Just published, in 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, price £1 15s., INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW. BEING THE PRINCIPLES OF MERCANTILE LAW OF THE FOLLOWING AND OTHER COUNTRIES, VIZ.: ENGLAND, AUSTRIA. BELGIUM. BUENOS AYRES. DENMARK. SCOTLAND, IRELAND, BRITISH INDIA, BRITISH COLONIES, BY LEONE LEVI, ESQ., F.S.A., F.S.S., OF LINCOLN'S INN, BARRISTER-AT-LAW; PROFESSOR OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF COMMERCE IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON; DOCTOR OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, TUBINGEN; ETC., ETC., ETC. SECOND EDITION. "MR. LEVI'S scheme in this very valuable work, to which he has devoted a laboriou life, is original, but it commends itself at once to the judgment as the right metho for the treatment of so large a theme. The fundamental principles of commercia law are the same everywhere and at all times. As they were recognised by the civ law, so they are the foundation of our own law and of the commercial codes of a civilised peoples. "Having described these universally acknowledged principles of the law merchan Mr. Levi proceeds to examine the rules that have been superadded to them in differe countries, and to bring them in their turn into mutual contact, and thus to indica precisely, not only where they differ from the general principle, but also in wh particulars they differ from one another, and this with the double purpose of infor ing the reader what the actual law is in each country, as also in what manner th law is capable of improvement. Looking at the enormous extent of our commer which embraces every country on the face of the earth, the great importance to t merchant, and to the lawyer whom he consults for advice and aid in difficulty, of knowledge of the commercial law of those countries will be recognised at a glan Mr. Levi's plan is to devote a distinct chapter to each of the most important branc of mercantile law, and to give in succession the law of the various states in relat to it, pointing out the divergencies of each from our own law and from the law other states. In this manner he treats of Partnership, Joint-stock Companies, P cipal and Agent, Hiring and Service, Contracts, Bills of Exchange, Cheques, Ba ing, Bank-notes, Guarantees, Negotiable Instruments, Patents, Copyright, Tra marks, Shipping, Affreightment, Carriers, Marine Insurance, General Average, I and Life Assurance, Bankruptcy, Remedy for Recovery of Debts, Arbitration, Courts for Administration of Commercial Law. Such a range of practical subj must recommend this work, in its improved form in this second edition, to ev lawyer whose business lies among a community carrying on foreign trade of any k It is the only English book dealing with the subject so fully, so carefully, an practically Law Times Jan 23 1864. PRIDEAUX'S PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING; Dissertations ON ITS LAW AND PRACTICE. FOURTH EDITION BY FREDERICK PRIDEAUX, AND JOHN WHITCOMBE, BOTH OF LINCOLN'S INN, ESQRS., BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. Six years have elapsed since the publication of the Third Edition of this Work. Several Statutes affecting the law and practice of Conveyancing have been passed in the interval, and are discussed in the Dissertations of the present Edition. These Dissertations have been considerably amplified, and upwards of eight hundred and fifty additional cases are cited. The number of Precedents also has been greatly increased, and care has been taken to render all of them (now amounting to three hundred and eighty-eight) as simple, comprehensive, and practically useful as possible. A 2 Smith's (John W.) Action at Law. 1863. An Elementary View of the Proceedings of an Action at Law. By JOHN WILLIAM SMITH, Esq., Author of "Leading Cases," "A Compendium of Mercantile Law," &c., &c. Eighth Edition, adapted to the present Practice. By SAMUEL PRENTICE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Editor of "Chitty's Archbold's Practice." In 12mo. 1863. Price 12s. cloth. Chitty's Archbold's Practice.-Eleventh Edition. 1862. Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench in Personal Actions and Ejectment. By THOMAS CHITTY, Esq. Including the Practice of the Courts of the Common Pleas and Exchequer. The Eleventh Edition. By SAMUEL PRENTICE, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In 2 vols. royal 12mo. Price £2 12s. 6d. cloth. Chitty's Forms.