Chain of white Corn promised for Embroidery of white .58, 68 | Benson, Nicholas. Member V. C., Given to O. Traitorous behavior of Japazaws returns, sent him..237 Bents, Alexander. Member V. C., ... ..49, 52 54 99 99 A 12 Offered to P. for daughter..135 Bequests (see also "Gifts," "Pres- Powhatan promises corn for.. 84 ents"). Beale, Edward (Grocer). ber V. C. .. Flesh of, given by Inds. 65 Authority to transport....A 28 Berkeley, John (see also name be- Ironworker, sent over ..193 81 .A 33 stead"). Bedding (see also "Bed," "Bed- Burned at Jamestown... Berkeley, Sir Maurice, Knt. (see Member C. in Va. Member V. C. .A 16 .A 9 Berkeley, Sir Morris, Knt. (see also 36 Brought to Powhatan.. Beedle, Gabriel. Member V. C., 77 78 Berkeley, Sir Thomas, Knt. Mem- A 12 Berkeley, William (see also name Member V. C. Berkeley, William (see also name das," p. 125, 132). A 12 C......A 13 born in .....115 "Bermu- Corn raising at .. Dale plants corn at .125 Hogs at, to be ringed. ..148 Sends members to G. A. ..160 .136 in 115 sions in Origin of name Bingham, Captain John. V. C. Bingham, Sir Richard. Member .A 11 Bingley, John, Esqr. Member V. on N. E. coast 114-5 "Sea Vulture" founders on.. Somers wrecked on... Supplies sought from 31 text). Member V. C........A 13 102. 113 .114 Waters of, prisoner of Inds..241 Bishop of." See "Litch- See "London, 97 97 Each sent to build. .229 Reports to Cavend....258 (248) Testifies agst. Wrote..258 (248) Burglary. Punishment of .A 11 what ..161 42 A 12 Burgoyne, Robert. Member V. C., Burgoyne, Thomas. C. Brown, Matthew. Member V. C., A 12 Burnet, Bishop. Stith follows ex- Burnham, Samuel. Member V. .A 10 .174 .A 12 A iii-iv ..A 13 90 Burning Glass. Indians amazed at 18 90 Burras, Anne (Maid). Marries vii Laydon at first Christian mar- 84 ... Burroughs. One of first women to arrive.. 77 in Buckskins. Powhatan sends to his Number of, increased. .173 Representation of, in G, A..160 Buildings. See "Houses," "Cab- ins," "Huts." Burton, George. Member V. C., Burwell, Edward. fired 18-9 Burying Grounds. A 11 A 13 Bulls. Idle ones in colony......149 How first sent Number increased Bush, John. Dispossessed by Y..227 A 12 Number of, from each town. 196 Burgesses, House of (see also Origin of name "Burgesses"). Depredations aided by.321 (311) 320-1 (310-1) 291 (281) Inquiry of allegations of, Caleb and Joshua. Dale advises Reports on conditions.... Returns to Eng. A 13 Spoils Kendal.. .216-7 Spoils Spans. in Berms..320 (310) 216-7 tions 291 (281) Steals cattle of colonists... |