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Mr. WYMAN. Have you any idea at this time approximately what the follow-on is, assuming this is a favorable report, that it will be a quick and effective service for the Members of the Congress, for the Legislative Service. How much equipment will be required and what will it cost?

Dr. MUMFORD. In the matter of hardware in particular, it may not be necessary to have separate equipment for the Legislative Reference Service. We now have computer equipment. As I have indicated, we wish to expand the capacities of this and it is possible that the work for the Legislative Reference Service could be done on that computer equipment.

This remains to be seen, whether the volume of computer work which would be generated in the Legislative Reference Service would actually require separate equipment.

Mr. WYMAN. If this were the way your experts have envisioned, then a Member of Congress wanting to know, if he is about to put in a bill, whether any previous bill had been introduced, and whether or not there had been an adverse committee report at any time in history, could find that out on the basis of a 5-minute telephone call?

Mr. JAYSON. That is what we envisage. Bear in mind that in order to get that information out in 5 minutes, you have to first feed the information in. We might conceive in connection with this new legislation I was talking about requiring us to give you histories that we will need to add information for the last five Congresses or so.

Mr. WYMAN. This is why the employee question that the chairman asked you creates a problem because of the necessity of programing all of these computers. You will be changing the character of your employment but you will have to program your facility.

Mr. JAYSON. The faster you get it started, the faster we will be in a position to have that information. A Congress 10 years from now will have the legislative histories that are developing from year to year. As I understand from what our information specialists tell us, what this money will buy will be the computer organization's blueprint and plans telling us what hardware we will need. It is quite impossible for us at this stage of the game to know what that is.

Mr. WYMAN. There will be a follow-on request of an appropriation of a substantial amount?

Mr. JAYSON. Yes.

Mr. ANDREWS. They stated before you came in that the original estimate for the total cost of this automated program will run between $50 and $70 million.

This is part of the program.

Mrs. HAMER. That amount was the estimate for the central bibliographic system. This is an addition.

Mr. WYMAN. That is right. That is why I was going into it.

Mr. JAYSON. What Dr. Mumford was talking about was the bibliographic and library-related functions, not the Legislative Reference Service.

Dr. MUMFORD. I would like to emphasize that it was impossible for this team of experts to come up with a precise figure of what the central system would cost. It should be less: conceivably it could be more. Mr. ANDREWS. That is true.

Dr. MUMFORD. It is possible that the systems and machinery that would be developed for the central bibliographic system could encom pass the work of the Legislative Reference Service.

Mr. ANDREWS. Let me ask you this question with reference to your project for the design of related systems, which is tailored primarily for the Legislative Reference Service, if $280,000 is granted, and you use that, plus money heretofore granted or appropriated for this subject, and they come up with a favorable recommendation, have you got any idea as to what the cost of implementing their recommendations would be?

Mr. JAYSON. No, sir, because there has never been anything other than the most preliminary type of study of the LRS phase of automation in the Library. So this will be the first time that any group of experts in the computer world will be making a survey of us with a view toward effecting automation promptly. It is impossible for us. not being the experts in the subject ourselves, to give you any figure until they look at the nature of our operation, until they consider the nature of a system that could convert our types of records into something which could be put into a machine and then read out for the use of the Congress. They could tell us what is feasible and how to do it. We think we have some preliminary idea of what is feasible. We do not have any idea of the hardware aspects.

Mr. ANDREWS. You could not give us a ball park figure of what the cost might be to implement their recommendation? Mr. JAYSON. No, sir, not I.


Mr. ANDREWS. You are requesting an increase of $150,000 for this item. I wish you would place in the record here what has been appropriated for this project to date and what the total amount available under the 1968 appropriation bill, if the $150,000 increase is granted. Acquisition of computer equipment:

Fiscal year 1967--

Requested for fiscal year 1968

Total spent or available through fiscal 1968.




Mr. ANDREWS. Is this for the purchase or rental of equipment? Dr. MUMFORD. Rental, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Berry, none of this would be purchased; would it?

Mr. BERRY. No, sir; it is on a lease basis.

Mr. ANDREWS. How much equipment do you plan to buy or rent? Mr. BERRY. Mr. Chairman, the items of computer equipment are generally priced in relation to the capability of the machine. The principal item in this request would be for an increased memorywhat they call the memory of the computer and along with that the accompanying equipment which makes the access to the stored information much more rapid.

Mr. ANDREWS. Let us place this sheet in the record, showing acquisition of equipment.

(The information follows:)


The Library's present ADP facilities would be expanded by the installation of a revised IBM 360 Model 30 system. The expansion which is being planned with the framework of the present system including replacing the tape drives with faster

models, increasing the Central Processor memory core to 65,536 positions, adding disk pack capability, and adding an “on line" capability. A list of new equipment requirements is shown below.

Central processing unit

Increase memory core from 16,384 positions to 65,536, and add storage protect features, an internal timer, and a program mode switch. Tape drives

Replace present tape drives with faster models.

Disk pack capability

Add two disk packs to the system, and a control unit.

On line capability

Add a data adapter unit with an expanded capability device; three expansion feature units, four IBM terminal adapters, four IBM line adapters (Type 4636), four communications terminals, and four IBM line adapters (Type 4634).

In addition to the expansion shown above which is planned for installation and operation in the summer and early fall, the Library expects to have further expansion of its ADP facilities to meet additional requirements later in the year. Mr. ANDREWS. How much equipment are you renting at this time, Doctor?

Dr. MUMFORD. We have a list of it here, Mr. Chairman. It is not very meaningful to me, not being a technical expert.

