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Daily index-appeal, Petersburg, Va. (State Lib.)

Danville register, Danville, Va. (State Lib.)

Eastern shore herald, Eastville, Va. (State Lib.)

Financial age, New York. (State Lib.)
Fredericksburg daily star. (State Lib.)
Idea, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Jewish record, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Lynchburg news. (State Lib.)

(State Lib.)

record, Baltimore.

Fredericksburg daily star. (State Lib.)
Lynchburg news. (State Lib.)
News-Leader, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Norfolk landmark. (State Lib.)
Richmond evening journal. (State
Richmond's young men. (State Lib.) Presbyterian of the South, Richmond.
Roanoke times. (State Lib.)

News-Leader, Richmond. (State Lib.) Norfolk landmark. (State Lib.)

(State Lib.)

Southern churchman, Richmond. Richmond evening journal. (State Lib.)


Staunton dispatch & news. (State Roanoke times. (State Lib.)


Southern churchman, Richmond. (State Lib.)

Tech, Blacksburg, Va. (State Lib.)
Times-dispatch, Richmond. (State Staunton dispatch & news. (State


Winchester evening star. (State Lib.) Times-dispatch, Richmond. (State

[blocks in formation]

Daily index-appeal, Petersburg, Va. (State Lib.)

Danville register, Danville, Va. (State Lib.)

Eastern shore herald, Eastville, Va. Fredericksburg daily star. (State Lib.) Lynchburg news. (State Lib.) Manufacturers' record, Baltimore. (State Lib.)

News-Leader, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Norfolk landmark. (State Lib.)
Richmond evening journal. (State

Richmond's young men. (State Lib.)
Roanoke times. (State Lib.)
Southern churchman, Richmond.
(State Lib.)

Staunton dispatch & news. (State

Tech, Blacksburg, Va. (State Lib.) Times-dispatch, Richmond. (State) Lib.)

Winchester evening star. (State Lib.)


Alexandria gazette. (State Lib.) Charlottesville daily progress. (State Lib.)


Winchester evening star. (State Lib.)


Alexandria gazette. (State Lib.) Charlottesville daily progress. (State Lib.)

Christian science sentinel. (State Lib.) Daily index-appeal, Petersburg, Va. (State Lib.)

Danville register, Danville, Va. (State Lib.)

Eastern shore herald, Eastville, Va. (State Lib.)

Fredericksburg daily star. (State Lib.)
Idea, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Jewish record, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Lynchburg news. (State Lib.)
Madison Hall notes, Charlottesville.
(State Lib.)
(State Lib.)
News-Leader, Richmond. (State Lib.)
Norfolk landmark. (State Lib.)
Presbyterian of the South, Richmond.
(State Lib.)

record, Baltimore.

Richmond evening journal. (State

Richmond Virginian. (State Lib.)
Roanoke times. (State Lib.)
Southern churchman, Richmond.
(State Lib.)

Staunton dispatch & news. (State

Richmond. (State

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[blocks in formation]

Madison Hall notes, Charlottesville, Times-dispatch, Richmond. (State

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Entries have been made in this index under the first words of titles, in words of titles, and also under the

some cases under the principal

[blocks in formation]

Maryland times

Maryland news sheet...286, 359 Charleston daily courier....360, 372

286 Charleston daily news......360, 361

[blocks in formation]


Christian advocate, Raleigh, N. C..366
Christian banner, Fredericksburg,



321-325 Confederate, Raleigh, N.

366 Daily delta, New Orleans. 363, 364 363 Daily dispatch, Richmond, Va... 293-297, 366, 367, 373-375 N. C. 289, 366 Daily exchange, Baltimore 359 Christian monitor, Richmond....292 Daily express, Petersburg, Va... Christian observer, Richmond..

intelligencer, Raleigh,

291, 365

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tri-weekly Southern guard-

Columbian sentinel, Boston

Daily republican, Lynchburg, Va.

289, 363

The daily republican, Richmond.326 Daily Richmond enquirer, Richmond, Va...297-315, 368, 369, 375 Columbus, Ga. Columbus times. 372 Daily Richmond times Daily sun

Columbus times

Commercial, Richmond.

326-328, 369, 376, 377
.372 Daily times, Richmond.

Commercial & financial chronicle 289 Daily Richmond whig

Commercial and tobacco leaf,

[blocks in formation]

326-328, 369, 376, 377 342-355, 369, 370, 377, 378 Daily South Carolinian, Columbia, S. C. ...362, 372 Daily Southern argus, Norfolk...290 Daily Southern guardian, Colum

[blocks in formation]

bia, S. C.

.362, 372

Daily state journal, Richmond

Confederate museum, newspapers in

293, 367 ..359-371 Daily sun, Columbus, Ga........372

[blocks in formation]

Daily true delta, New Orleans.. 364 General advertiser, Phila..
Daily union, Washington.. .356 Georgia, newspapers of
Danville, Va. Danville register.. Georgia constitutionalist,




Sixth corps

Danville register

288, 362 362 .288, 362

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Green River pantagraph


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