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Mr. ANDREWS. Are there any questions, Mr. Langen, on the general

statement of the Architect?


Mr. LANGEN. Just one or two, Mr. Chairman.

I think we have had a pretty good explanation of the special items that make up the increases here. I would raise a question regarding the remodeling of the Longworth Building. I see other work related to or necessitated by such remodeling. What is all included in that $6,975,000?

Mr. HENLOCK. It includes, in addition to the Longworth Building remodeling, the remodeling of the Congressional Hotel to provide quarters during the remodeling of the Longworth Building. I do not know if you want any detail on that at this point, but we have a breakdown of costs later in our justifications.

Mr. LANGEN. We will get into the details of this at a later date. Mr. HENLOCK. The direct remodeling of the Longworth Building, itself, is estimated at $5,602,300; remodeling of the Congressional Hotel, $843,800; construction of a pedestrian tunnel to connect the Cannon Building with the hotel, $196,000; $83,000 for improvements to the parking lot in the rear of the hotel. $34,500 for locker room space in the Longworth Building for the Capitol Police; and $347,300 for work in the Rayburn Building on the third floor to accommodate committees that we could not accommodate in the Longworth Building; $183,100 for work in the Cannon Building, due primarily to the fact that the Clerk has electronic computer equipment in the Rayburn Building on the fourth floor that would have to be moved. to the Cannon Building. We discussed that item once before with your committee. We have to move the Clerk's furniture from storage in the Rayburn Building, from space we have to remodel for committee use, to space in the subbasement area of the Longworth Building which must be excavated and developed for storage of furniture and also have to construct a mezzanine floor in storage space in the basement of the Cannon Building in which the Clerk may store part of the furniture now stored in the Rayburn Building.

Mr. LANGEN. I gather from your answer that the remodeling project you have in mind here on the Longworth Building is comparable to the project that we had discussed toward the end of last year, I believe, rather briefly, in that it did involve the Congressional Hotel, some tunnels, and the like?

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes, sir.

Mr. LANGEN. It was a pretty extensive remodeling project, including half of the two sides of the Longworth Building?

Mr. CAMPIOLI. In three phases.

Mr. LANGEN. That is all, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Yates, any questions on the general statement?


Mr. YATES. I wonder whether this is the place to ask about the standing of the west central front?

Mr. ANDREWs. We will get to that later.

Mr. YATES. It is still standing?

Mr. STEWART. Yes; it is.

Mr. YATES. Being buttressed additionally?

Mr. STEWART. Yes, sir.

Mr. Roof. We have a statement on that item.

Mr. ANDREWS. We will get to that later.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. ANDREWS. Take up the first item of appropriations, "Salaries, Office of the Architect," for which you are requesting for 1969 the sum of $744,000, an increase, after counting in your anticipated pay supplement, of some $39,000 over 1968. Is that correct?

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. We will insert pages 8 through 12 of these justification sheets.

(The pages follow:)

1968 appropriation in annual act. Wage-board pay supplemental__.

Civilian Pay Act increases authorized by Public Law 90-206___.

Total appropriations, 1968---


Wage rate increases authorized by Public Law 763, 83d Congress, for wage board employees--‒‒

[blocks in formation]

Within-grade salary advancements and other changes authorized by
the Classification Act of 1949, as amended___
Increased pay costs due to Public Law 90-206 Federal Salary Act of
1967, approved Dec. 16, 1967----

Increases authorized by this act went into effect Oct. 8, 1967. The cost for the fiscal year 1968 amounts to $22,500 and has been included in the supplemental pay estimates for 1968. The additional cost of $9,500 for 3 additional months in 1969 is required in order to cover the increased pay costs authorized by Public Law 90-206 on a full year basis. Overtime and holiday pay allotment, increased from $60,370 to $60,900_ This allotment is adjusted to conform to increased costs resulting from base pay increases.

Pay above the stated annual rate allotment (increase).

Normally, it is necessary to provide, annually, for 1 additional day's pay above the regular 260-basic workdays per year, since usually the extra day's pay falls on basic workday (Monday to Friday). This allotment is determined by deducting 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays from the total of 365 calendar days in a normal year. Last year (leap year), one additional day fell on a Saturday and the other on a Sunday, resulting in the elimination of the need for this allotment for 1968. For 1969, the additional day falls on a basic workday, necessitating the need for restoration of this allotment for 1969.

Two additional positions :

1 GS-11 administrative assistant at $9,655 per annum. 1 GS-4 clerk-typist at $4,995 per annum.

These are the only two additional positions we have asked for under all of our appropriations for 1969. In view of present demands upon the budget, we are withdrawing our request for the clerktypist position and deferring this request for this year. We do, however, ask that the administrative assistant position be allowed, based on the following considerations:

GS-11 administrative assistant

Since 1956 our administrative officer, Mr. Henlock, has had to operate his unit with two employees-one a GS-14 budget assistant and the other a GS-9 secretarial assistant. Despite the growth in our organization and personnel structure during the past 12 years, resulting from additional buildings and activities, no additional personnel has been requested or provided for the administrative officer since 1956. A heavy load is carried by this unit and it constitutes a major constituent of the organization.