-Ninth Edition. 1862. Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas. With Notes and Observations thereon. Ninth Edition. By THOMAS CHITTY, Esq. In royal 12mo. Price £1 11s. 6d. cloth. Shelford's Law of Highways. 1862. The Law of Highways; including the General Highway Acts for Englan and Wales, and other Statutes, with copious Notes of the Decisions thereon with Forms. The Third Edition, corrected and enlarged. BY LEONARD SHEI FORD, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 1 vol. 12mo. Price 13s. cloth Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. 1862. Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. Sixth Editio with considerable Additions. By W. MARKBY, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. In roy 12mo. Price 30s. cloth. Thring's Companies Act. 1862. A Supplement to (forming Vol. II. of) the Law and Practice of Joint-Sto Companies containing the Companies Act, 1862; the Industrial and ProvidSocieties Act, 1862; and the Rules of the Court of Chancery for regulating Mode of Proceeding under the Companies Act, 1862. With an Introducti Practical Notes, and Forms. By HENRY THRING, M.A., of the Inner Tem Barrister-at-Law. 12mo. Price 7s. 6d. cloth. Thring's Law of Joint-Stock Companies. The Law and Practice of Joint-Stock Companies; including the Statutes 1860 and 1862, with Notes, and the Forms required in making, administer and winding-up a Company. By HENRY THRING, Esq., Barrister-at-I Parliamentary Counsel to the Home Office. In 2 vols. 12mo. Price 18s. c Roscoe's Nisi Prius Evidence. 1861. Roscoe's Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi P Tenth Edition. Revised and enlarged by EDWARD SMIRKE, Esq., Barrister-at1 vol. thick royal 12mo. Price 31s. 6d. cloth. Morgan's Chancery Acts and Orders.-Third Editi 1862. The Statutes, General Orders, and Regulations relating to the Pra Pleading, and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery; with copious Notes taining a Summary of every reported Decision thereon. By GEORGE OS MORGAN, M.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Third Edition, consid enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. Price 28s. "No labour has been spared to make the work as complete and accurate as possible. With its elaborate index and marginal references, it is impossible to over-estimate its value as a manual of general practice."-LAW MAGAZINE, May, 1862. "As to the particular merits of Mr. Morgan's book, we have already on former occasions expressed ourselves so fully that it is needless for us now to add anything further. We need only say that the new edition exhibits the same industry in the collection of cases, and the same accuracy in shortly expressing the points decided, as characterised the two former editions; and in reference to the distinction to which we have alluded, although Mr. Morgan retains the title and general scheme of his original work, he has made numerous additions connecting it with the earlier practice of the Court, which greatly increase its value as a general guide to Chancery procedure."-Solicitors' Journal, April 19th, 1862. 'ulling's Law of Attorneys, Notaries, &c. 1862. A Summary of the Law and Practice Relating to Attorneys, General and Special, Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors, Notaries, Proctors, Conveyancers, Scriveners Land Agents, House Agents, &c., and the Offices and Appointments usually held by them. Their several Qualifications and legitimate Province, Rights, Duties, Privileges, Exemptions, Disabilities, and Liabilities in the general Practice of the Law, in Legal Proceedings, in Legal Negotiations, and Legal Formalities. And the Law of Costs as between Party and Party and Attorney and Client. By ALEXANDER PULLING, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-atLaw. Third Edition. In 8vo. 1862. Price 18s. cloth. "He has industriously collected a considerable number of cases interesting to solicitors which are not to be found collected in any other work, and his book contains a great deal of miscellaneous information which cannot be found elsewhere."