Minisies State Library Board of Virginia ARMISTEAD C. GORDON, Chairman. JOHN W. FISHBURNE. THEODORE S. GARNETT. EGBERT G. LEIGH, JR. EDMUND PENDLETON H. R. McILWAINE, Librarian, Ex-officio Secretary of the Board. State Library Staff. H. R. MCILWAINE. MISS ETHEL I. NOLIN JOHN D. SNYDER. D. M. PETTICREW. Staunton, Va. Charlottesville, Va. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Richmond, Va. .Librarian Asst. Librarian Reference Librarian . In charge of Traveling Libraries . In charge of Periodicals Cataloger Asst. Cataloger Stenographer Stenographer Janitor Asst. Janitor CONTENTS. |