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and condemn. The physician prescribes for his patient. Sylla and Marius proscribed each other's adherents.

Present, introduce.- We are introduced to our equals and presented to our superiors. I introduce my friends to each other. An envoy may be presented to the king. "Introduce the younger to the older, the person of lower position to the person of the higher, the gentleman to the lady."-White.

Purpose, propose.-I purpose to do that which lies in my own mind and which I have decided or determined to do immediately. What I propose is usually offered or stated to others. I may propose to myself, however, that which is more or less remote; that which requires planning and deliberation, and on which my mind is not clearly made up. I purpose to write a letter this morning. I propose to write a book next year. What do you purpose to do this morning? What do you propose that I shall do this morning?

Remember, recollect.-We remember when an idea recurs to the mind without effort; we recollect only by effort. I remember the story generally, but do not recollect the details of it.


Seem, appear. Things appear to the senses. They seem to the judg-
The house appears to be well built. "It seems that the Turkish power

is on the decline."-Webster's Dictionary.

"For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem."

Transpire, occur, take place.-Transpire signifies to escape from secrecy. "Occur is equivalent to happening to a person, or to falling undesignedly in his way. It is said, not only of events, but of ideas or thoughts which suggest themselves."-Smith. Things take place by arrangement. It has transpired that the enterprise was not a success. battle may either occur or take place.

The thought did not occur to me. A Accidents occur. Weddings take place.




Insert in each blank space the verb that expresses the exact meaning:

[blocks in formation]

1. The defense made by the prisoner's counsel did rather

extenuate his crime.-Addison.

2. I was very much....

by his hasty remarks.

3. The prattle of the children

the old man.



the ills of poverty.


1. The story

2. You may


to a recent transaction.

to my former employer as to my work.

3. The speaker did not mention the subject directly, but


4. The speaker did nothing more than

although it was easy to see to whom he

to it many

to the remissness of the officer,

[blocks in formation]

1. The Saxon


is used for all the homely and petty concerns of common life, is often restricted to transactions of

while the French word

more dignity.

2. Thomas Jefferson



5. I will


Louisiana from France.

what thou has no need of, and ere long thou wilt sell thy necessaries.

the truth and sell it not.-Bible.

.... with you, sell with you.-Shakespeare.

[blocks in formation]

1. Formal and public transactions, ceremonies, and the like, are said to

[blocks in formation]

1. We wired you yesterday, "Top price 82c," which we now

[blocks in formation]

3. Recent researches into the story of prehistoric man

universal teaching of tradition and written history.-C. Van Norden.

4. The treaty was

two countries.

5. Please


when it was signed by representatives of the

the report of the committee.




Insert in each blank space the verb that expresses the exact meaning:
(Deduct two per cent for each error.)

[blocks in formation]

1. I

between objects by


to see you soon, and should be glad to have you write me when I may

[blocks in formation]
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