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Profits and losses from printing and binding operations, Government Printing Office revolving fund, fiscal year 1954 through January 31 of fiscal year 1968

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Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Harrison, let us get a few figures in the record.


Looking at the chart on page 8, the $31,200,000 appropriation requested for 1969 includes $26,400,000 for what I understand is your first effort at the cost of congressional printing and binding business that might be ordered during fiscal year 1969, is that correct?

Mr. HARRISON. That is correct, sir.


Mr. ANDREWS. And $4,800,000, according to your sheet, is to cover an estimated deficiency for fiscal year 1967, is that correct?

Mr. HARRISON. That is correct.

Mr. ANDREWS. Well, I believe your statement is that there has heretofore been appropriated for 1967 business, that is, business ordered during fiscal year 1967, the sum of $18,500,000. Is that correct? Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. That, then, would make a total available for 1967 business of $23,300,000?

Mr. HARRISON. That is right.


Mr. ANDREWS. $22 million was requested and made available in the last bill in respect to 1968 business, is that correct?

Mr. HARRISON. That is correct.

Mr. ANDREWS. Now you estimate your first estimate, or "guesstimate" we might say, for 1969 is $26,400,000. Do I deduce from these figures that your initial guess for 1968 business of $22 million is probably an understatement?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do you have any idea as to how much of an understatement?

Mr. HARRISON. Our projected need at this point is $25,388,000.

Mr. ANDREWS. Since you indicate $26,400,000 for fiscal year 1969 and fiscal year 1969 is not yet even begun, how is it you can put that figure down as the basis for a budget request but you have not updated the fiscal 1968 figure of a year ago?

Mr. HARRISON. I do not quite know, Mr. Andrews, how we could update the figure yet because the year is not over. The billing so far for 1968 has been $8,657,000. That was for the first 8 months. Our heaviest billing, of course, is the latter part of the year when Congress is in full swing.

Mr. ANDREWS. The latter part of the fiscal year?

Mr. HARRISON. The latter part of the fiscal year, yes, sir. So we will not know until this year is up what the total amount will be for 1968. It is impossible for us to tell exactly. We try to be more accurate and I think we will be but

Mr. ANDREWS. You have told us repeatedly that you have no control over the volume of your business.

Mr. HARRISON. We do not.

Mr. ANDREWS. Your business is generated by, first, the Congress; and secondly, by Government agencies. Is that correct?

Mr. HARRISON. That is right, sir.


Mr. ANDREWS. You mention in your general statement that the first session of the 90th Congress required more pages of the Congressional Record than did the last session of the 89th Congress.


Mr. HARRISON. Twenty-seven percent more.

Mr. ANDREWS. Wasn't that due primarily to the fact that the first session of the 90th Congress was in session longer than the last session of the 89th Congress?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes sir. Here is another matter which makes it difficult for us to estimate. We cannot tell at the beginning of the year how long Congress will be in session. Not only can't we tell but the Members themselves can't tell.

Mr. ANDREWS. Taking the first item in the breakdown, the Congressional Record, are there any new or unusual problems that surround the production of the Congressional Record that you think would be of interest to us since you were before us last year?

Mr. HARRISON. I do not believe there is. We are still using our same equipment. It is in good shape, thanks to our maintenance division. Mr. ANDREWS. You are using the same number of employees?

Mr. HARRISON. Approximately the same. We cannot squeeze in any more employees in the building.

Mr. ANDREWS. When Congress recesses and there is no need for a Congressional Record what do the employees do who are assigned to work on the Congressional Record?

Mr. HARRISON. Then they work on other work that comes in the plant. When Congress adjourns the committees seem to get very active with material to be printed. Everybody tries to catch up and very often the plant is flooded immediately after Congress adjourns. The income tax program hits about that time. Last year it did not. We had quite a problem last year. We printed income tax forms during the daytime and then lifted those forms and printed the Congressional Record at night. Many of our employees save their leave until Congress adjourns and then they take their leave. We have no problem. keeping our employees busy when Congress is not in session.

Mr. ANDREWS. The permanent Record has to be done then?

Mr. HARRISON. The permanent Record, that is right, and many things we hold until Congress adjourns. As you know, last year we were flooded all the year because Congress stayed in session as long as it did. We are constantly trying to find shortcuts in the Record. The Joint Committee on Printing has worked with us on a number of things that you probably recall receiving notice on this year, concerning simplification of the Record. For example, there is no longer an Appendix. It is referred to as the Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record. We hope more Members will put material in the Extensions of Remarks section of the Record rather than in the body of the Record. We are also attempting to have the committees and the Members who have tables to give them to us ahead of time so we can set them during the day.

