Precedents of Pleadings. Precedents of Pleadings in Actions in the Superior Courts of Common La with Notes. By EDWARD BULLEN, Esq., and STEPHEN MARTIN LEAKE, ES Barristers-at-Law. Second Edition. 8vo. 1863. Price 26s. cloth. Burn's Ecclesiastical Law. The Ninth Edition, with considerable Additions. By Dr. R. PHILLINO 4 vols. 8vo. 1842. Price £3 16s. boards. The Thirtieth Edition, in 5 Vols., entirely remodelled and brought down to the present time. ***The last edition of Burn's Justice was published in 1844, to which was added a Supplement by Mr. Wise, continuing the law to 1852. Since that period no attempt of any magnitude has been made to reconstruct and properly arrange, with all the important alterations, the vast mass of law interesting to the Magistrate and the Parish Officer. The Publishers are at last happy to announce the active preparation of an entirely new Edition, reduced, by the omission of obsolete matter, to five volumes, and carefully brought down to the time of publication, under the able superintendence of W. N. WELSBY, Esq., Barristerat-Law, and Recorder of Chester, assisted by several gentlemen of experience, whose names will be found ante, p. xiv. Further particulars will be announced in future advertisements. rton on Real Property.-Eighth Edition. An Elementary Compendium of the Law of Real Property. By W. H. BURTON, Esq. With Notes, showing the Alterations in the Law to the present time; to which is now prefixed an INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER, giving a concise historical outline of such parts of the Law as have been the subject of statutory alteration. By EDWARD PRIESTLEY COOPER, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 8vo. 1856. Price £1 4s. cloth. steed on Trades' Unions : Combinations and Strikes. 8vo. 1860. Price 18. sewed. les's Law of Bills of Exchange. Eighth Edition. In 1 vol. 8vo. 1862. Price 22s. cloth. vrne's Handy Book of Divorce Law. 12mo. 1860. Price 2s. 6d. cloth. vrne's Handy Book of Patent Law. 12mo. 1860. Price 2s. 6d. cloth. ythewood's and Jarman's Conveyancing.-By Sweet. A Selection of Precedents from modern Manuscript Collections and Drafts of actual Practice, forming a System of Conveyancing; with Dissertations and Practical Notes. By the late W. M. BYTHEWOOD, Esq., continued and completed by THOMAS JARMAN, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. The Third Edition, very considerably enlarged by GEORGE SWEET, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Royal 8vo. Vols. I to VII., Vol. IX., and Vol. XI. Price £12 2s. boards. Vol. VIII., part 1, by W. STOKES, Esq. Price 8s. boards. abinet Lawyer. Nineteenth Edition. 1862. Price 10s. 6d. cloth. arpmael's Law of Patents. Sixth Edition. 1860. The Law of Patents for Inventions familiarly explained for the Use of Inventors and Patentees. By WILLIAM CARPMAEL, Esq., Member of the Hon. Soc. of Lincoln's Inn, the Institution of Civil Engineers, &c. 8vo. Price 2s. 6d. cloth. astle on Union Assessment. hadwick's Probate Court Manual. Administration Bonds. Royal 8vo. 1861. Price 12s. cloth. A Collection of Statutes affecting New South Wales, containing all the Statu of practical utility to the present time. Edited by HENRY CARY, District Co Judge. Complete in two volumes, containing a general Index to the wh work. 1861. Price £8 8s. "It embraces not only the whole of the local enactments, but also those Acts of Imperial Government which bear upon the colony, and which (adopted by colonial declarat Acts) the magistracy are almost daily called upon to administer." Chancery Orders, Consolidated. (By Authority.) The Consolidated General Orders of the High Court of Chancery, wi Regulations as to certain Fees and Charges. Royal 8vo. 1860. Price 7s. 6 cloth. Chancery Orders. (By Authority.) Published subsequent to the above, viz. : PRINTED ANSWERS AND SOLICITORS' FEES. Price 3d. 6th March, 186 REGULATIONS OF THE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE. 15th March, 186 PETITIONS, SUMMONSES, &c., UNDER THE LAW OF PROPERT TRANSFER OF CAUSES FROM THE MASTER'S OFFICE. 23rd Aug INVESTMENTS. 1st Feb., 1861. Price 3d. EXAMINING WITNESSES AND TAKING EVIDENCE. 5th Feb., 1861. BILL OF COMPLAINT. 13th July, 1861. Price 3d. ACCOUNTANT GENERAL-AS TO HALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND. 16t] ORAL EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES-FEE PAYABLE. 1st January PETITION OF RIGHT. 1st February, 1862. Price 6d. PRINTED AFFIDAVITS AND DEPOSITIONS. 16th May, 1862. Price 60 CERTIFICATES OF FUNDS SIGNED BY CHIEF CLERK. 12th February Chappell and Shoard's Copyright. 12mo. 1863. Price 5s. cloth. Chitty's Equity Index. Chitty's Index to all the Reported Cases, and Statutes, in or relating to th Principles, Pleading, and Practice of Equity and Bankruptcy, in the severa Courts of Equity in England and Ireland, the Privy Council, and the House o Lords, from the earliest period. Third Edition. By J. MACAULAY, Esq., Ba rister-at-Law. In 4 thick volumes, royal 8vo. 1853. Price £7 7s. cloth. Chitty's Forms of Practical Proceedings In the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas 1862. With Notes and Observations thereon. A New and Enlarged Edition (the Ninth). BY THOS. CHITTY, Esq. In royal 12mo. Price £1 11s. 6d. A Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques on Bankers, Bankers' Cash Notes, and Bank Notes; with References to the Law of Scotland, France, and America. The Tenth Edition. By JOHN A. RUSSELL, LL.B., and DAVID MACLACHLAN, M.A., Barristers-at-Law. In royal 8vo. 1859. Price £1 8s. cloth. "Notwithstanding the valuable treatises on the same subject with which it has had to compete, it still retains its place as the most useful practical work we possess, on that important branch of the law of which it treats. "As the latest treatise on the subject to which it relates, the present edition will be of great service to the practitioner, while the eminently practical character of the work, and its full and accurate exposition of every point of law connected with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, will render it in all respects a safe and useful guide."