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in that city is determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to be equal to or greater than any of the central cities.

(g) Consistent with the policies cited in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (f) of this section, consideration shall be given to the following criteria in meeting Federal space needs in urban areas:

(1) Impact on economic development and employment opportunities in the urban area, including use of human, natural, cultural, and community resources with the objective of targeting distressed areas;

(2) Compatibility of the site with State, regional, or local development, redevelopment, or conservation objec


(3) Conformity with the activities and objectives of other Federal agencies;

(4) Availability of adequate low- and moderate-income housing on a nondiscriminatory basis for employees and nondiscrimination in the sale and rental of housing; and

(5) Availability of adequate public transportation and parking and accessibility to the public.

(h) The presence of the Federal Government in the National Capital Region is such that the distribution of Federal installations has been and will continue to be a major influence in the extent and character of development. In the interest of order and economy, and in view of the special nature of the National Capital Region, these policies shall be applied in the National Capital Region in conjunction with regional policies on development and distribution of Federal employment established by the National Capital Planning Commission and consistent with the general purposes of the National Capital Planning Act of 1952, as amended.

(i) Consistent with the policies cited in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (f) of this section, alternative sources will be considered in meeting Federal space needs in urban areas in the following order:

(1) Availability of existing federally controlled facilities. Maximum use will be made of the facilities that, in the judgment of the Administrator of General Services, are adequate or economi

cally adaptable to meeting the space needs of executive agencies;

(2) Use of buildings of historic, architectural, or cultural significance within the meaning of section 105 of the Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 2507);

(3) Acquisition or use of existing privately owned facilities; and

(4) Construction of new facilities. (j) Site selection and space assignment shall take into account:

(1) The management needs for consolidation of agencies or activities in common or adjacent space to improve management and administration and effect economies; and

(2) The efficient performance of the missions and programs of the agencies, the nature and function of the facilities involved, the convenience of the public served, and the maintenance of safe and healthful working conditions for employees.

(k) To the maximum extent feasible, GSA will maintain continuous liaison with the elected chief executive officer of local government or a designee to obtain advice and consultation with respect to space assignment, acquisition, and construction activities in the community. To establish the framework for consultation on space actions, GSA will seek agreements with local governments, which shall:

(1) Establish acceptable geographic boundaries of the central business area;

(2) Identify areas of the city outside the central business area targeted for development or redevelopment that would benefit from the stimulus of the location of Federal space;

(3) Define the types and sizes of GSA projects of interest to local government;

(4) Establish appropriate timing for notifying local officials of a GSA project;

(5) Advise local officials of the availability of data on GSA plans and programs, and agree upon the exchange of planning information with local officials;

(6) Identify appropriate timing for periodic reviews of the agreement to ensure it is providing maximum consultation; and

(7) Include other appropriate information.

(1) Federal facilities and Federal use of space in rural areas shall serve to strengthen the Nation's rural communities. Federal space shall encourage growth and economic development and redevelopment in rural areas. Consistent with the provisions of section 601(b) of the Rural Development Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 674), each agency shall give first priority to meeting Federal space needs in rural areas.

(m) In meeting space needs in rural


(1) First consideration shall be given to the central business area of incorporated jurisdictions, including adjacent areas of similar character and specific areas recommended by local officials, except where this type of consideration is prohibited.

(2) Serious consideration shall be given to the impact a site selection will have on improving the social, economic, environmental, and cultural conditions of the communities in a rural area. To the extent feasible, plans and programs for meeting space needs shall enhance and support the development, redevelopment, and revitalization objectives and priorities of communities in rural areas, as well as enhance and support the employment and economic base of these communities. Both positive and negative impacts of space acquisition actions shall be weighed with the objective of obtaining maximum socioeconomic benefits from these actions.

(3) In rural areas with more than one incorporated jurisdiction, space assignments shall be made in the most distressed jurisdiction.

(4) Space needs shall be met outside the central business area only when one of the exceptions contained in paragraphs (c)(1) (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this section apply or in the case of county level field offices of USDA when the program requirements and needs of their clientele preclude locations in the central business area. The assignment and acquisition of facilities and space to house the activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture are further defined in the USDA/GSA agreement in § 101-17-4701.

(n) Consistent with the policies cited in paragraphs (1) and (m) of this section, the site selection criteria con

tained in paragraph (j) of this section, and the alternative space acquisition methods contained in paragraph (1) of this section shall be considered. In addition, consultation with local officials in rural areas shall be consistent with the requirements of paragraph (k) of this section.

