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Exportations des E. U. en produits métallurgigues (d'aprés des statistiques

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British Iron and Steel Federation—E. I. A./U. K./U. S. A. agreement—Export deliveries by American outsiders-1-11-38 to 21-4-39

[blocks in formation]

Column D for each month, November 1938 to March 1939 and April 1/20 (outsider deliveries as percent of total deliveries)

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(Extrait du procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité de Londres du 29/3/39)

Le Comptoir a toujours compris qu'il était entendu entre les parties contractantes que les tonnages réels de 1934 et 1936 devaient servir au calcul des quotes de base. Le Délégué américain prétend maintenant qu'il avait toujours considéré que les droits maxima des Américains avaient été fixés définitivement à 20% pour les tôles fines et 15.4% pour les tôles galvanisées. Le Comptoir a répondu que le principe que les chiffres de 1934 et 1936 serviraient de base avait été enregistré à plusieurs reprises. Il se réfère à ce propos à une lettre écrite par Mr. Elliot à Mr. Todd le 18 octobre 1938 où il est déclaré que les pourcentages de participation n'étaient qu'approximatifs et devraient encore être fixés exactement conformément aux principes admis.

Il est aujourd'hui établi que les statistiques relatives aux années de réféence établies par le département américain du commerce, en l'absence des chiffres des usines américaines, comprennent certaines destinations considérés comme marché intérieur (Philippines etc). Il faut donc que les chiffres de référence utilisés soient rectifiés, ce qui aura pour conséquence une réduction des droits américains en tôles noires et en tôles galvanisées; si l'on ne procède pas de la sorte, les chiffres d'application devront être ajustés par l'inclusion de ces destinations considérées comme marché intérieur, de facon à tétablir le parallélisme avec les chiffres de référence.

Le Groupe américain n'est pas d'accord. Pour gouverne, il s'agit dès chiffres suivants :

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Le Comptoir fait observer en outre que les statistiques du département du commerce comprennent toutes les tôles en-dessous de 14'', alors que les chiffres du Comptoir comprennent les tôles en-dessous de '', Ceci explique les erreurs commises dans l'estimation des fournitures des dissidents.

British Iron and Steel Federation-E. I. A./U. K./U. S. A. agreement-basis tonnages and quotas (Final quota statement amending statement dated 8-5-39)1

[Revised to allow for exclusion of deliveries to Japan and Manchukuo in accordance with decisions of Joint Co-Ordinating Committee 18-4-39 and London Committee 3-5-39]

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96347-50-ser. 14, pt. 4b-10

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Joists, channels, and

broad flanged

See footnotes at end of table.


British Iron and Steel Federation-E. I. A./U. K./U. S. A. agreement-basis tonnages and quotas (Final quota statement amending statement

dated 8-5-39)1

1 See statement dated 22-12-38.

Not separately specified.

Amended after issue of statement dated 22-12-38.

Deliveries to Manchukuo included in deliveries to Japan.

Source of figures: The sources of the figures shown are as follows: United Kingdom and Continental returns supplied by the appropriate Associations and Comptoirs; United States based on the official publication "Fcreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States" issued by the Department of Commerce (Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Form 483). In the case of the United Kingdom 1934 figures for Joists, etc., and Plates, the Association does not distinguish between shipments to China, Japan, and Manchukuo. The figures for Japan and Manchukuo have therefore been calculated by subtracting from the Association total for the three countries British exports to China as recorded in the official Trade Returns of the United Kingdom.


9th MAY 39



The London Committee, originally formed to exercise statistical and quota control over the E. I. A./U. K./U. S. A. Agreement, has now been given wider powers by the Joint Co-ordinating Committee in order to make its control effective.

The Committee's powers are set out in the following clause, extracted from the supplementary agreement of 18th April as approved by the Joint Co-ordinating Committee:

"For the period from 20th April, 1939, up to and including 31st October, 1939, the American and European Groups agree, for all sales to accept the control of the London Committee for the purpose of eliminating the competition of American outsiders, and ensuring the maintenance of quotas in accordance with the Main Agreement. It is understood that quotations may only be made and orders booked at such prices and under such conditions (other than standard prices and conditions fixed by the Comptoirs) as the London Committee may from time to time authorise. For this purpose the London Committee shall have complete authority under the Joint Co-ordinating Committee and the Comptoirs shall be bound to take the necessary steps to ensure that the decisions and recommendations of the London Committee are effectively carried out."

The authority of the London Committee under this clause falls into two distinct categories:

(a) Statistical and quota control of the E. I. A./U. K./U. S. A. Agreement. (b) The authorisation of any steps necessary to meet all outside competition.

As regards (a), the Committee will examine regularly the statistical position and, according to the position of the American Group, will decide for each product whether they should protect or be protected. In the case of abnormal excesses, either on the part of the American Group or on the part of the European Group, the Committee may request complete or partial withdrawal from certain markets by the party in excess. Prices remain, as hitherto, entirely in the hands of the Comptoirs who will agree them with the American Group: in this instance the Committee is only concerned with the price differentials between the parties.

The position is different as regards (b). Hitherto the procedure has been for the Comptoirs to fix official prices and for the various Presidents to authorize price reductions wherever necessary to meet outsider competition. This has also been the procedure of the S. E. A., but since each has frequently been conducted independently of the other, the resultant reductions have, to a great extent, involved unnecessary losses.

The new procedure, calculated to meet the competition with the minimum of disturbance and loss on normal business, is that, whilst standard prices and conditions will continue to be fixed by the Comptoirs in conjunction with the S. E. A., these prices cannot be departed from without the approval of the London Committee. It should be noted here that in cases of extreme urgency, the S. E. A. and the Presidents of the Comptoirs may authorize special prices, but these must be notified by cable immediately to the London Committee and must be followed at once by letter giving full details of all the circumstances warranting the action taken.

Whilst the authority for special prices is now vested in the London Committee for the reasons set out above it will be necessary for them to maintain the closest possible contact with the Presidents of the Comptoirs. The views of the Presidents of the Comptoirs are now invited as to the extent of the delegation of authority which they consider must be granted to them for the practical conduct of business and the London Committee will consider these views and define the powers which they will delegate to the Comptoirs.

In conclusion, it should be stated that the powers of the London Committee have been framed with the object of enabling them to co-ordinate rather than usurp the authority of the Comptoirs and the S. E. A., where otherwise these might be likely to conflict. The period for which this authority is vested in the London Committee is a trial period until 31st October, 1939, at the end of which

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