-Solicitors' Journal, 28th May, 1859. hitty's Collection of Statutes. New Edition. A Collection of Statutes of Practical Utility; with Notes thereon; intended as a Circuit and Court Companion. The Third Edition, containing all the Statutes of Practical Utility in the Civil and Criminal Administration of Justice to the Present Time. By W. N. WELSBY and EDWARD BEAVAN, Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. In 4 very thick vols. royal 8vo. 1864. (A New Edition, just ready.) The ANNUAL SUPPLEMENTS to the Second Edition, arranged on the same plan, containing the Statutes of 1854, 9s. 6d.; 1855, 9s. 6d.; 1856, 6s.; and 1857, 10s. 6d.; or the four years in 1 vol. cloth, price £1 16s. 6d. ; and the Statutes for 1858, price 6s.; 1859, 4s.; 1860, price 9s.; 1861, price 12s.; 1862, price 11s.; and 1863, price 18s.; by E. BEAVAN and W. T. PARKINS, Esqrs., are published. (To be continued shortly after the close of each Session.) hitty's (Jun.) Law of Contracts not under Seal. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal, and upon the usual Defences to Actions thereon. By JOSEPH CHITTY, jun., Esq. The Seventh Edition. By JOHN A. RUSSELL, LL.B., Barrister-at-Law. In 1 vol. royal 8vo. 1863. Price £1 12s. cloth. hitty and Temple's Law of Carriers. 1 vol. 8vo. 1856. Price 18s. boards. hristie's Concise Precedents of Wills. Second Edition. 12mo. 1857. Price 15s. cloth. lark's Colonial Law. A Summary of Colonial Law, and Practice of Appeals from the Plantations. 8vo. 1834. Price £1 4s. boards. obb on the Law of Negro Slavery. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1858. Price £1 5s. sheep. ole's (R.) Oaths in Common Law. 1859. By ROBERT COLE, Solicitor. Foolscap 8vo. Price 2s. cloth. "This is a useful little work, particularly to Commissioners appointed under the Statute 22 Vict. c. 16. It contains the forms of Oaths and Affirmations to be administered in special and other cases, and the Forms and Recognisances of Bail in Error, to which are appended Explanatory Notes and Observations by Mr. COLE, which will be found of practical utility." -Solicitors' Journal, 15th Oct. 1859. Cole's (W. R.) Law and Practice in Ejectment. By W. R. COLE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In royal 12mo. 1856. Price £1 10s. cloth. Cole (W. R.) on Criminal Informations and Quo Warranto. By W. R. COLE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. 1843. Price 12s. boards. Coleman's Chancery Costs. Bills of Costs in Chancery of Plaintiff and Defendant: also, Costs on Administration Summons at Chambers, Claim, and other Proceedings, in conformity with recent Orders; together with the Scale of Fees and Charges under the Order of 30th January, 1857. By E. COLEMAN. Second Edition. In royal 12mo. 7s. 6d. cloth. Collier on Mines. A Treatise on the Law relating to Mines; including the latest cases reported July, 1855, and the New Stannary Act, 1855. By R. P. COLLIER, Esq., M.P., Barrister-at-Law. 1 vol. 12mo. 1855. Price 4s. boards. Collier's Railway, &c., Clauses Consolidation Acts. The Railway Clauses, Companies Clauses, and Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts, with Notes, &c. &c. Second Edition. By H. MACNAMARA, Esq. In 12mo. 1847. Price 14s. boards. Collyer on the Law of Partnership. Including Joint-stock and other Companies. The Third Edition, materially altered. (In the Press.) Colquhoun's Roman Civil Law. A Summary of the Roman Civil Law, illustrated by Commentaries on, and Parallels from, the Mosaic, Canon, Mohammedan, English and Foreign Law By SIR PATRICK MAC CHOMBAICH DE COLQUHOUN, LL.D., a Judge of the Suprem Court, Ionian Islands. 4 vols. royal 8vo. Price £4 4s. boards. The Fourth Volume (completing the work) contains a Map, showing the exter of the Roman Empire at the several most important eras of the Roman Legi lation and Jurisprudence, together with two Appendices, containing severally t Sixteenth and Seventeenth Titles of the Fiftieth Book of the Pandects, 1 Verborum Significatione and De Regulis Juris, and a General Index to t whole Work may be had separately, price 7s. 6d. Common Pleas Digest.-See ante, p. xv. Cooke on Inclosures. 1864. The Acts for facilitating the Inclosure of Commons in England and Wa with a Treatise on the Law of Rights of Commons, in reference to these A &c., &c. With Forms as settled by the Inclosure Commissioners. By WINGROVE COOKE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Fourth Edition. (Preparing Publication.) Cooke on Copyhold Enfranchisement. 1864. With the Forms authorised by the Copyhold Commission, and all the Stat By G. WINGROVE COOKE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition. By FRA |