(0) In accordance with the joint White House/Office of Management and Budget memorandum, dated March 9, 1979, heads of executive agencies that acquire or use federally owned or leased space under authority other than the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, shall notify the appropriate GSA Regional Administrator before taking an irreversible action to acquire or use space when this action is inconsistent with the basic policies of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (1), (m), and (n) of this section. (1) Notification shall include the: (i) Description of the nature of the activity to be housed, type and amount of space involved, and number of employees to be housed;

(ii) Discussion and analysis of alternatives studies;

(iii) Documentation of advice received from local government;

(iv) Copy of the environmental assessment of the proposed action; and

(v) Citation of any statutory restrictions that preclude compliance with the above-referenced paragraphs of this section.

(2) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the agency notification, the Regional Administrator shall notify the agency head in writing of concurrence with the proposed action. If the Regional Administrator does not concur with the proposed action, the Regional Administrator shall explain any objections in writing to the agency. The Administrator of General Services will notify the Director of the Office of Management and Budget of the basis

for nonconcurrence.

[45 FR 37200, June 2, 1980]

§ 101-17.003 Definition of terms.

The following definitions are established for terms used in this subchapter


§ 101-17.003-1 Space assignment.

Space assignment means an administrative action which authorizes the occupancy and use by a Federal agency or other eligible entity of building space and land areas incidental thereto.

§ 101-17.003-2 General purpose space. General purpose space means space in buildings under the assignment responsibility of GSA, including land incidental to the use thereof, which may be suitable for the use of agencies generally, as determined by GSA. The following categories of space are specifically excluded from this definition:

(a) Space in any building located in a foreign country.

(b) Space in buildings which are located on the grounds of any fort, camp, post, arsenal, navy yard, naval training station, airbase, proving ground, missile site, military academy or school, or any similar facility of the Department of Defense or U.S. Coast Guard, unless and to such an extent as a permit for its use by other agencies shall have been issued by the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Transportation, as appropriate, or their duly authorized representatives.

(c) Space in the Executive Mansion, Capitol Building, the Senate and House Office Buildings, the Capitol power plant, the buildings under the jurisdiction of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, and the Congressional Library Building.

(d) Space in the Treasury Building, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Building, and the buildings occupied by the National Bureau of Standards.

§ 101-17.003-2a Types of general purpose space.

Space as defined in §101-17.003-2 is categorized as being of the office, storage, or special type. The physical characteristics of the space are the basis for determining the proper space category.

(a) Office space means space that must provide an acceptable environment suitable in its present state for an office operation. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, adequate lighting, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation, floor covering, fin

ished walls, and accessibility. The space may consist of a large open area or may be partitioned into rooms. Private corridors, closets, and similar areas which have been created within office-type space through the erection of partitions shall be classified as office space. The following are representative of uses of office space.

(1) General purpose office space.
(2) Private corridors.

(3) Conference rooms (without special equipment and additional heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning-HVAC). (4) Training rooms (without special equipment and HVAC).

(5) Libraries (without extensive builtin stacks and special floor loading). (6) Dry laboratories.

(7) Storage in office space.

(8) Credit unions (without fixed equipment).

(9) Lounges (other than toilet areas). (10) Reception areas.

(11) Hearing rooms (without special equipment and HVAC).

(12) Telephone switchboard rooms. (13) Mail rooms.

(14) Health rooms (without special equipment).

(b) Storage space means space generally consisting of concrete, woodblock or unfinished floors, bare block or brick interior walls, unfinished ceiling, and similar construction containing minimal lighting and heating. This type of space would include attics, basements, warehouses, sheds, unimproved areas of loft buildings, and unimproved building cores. All storage space will be classified under subsets of general storage area, inside parking area, or warehouse areas as follows:

(1) General storage areas (storage in general purpose buildings) including: (i) Basements. (ii) Attics.

(iii) Closets (not finished to office standards).

(iv) Supply rooms (not finished to office standards).

(v) Storerooms (not finished to office standards).

(vi) File rooms (not finished to office standards).

(vii) Warehouse areas of multiuse buildings.

(2) Inside parking areas (garage space located in either a federally owned or

leased building which is utilized for the parking of motor vehicles) including: (i) Garages.

(ii) Parking area.

(iii) Motor pool parking.

(3) Warehouse areas (entire buildings with warehouse features, including minor amounts of supporting office space).

(c) Special space means space which, because of architectural features or the installation of fixed (built-in) equipment and special utilities, necessitates the expenditure of varying sums to construct, maintain, and/or operate as compared to office and storage space. Special space is further defined as follows:

(1) Laboratory and clinic areas (space containing built-in equipment and utilities required for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of matter, experimentation, the processing of materials, and/or the physical welfare of employees or the public) including:

(i) Wet laboratories.

(ii) Clean laboratories.

(iii) Photographic laboratories. (iv) Clinics.

(v) Health units and rooms (with special equipment).

(vi) Private toilets.

(2) Food service areas (space in building devoted to the preparation and dispensing of foodstuffs) including:

(i) Cafeterias (kitchen and table areas).