In the past several years, the only way this unit has been able to keep abreast of the workload has been by drawing on help, when




14, 650

Two additional positions-Continued

and as it could be provided, by use of the services of the assistant to the executive assistant and this occurred to such an extent that it is imposing an undue strain on the conduct of the activities of the executive assistant who also carries a heavy load.

In the interest of good organization and sound administration, this situation should not be allowed to continue, but should be remedied by providing the administrative officer with the added assistance now requested.

One of the major responsibilities of this unit is the preparation of the annual budget and the justifications and committee hearings for annual, supplemental, and deficiency appropriations and expenditures by the Architect, determination of the method of presentation, contents, data to be included, and evaluation of materials to be used; also, assisting the Architect in planning the annual estimates of appropriations for the buildings and projects under his supervision, conferring with architects, engineers, superintendents, and other officers to determine the need for various items and improvements. Budget and hearing operations have now become a year-around activity and entail collaboration on details with committee staffs and the Budget Bureau.

The administrative officer has been with the Office of the Architect since 1929 and has served in an administrative capacity since 1931. He acts as chief adviser to the Architect in matters of administration involving the application of laws and precedents, rules, and regulations affecting the activities and functions of the Architect; develops, analyzes and evaluates facts and statistics, particularly where an overall background knowledge of the organization is concerned; confers and advises on the propriety of proposed actions; reviews and collaborates in the work of others where questions of fact or conformity to laws, rules, regulations, sound procedures and precedents are concerned; prepares information and reports for committees and commissions, also directives implementing actions taken by them at meetings; collaborates in the preparation and submission of cases to the Comptroller General requiring his advice and opinion; acts as representative of the Architect with other officers and officials of the Government in matters and programs for which the administrative officer is responsible.

The administrative officer also assists the Architect in determining the need for legislation and changes in existing legislation affecting the activities and functions of the Architect, and is responsible for the drafting of any legislation and supporting reports required.

In collaboration with the executive assistant, assists the Architect in organizing and putting into effect new programs or activities resulting from new or changed legislation, new policies, and reorganization.

The administrative officer attends conferences held between the Architect and committees and commissions of Congress, as well as other officials of the Government; and, in collaboration with the executive assistant, assists the Architect in formulating plans, regulations and procedures for carrying out programs, orders and decisions resulting from the same.

The administrative officer is also responsible for preparation of authorizations, appropriation requests, justifications and hearings for public works and other projects under the Architect, determining the method of presentation, contents, data to be included, and evaluation of materials to be used. Appears with the Architect before committees and commissions of Congress and testifies in justification of programs, legislation, projects, and appropriations; edits testimony, confers and collaborates with committee staff members.

When land acquisition programs are authorized by Congress, from time to time, the administrative officer directs and is responsible for the execution of such programs.

92-655-68- -14

Two additional positions-Continued

The administrative officer's unit also keeps currently informed on all pending legislation affecting the Architect's Office and maintains a complete file on such legislation, dating back to the 78th Congress.

There is much knowledge that the administrative officer has accumulated since 1929, affecting the office activities, history, and background, which it is highly desirable be reduced to writing, and, if an additional assistant is allowed for 1969, effort will be exerted to make a start on this operation.

The additional assistant requested would be gradually trained in budget and other work falling under the direction of the administrative officer and would eliminate the need for drawing upon assistance outside his unit.

Payment to employees' life insurance fund, increased from $1,770 to $2.300__

This item is required to cover the cost of Government's payment to employees' life insurance fund required by Public Law 598, 83rd Congress. The increase of $530 is due to additional costs resulting from enactment of Public Law 90-206, which provides for additional amounts of insurance for all Federal employees and establishes a new minimum insurance coverage of $10,000 for those employees whose annual basic salary is $8,000 or less. Contribution to retirement fund, increased from $38,960 to $41,200__.

This item is required to cover the cost of Government contribution to retirement fund required by Public Law 854, 84th Congress. The additional cost results from increase in basic pay rates----

Total estimate for 1969_.





Mr. ANDREWS. We ask you to run through the items. Mr. HENLOCK. Actually, Mr. Chairman, all the items of increase fall under the category of mandatory pay increases and related costs, authorized by the Federal Salary Act of 1967 and wage board increases authorized by law, with the exception of two items shown on page 9. They are for two additional positions totaling $14,650; or, putting it another way, if you deduct the cost of the new jobs from the $39,000 total increase, mandatory items come to $24,350.


We are, however, withdrawing our request of $4,995 for the clerktypist position.

Mr. ANDREWS. Withdrawing it?

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. Congratulations again.

Mr. HENLOCK. When we come down to the other position we do ask that it be given favorable consideration.

Mr. ANDREWs. The administrative assistant?

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. At $9,655 per year?

Mr. HENLOCK. Yes, sir. That is an item which affects me personally, since I am the administrative officer. Since 1956, I have operated with two employees, one a GS-14 budget assistant, Mr. Durkin, and the other a GS-9 secretarial assistant. Our overall organization has increased by 50 or 60 percent since that time, due to erection of buildings and other structures and expansion of facilities in the interim. with a resultant increase in maintenance personnel and administration requirements. We have not added to our force of three employees in

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