Mr. ANDREWS. Is it cheaper to insert articles in the Appendix or in the body of the Record?

Mr. HARRISON. It enables us to get the Record out earlier. We have adopted a method of numbering the pages in the House and in the Senate separately so if one House is delayed it does not delay us in getting the pagination for the other House. Delivery after 6:30 in the morning is a late time for the Record because the post offices want

the Record in their hands at 6:30 in the morning. We are currently attempting to expedite the Record, and that is why we were able to handle this 27-percent increase last year.


Mr. ANDREWS. As to item 4 on page 10, 150 copies of Government publications supplied to the Library of Congress, is that number specified by law?


Mr. ANDREWS. What are those Government publications?

Mr. HARRISON. It includes the daily and bound editions of the Congressional Record and certain other congressional publications of which not to exceed 125 copies shall be for distribution through the Smithsonian Institution, to such Governments as may agree to send similar publications of their Governments to the United States.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do you know whether or not there has ever been a question raised as to whether that number is too high if it was set. a number of years ago?

Mr. HARRISON. No. It seems to me the Library has asked us to increase within the 150. They don't get the full 150 on some publications. The limit is 150.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do they get 150 copies of each government publication?

Mr. HARRISON. Not automatically. There is a distribution that is controlled by the Joint Committee on Printing. Very few get 150 copies.


Mr. ANDREWS. Referring to items 11 and 12 on page 8 of your breakdown, covering the Federal Register, U.S. Government Organization Manual, Public Papers of Presidents, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and Supplements to Code of Federal Regulations-is it fair to say those two items, which aggregate in next year's budget, $2,550,000, are not attributable to congressional operations? Mr. HARRISON. I suppose you could say that. It does include actions by the Congress.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do you print all of those under directives from the Congress or under laws?

Mr. HARRISON. These are published under the acts of July 26, 1935, and July 11, 1946. The National Archives and Record Service has been authorized to handle the Federal Register.


Mr. ANDREWS. I notice on one of the tables submitted on page 22 that for fiscal year 1967 the value of commercial printing obtained by the Government Printing Office was $97,409,000, quite a substantial increase over fiscal year 1966 when the amount was $79,193,000. In fact, that table shows an increase steadily over these last 15 years.

In 1954, for example, according to this sheet, the value of commercial printing obtained through the Government Printing Office was $20,685,000, and there seems to have been an increase every year since then, especially in recent years.

Tell us something about this and why the increase is so significant in recent years.

Mr. HARRISON. There are a number of reasons. I am a great believer in cooperating with the commercial printing industry in furnishing our requirements. I think this is in line with the administration's policy and it is a policy I have felt was good during the 20 years I have been connected with Government printing. That is one reason. Another reason is the tremendous increase and since I have been in office 7 years which I completed on St. Patrick's Day, we have had a 100-percent increase, from $97 million to $200 million. The current plant was completed and moved into when the plant was doing about $20 million. It stands to reason the space I have just does not permit me to absorb at the same rate that I am buying. However, in-plant production has increased. In 1960 the main plant was doing around $50 million and today we are doing around $79 million or $80 million. Commercially it was $35 million and now it is $97 million.

Mr. ANDREWS. When you say the value of commercial printing obtained by the Government Printing Office was $97,409,000, what do you mean by that?

Mr. HARRISON. That is the value of the printing we purchased from the commercial industry.

Mr. ANDREWS. In other words, the commercial private businesses did $97,409,000 worth of printing for the Government Printing Office during 1967?

Mr. HARRISON. That is right.

Mr. ANDREWS. You received the requests for printing from Government agencies and farmed it out to private printers?

Mr. HARRISON. 55.1 percent was purchased from private printers. Mr. ANDREWS. That is 55.1 percent of all Government printing? Mr. HARRISON. 55.1 percent of all Government printing that we handle.

Mr. ANDREWS. How much did you handle in 1967 as against that $97,409,000?

Mr. HARRISON. $199,975,834, or roughly $200 million overall.
Mr. ANDREWS. How much did you do in-house?

Mr. HARRISON. In house, $79 million.

Mr. ANDREWS. So, for the Government, the Government Printing Office in 1967 did $79 million of work and farmed out $97,409,000? Mr. HARRISON. Right.

Mr. ANDREWS. Well, in years past some of the private printers have criticized you-not you personally but the Government Printing Office for not farming out enough work. Do you have those complaints today?

Mr. HARRISON. Yes; in spite of the fact that in order to reach this $79 million volume in our work we processed about 216,000 jobs, which will average out to about $370 a job. When you go out on the open

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