(ii) Snack bars.

(iii) Mechanical vending areas. (iv) Private kitchens.

(3) Structurally changed areas (areas having architectural features differing from normal office or storage areas such as sloped floors, high ceilings, and increased floor loading) including: (i) Auditoriums.

(ii) Gymnasiums.

(iii) Libraries (with special stacks and floor loading).

(iv) Target ranges. (v) Security vaults. (vi) Courtrooms.

(vii) U.S. Postal Service workrooms. (4) Automatic data processing areas (areas having special features such as humidity and temperature control, raised flooring, and special wiring) including:

(1) Computer rooms.

(ii) Support areas (with special flooring and wiring).

(iii) Tape vaults.

(5) Conference and training areas (areas used for conferences, training, and hearings with special equipment and supplemental HVAC) including: (i) Conference rooms. (ii) Hearing rooms. (iii) Training rooms.

(iv) Exhibit areas.

(v) Small courtrooms (no structural changes).

(6) Light industrial areas including: (i) Records storage (with humidity control).

(ii) Storage type space (with air-conditioning).

(iii) Printing plants.

(iv) Product classifying laboratories. (v) Motor Pool service areas.

(vi) Postal workrooms, swingrooms, locker rooms, mailing vestibules and platforms, and lock box lobbies.

(vii) Shops (other than PBS).

(viii) Loading docks and shipping platforms.

(ix) Canopy areas.

(x) Vertical improved mail system


(7) Quarters and residential housing areas (housing and quarters that do not logically fall in the other categories).

§ 101-17.003-3 Special purpose space.

Special purpose space means space in buildings under the assignment responsibility of GSA, including land incidental to the use thereof, which is wholly or predominantly utilized for the special purposes of an agency and not generally suitable for the use of other agencies, as determined by GSA.

§ 101-17.003-4 Government-owned space.

Government-owned space means space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, the title to which is vested, or which will become vested, pursuant to existing agreement, in the United States Government.

§ 101-17.003-5 Leased space.

Leased space means space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, for which the Government has a right of occupancy by virtue of having acquired a leasehold interest.

§ 101-17.003-6 Permit space.

Permit space means space in buildings, and land incidental thereto, for which a right of occupancy has been granted by permit from another Federal agency.

§ 101-17.003–7 Occupancy guides.

Occupancy guides means printed guidelines developed jointly by GSA and the affected agency which outline the space requirements based on the functions, operations, and staffing of the particular agency for which they are developed.

§ 101-17.003-8 Private office.

Private office means a room occupied by one individual. This room may be enclosed by either ceiling-high screen partitions.

§ 101-17.003-9 Semiprivate office.


Semiprivate office means a room not exceeding 400 square feet occupied by two or more individuals. This room may be enclosed by either ceiling-high or screen partitions.

§ 101-17.003-10 Open office area.

Open office area means an area exceeding 400 square feet that may contain work stations and/or administrative support functions. This area may be enclosed by either ceiling-high or screen partitions.

§ 101-17.003-11 Work station.

Work station means the furniture, equipment, and immediate area generally required by one worker. A multiple occupancy work station is considered a single work station. Two physically separate areas used by a single worker are considered two work stations. Support equipment and supply areas used by more than one worker are not considered work stations.

[43 FR 35484, Aug. 10, 1978]

§ 101-17.003-12 Administrative support space.

Administrative support space means office space which is required in addition to work station space to house equipment and/or functions which an agency requires to properly perform its mission.

§ 101-17.003-13 Joint use space.

Joint use space means that common space available for use by all occupants of the building such as cafeterias, conference rooms, credit unions, and snack bars. It does not include mechanical, custodial, or circulation areas.

§§ 101-17.003-14-101-17.003-15 [Re


§ 101–17.003-16 Inside parking space.

Inside parking space means that motor pool space and parking space for Postal Service, official, employee, and visitor vehicles that is part of a building or in a structure specifically designed for vehicle parking.

§ 101-17.003-17 Outside parking space. Outside parking space means that parking space not included in the inside parking space category, such as uncovered ground level parking areas or parking lots either paved or unpaved.

§ 101-17.003-18 Space planning.

Space planning means a study using the latest techniques to determine the best location and the most efficient layout of agency operations and equipment.

§ 101-17.003-19 Space layout.

Space layout means the specific placement of work stations, furniture, and equipment to provide maximum efficiency of an agency operation. This is normally accomplished by the use of templates.

§ 101-17.003-20 Space utilization.

Space utilization means the manner and the degree of efficiency in which Government-owned and -leased facilities are occupied.

§ 101–17.003–21 Space inspection.

Space inspection means a reconnaissance-type evaluation of the manner in which space assignments are being utilized to determine whether immediate or scheduled corrective action is indicated.

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