Mr. ANDREWS. Are you renting computers at this time?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir; a computer, with accessory equipment.
Mr. ANDREWS. How much rent are you paying for it annually?
Dr. MUMFORD. $115,000.

Mr. ANDREWS. You are requesting $150,000 to rent additional ADP machines or computers?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. How many additional computers will you get?

Dr. MUMFORD. We would increase the capacity of the present computer.

Mr. ANDREWS. You would still have one computer?

Mr. BERRY. That is our plan, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. Is that enough to serve your needs?

Mr. BERRY. A large enough computer with auxiliary equipment should be sufficient for the present.

Mr. ANDREWS. What would be the annual rent for that beefed-up computer?

Mr. BERRY. That would be a total of about $265,000 a year.

Mr. ANDREWS. How do you rent that machinery or equipment? Mr. ROSSITER. We rent through IBM on a monthly basis and they service it.

Mr. ANDREWS. The total rent annually will be $265,000.

Mr. ROSSITER. If we are granted this additional $150,000 the total will be about $265,000.

Mr. ANDREWS. In other words, if you are not granted this additional you will continue to use the computer you have?

Mr. ROSSITER. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. What do you use the computer for?

Mr. ROSSITER. We use it for payroll operations, for card billing, statistics of various kinds, all sorts of analyses of statistics. Mr. ANDREWS. How long have you used it?

Mr. ROSSITER. Actually we have had a computer, if you want to call it one, since back in 1940, for payroll work. We have improved it over the years as the newer equipment came out. It was called EAM in those days, electric accounting machines; now it is automatic data processing. We have been in this business for 27 years in our fiscal operations.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do you think the machine saves manpower?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes; without any question.

Mr. ANDREWS. I won't ask you if you reduced your manpower since you got the machine.

Dr. MUMFORD. I do not think we have. But as the volume of work has increased over the years we would have been forced to request additional manpower if we did not have the machines to aid the work.

Mr. ANDREWS. You won't get any additional equipment; you will just beef up, so to speak, the equipment if you get the $150,000 additional request.

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.


Mr. ANDREWS. That brings the next question.

The next item is for an increase of $630,522 for 98 new positions.


Dr. MUMFORD. This is for an entirely different purpose, Mr. Chairman. Beginning with the Processing Department, I referred yesterday to the Serial Record Division that we have. It records periodicals, journals, and serials in all form. It provides a central control, which is indispensable to being able to know whether we have a particular serial and information about its location. As more and more materials are published, this file grows larger. We have developed large arrearages in material awaiting to be checked into the file and new titles waiting to be cataloged. The file has not been edited, that is, checked and brought up to date. It is badly in need of editing. We have not been able to claim issues that we are not receiving. We have no manpower to do it. There are many gaps in the collections which should be filled. I would ask, if I may, that several pages relating to this, since it is a large group of positions, be placed in the record. Mr. ANDREWS. They are already in the record.

Dr. MUMFORD. I was thinking of pages 24 to 31, which give a more elaborate explanation of each one of these operations, of checking the serials in when we already have titles, cataloging new titles, editing the record, and claiming issues from publishers which have not been received, or trying to obtain missing issues to fill gaps. This is one of the most important records in the Library. It is the most complete record of serials in the Nation. It serves not only the Library of Congress but other libraries in providing information about serials. (The pages follow:)

A. Serial Record Division.-Because of the fast-changing nature of many fields of knowledge today and the reliance of most of the physical and social sciences on current periodical literature, the Library's Serial Record is of critical importance. The Serial Record Division maintains this file of data on over 600,000

(five GS-3 arrangers and three GS-5 card preparation assistants) are requested; the Filing Section now has 32 employees, and 16 more (fifteen GS-6 catalog filers and one supervisor) are requested.


Mr. ANDREWS. What is the total number of positions currently authorized?

Dr. MUMFORD. For this particular operation?

Mr. ANDREWS. Let me ask the question again. What is the total number of positions currently authorized?

Mr. ROSSITER. 2,644.

Mr. ANDREWS. How many new jobs are you requesting overall? Mr. ROSSITER. 332.

Mr. ANDREWS. You are requesting 332 new positions overall.

Mr. ROSSITER. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. If granted, you would have total authorized positions of 2,976?

Mr. ROSSITER. That is right.

Dr. MUMFORD. That includes 172 native personnel that are employed abroad and paid in foreign currencies.

Mr. ANDREWS. How many vacancies do you have as of some recent reporting date?

Mr. LORENZ. Fifty-three in the Library of Congress general appropriation.

Mr. ANDREWS. Are any of the new positions requested currently funded from other sources?

Dr. MUMFORD. No, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. Are any of these new positions related to the establishment of new programs?

Dr. MUMFORD. We mentioned two positions in connection with automation. That is not a new program. That is simply increasing the present program. I do not think a single one relates to the establishment of a new program.

Mr. ANDREWS. Where would these new people be housed?

Dr. MUMFORD. They would be in various places in the present two buildings. For instance, these people we are asking for to work on the serial record would be working at this huge file in the serial record division, standing up most of the time, checking in serials. The card filers we are asking for would be filing into the public catalog, the official catalogs, and the various other catalogs of the Library. It does not mean that each would have to have a desk or a location. Mr. ANDREWs. You would use them wherever needed? Dr. MUMFORD. That is right.


Mr. ANDREWS. Is it planned to extend the evening and Saturday service in the reading rooms?

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. How much of the increase is devoted to this purpose? Dr. MUMFORD. Fourteen positions were requested for that purpose, Mr. Chairman, at $92,908.

Mr. ANDREWS. Why extend the service? Could you readjust the hours so it would be open evenings and Saturdays rather than 9 a.m.

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