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[blocks in formation]

"Acceptation" is used only in connection with words and phrases; as, "The present

[blocks in formation]

"Center" means a point, and is more definite than "middle."


A combine was formed.

A combination was formed.

"Combine" should not be used as a noun in the sense of "combination."

[blocks in formation]

"Council" means a body of advisers, while "counsel" means advice, or a person employed to give legal advice.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

A "house" becomes a "home" when it becomes one's own dwelling-place.

Human-human being

No human could do that.

No human being could do that.

Lay of the land-lie of the land

I like the lie of the land.

I like the lay of the land.

Both forms are considered correct, but the second is preferable.

[blocks in formation]




Strike out the incorrect italicized words in the following sentences:

(Deduct four per cent for each error.)

1. The rent will be raised-increased on the first of the month.

2. The new schedule provides for a salary of twelve hundred dollars for the first year

and for annual increases-raises thereafter until the sixth year.

3. This is the common acceptance—acceptation of the term.

4. I wish to advise-advice we have received no advise-advice from your office.

5. I have them all-all of them in my office.

6. Will you go a short distance-apiece with me?

7. They had no right-business to go on with the work.

8. Place the chair in the center-middle of the room.

9. He stood in the middle-center of the circle.

10. This firm has no connection with the newly-formed combination-combine.

11. I am in receipt of your letter-communication of yesterday.

12. My counsel-council attended the meetings of the council-counsel.

13. Take two spoonsful-spoonfuls after each meal.

14. It snowed day before yesterday-the day before yesterday.

15. I do my studying in the evening-of evenings.

16. I shall take my examination-exam to-morrow.

17. The females—women sat on one side of the room, and the males-men on the other. 18. My new home-house is nearly completed.

19. No human-human being could withstand the heat.

20. The lay of the land-lie of the land is very important.

21. As I am not a beginner-new beginner, I think I can finish the course in a few weeks.

22. That is nobody's else-nobody else's business.

23. It is no use-of no use to try to do that.

24. I shall send you a postal-postal card when I arrive.

25. The setting hen-sitting hen is sitting on her nest.

26. It is a long way-ways to the city.



1. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


A friend of mine has a claim upon me.


He himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.

4. Who art thou?

5. Every man will succeed whose actions are guided by the principle of justice.

6. He jests at scars that never felt a wound.

7. Who assassinated President Garfield?

8. What was the cause of the Civil War?

9. Which was the greater soldier, Grant or Lee?

10. Porto Rico, which the Americans acquired from Spain, is very valuable.

11. He that would succeed must work.

12. Booker T. Washington, who is the benefactor of his race, was a slave. 13. This is better than that.

14. Many were invited, but few came.


I. What pronouns in the foregoing sentences represent within themselves the person speaking? The person spoken to? The person or thing spoken of? 2. What pronouns connect subordinate sentences to the words that they represent?

3. What pronouns are used to ask questions?


What pronouns are usually used as adjectives?


Personal pronouns are those that within themselves show whether they represent the speaker, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken of; as, I, you, he, she, it.


The word for which a pronoun stands is called the antecedent. be expressed or understood.

It may


Relative pronouns are those that connect subordinate sentences to their antecedents; as, "I saw John Smith, who was hurt." "I saw the man that was hurt." The relative pronouns are "who," "which," "what" and "that," with their declined forms.

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