-Solicitors' Journal. "This is somewhat more than a new edition: it is a new work. Mr. Pulling has reconstructed the entire of his treatise on a new and much more convenient plan, introducing many subjects not before touched upon, and re-writing those parts which had been modified by recent legislation and decisions. It is a laborious work, a careful work, the work of a lawyer, and, beyond comparison, the best that has ever been produced upon its subject. Indeed, it is now the only book on the Law of the Profession that could be read or referred to with confidence, for it is the only one that has appeared since the great and valuable changes made by the recent statute. Two editions had already attested in the most unquestionable form the approval with which the Profession has received this work, and if the solicitors have been so well pleased with the former editions, they cannot but be still more satisfied with this one."-Law Times, April 12th, 1862. Smith's (Josiah W.) Compendium of the Law of Real and Personal Property. Connected with CONVEYANCING, designed as a comprehensive and concise Textbook for Students and Practitioners. By JOSIAH WILLIAM SMITH, B.C.L., Esq., one of Her Majesty's Counsel. Second Edition. In 1 thick vol. 8vo. 1859. Price £1 10s. cloth. ** In this Edition are incorporated the principal points in a course of Lectures before the Incorporated Law Society. NOTICES OF THE FIRST EDITION. "We must say that he has performed the task of selecting and arranging with discretion refresher to the memory, "It will be seen from this outline that the work is extremely well planned; the topics "Of the manner in which Mr. Smith has acquitted himself of the task of supplying the deficiency he points out, we have great satisfaction in being able to speak in terms of the highest praise. The work before us has evidently been compiled with the most conscientious care; we have taken some trouble to test its contents, and can vouch for its merits in point of scrupulous accuracy."-The Examination of Articled Clerks, February, 1856. *Smith's (Josiah W.) Manual of Equity Jurisprudence. 1864. A Manual of Equity Jurisprudence, founded on "Story's Commentaries" an "Spence's Equitable Jurisdiction," and comprising in a small compass the Pointd of Equity usually occurring in Chancery and Conveyancing, and in the general Practice of a Solicitor. By JOSIAH W. SMITH, B. C.L., Esq., one of Her Majesty's Counsel. Seventh Edition. In 12mo. 1864. Price 12s. cloth. "The design and plan of all Mr. J. W. Smith's manuals are excellent. They are complete summaries of the several branches to which they relate. They give the marrow and pith without the mere modifications-principles and rules with some illustrations, but without attempting details. Works of this kind are of great value to a beginner; and when they also contain a careful selection of the most modern decisions, which serve at once to illustrate the propositions contained in the text, and to supply a repertory of the case law referring to them severally-as this work does in a very complete manner-they are quite as useful to persons engaged in actual practice."-Solicitors' Journal, January 2nd, 1864. "To sum up all in a word, for the use both of the student and of the jurisconsult, the manual is the nearest approach to an Equity Code that the present literature of the law is able to furnish."-Law Times, January 16th, 1864. Smith's (Josiah W.) Manual of Common Law and Bankruptcy. A Manual of Common Law and Bankruptcy, founded on various Text-books and recent Statutes, and designed as a Companion to Smith's Manual of Equity. BY JOSIAH W. SMITH, B.C.L., one of Her Majesty's Counsel; Editor of Mit ford's "Chancery Pleadings," and Fearne's "Contingent Remainders;" Author of "A Compendium of the Law of Real and Personal Property," and "A Manua of Equity;" and one of the Consolidators of the Chancery Orders. In 1 vol 12mo. 1862. Price 11s. 6d. cloth. "The Manual of Common Law and Bankruptcy' is peculiarly suitable for the carefu study of law students. Practising lawyers will find the book a valuable vad mecum."-Solicitors' Journal. Addison on Contracts.-Fifth Edition. 1862. BOOKS OF COSTS. Costs in Chancery. Of Plaintiff and Defendant, together with the Statutes, Cases, and Ord relating thereto. By GEORGE OSBORNE MORGAN, and HORACE DAVEY, Esq of Lincoln's Inn, Barristers-at-Law. (In the Press.) Costs in the Common Law, Probate, and Divorce Cour BY E. W. LE RICHE. In royal 12mo. Price 5s. cloth. It may be stated, that most of the Bills have been drawn from such as h actually been taxed by the Masters; and, consequently, such supervision m insure advantages which Bills that have not been taxed (however well dra cannot possess. |