rev., with additional notes. 1876. 3 v. ND461 W2. 448 Catalogue of his paintings, p. Weir, J. F. John Trumbull; a brief 405-439. sketch of his life, to which is added a catalogue of his works, prepared for the Committee on the bi-centennial celebration of the founding of Yale college. 1901. ND237 T86 W4. 449 Woltmann, A. F. G. A. History of ancient, early Christian, and medieval painting. From the German of Alfred Woltmann and Karl Woermann. Ed. by Sidney Colvin. With illustrations. 1880. 2 v. ND50 W86. 450 -Holbein and his times. Tr. by F. E. Bunnètt. With sixty illustrations. 1872. ND588 H7 W8. ENGRAVING, ETCHING, LITHOGRAPHY. Baker, W. H. A dictionary of en- 454 458 tive. By Henry Farrer, Wm. E. Marshall [and 12 others]. After paintings by Gilbert Stuart, Washington Allston, George Inness, etc. With descriptive biographical text by S. R. Koehler, and others. 1887. NE2003 K77. Maberly, J[oseph] The print collector; an introduction to the knowledge necessary for forming a collection of ancient prints, by J. Maberly. With an appendix, containing Fielding's treatise on the Fractice of engraving. Ed. with notes, an, account of contemporary etching and etchers, and a biblography of engraving, by Robert Hoe, jr. 1880. NE885 M11. 459 Manson, A. S. Catalogue pt. 4 of the American historical collections of the late A. S. Manson. An extensive collection of portraits for extra illustrating... autograph letters, etc. To be sold by auction Nov. 7, 1905. C. F. Libbie & co., auctioneers. Boston [1905]. NE 240 M28. 460 Pennell, Joseph. Lithography & lithographers; some chapters in the history of the art, with technical remarks and suggestions by Joseph & E. R. Pennell, together with many illvstrations. 1898. NE2430 P4. 461 Ruskin, John. Ariadne florentina. Six lectures on wood and metal engraving. With appendix. Given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas term, 1872. 1884. NE395 R95. 462 Contents.-Definition of the art of engraving. The relation of engraving to other arts in Florence.--The technics of wood engraving.-The technics of metal engraving.-Design in the German schools of engraving (Holbein and Durer)-Design in the Florentine schools of engraving (Sandro Botticelli)—Appendix: Notes on the present state of engraving in England. Detached notes. Sartain, John. A brief sketch of the history and practice of engraving. A paper prepared at the request of the Franklin institute of Pennsylvania, and read before the institute March 8, 1880. Repeated by request, at the Penna. academy of fine arts, March 30, 1880. 1880. NE400 S24. 463 -The reminiscences of a very old man, 1808-1897. 1899. NE815 S24. 464 Strange, E. F. Japanese illustration; a history of the arts of wood-cutting and colour printing in Japan. 1908. NE1310 S89. 465 U. S. Library of Congress. Division of prints. Catalog of the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings, presented to the Library of Congress by Mrs. Gardiner Greene Hubbard. Comp. by A. J. Parsons. 1905. NE53 H87. 466 Contents.-Prefatory note. The gift. Sketch of Gardiner Greene Hubbard.-Abbreviations and authorities. Catalog of engravers (alphabetically arranged)—Original drawings. Index of engravers (chronologically arranged by schools)-Index of artists.--Portrait index.-List of authorities.Additions and corrections. Wedmore, Frederick. Etchings. [1911] NE2135 W4. 467 ART APPLIED ΤΟ INDUSTRY. DECORATION AND ORNAMENT. FURNITURE, CERAMICS, COSTUME, ETC. an essay on pottery and porcelain, and engraved list of marks and monograms. By Henry G. Bohn. 1857. NK3740 B51. 471 Birch, Samuel. History of ancient pottery, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. New and revised edition. With coloured plates and woodcuts. 1873. N 3800 B61. 472 Bowes, J. L. A vindication of the decorated pottery of Japan, by J. L. Bowes. 1891. NK4167 B78. Barber, E. A. The pottery and por- 473 The Bayeux tapestry 1856. NK3049 B3 474 Cunynghame, H. H. S. European enamels. [1906] NK5000 C8. 475 Dawson, Nelson. Goldsmiths' and silversmiths' work. 1907. NK 7104 D3. 476 Denning, David. Wood-carving for amateurs: containing descriptions of all the requisite tools, and full instructions for their use in producing different varieties of carvings. Illustrated. 2d ed. Rev. and enl. 1905. NK9704 D39. 477 Two Sicilies, but chiefly in the neighbourhood of Naples, during the course of the years 1789 and 1790, now in the possession of Sir William Hamilton. With remarks on each vase by the collector. 1791. 4 v. NK4645 H22. 486 Dillon, Edward. Glass. 1907. NK Hobson, R. L. Porcelain, oriental, 5104 D57. 478 "Selected bibliography of works on glass": p. xxii-xxviii. -Porcelain, by Edward Dillon. [1904] NK4370 D57. 479 "Selected list of works on porcelain": p. xxvi-xxxii. "Key to the bibliographical list": p. xxiii-xxxiv. "List of works on other subjects referred to in the text": p. xxxv. Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household the latest English ed. 1881. NK 2115 E13. 480 continental and British; a book of handy reference for collectors. 1906. NK4230 H68. 487 Holt, R. B. Rugs, oriental and occidental, antique & modern; а handbook for ready reference. New and enl. ed., entirely reset, with 33 full-page illustrations, 12 in full color, and other drawings in the text, and a map of the Orient. 1908. NK2795 H75. 489 488 taste in furniture, upholstery, and Hope, Thomas. Costume of the an"List of authorities": p. 175-178. other details. Ed. with notes by cients. C. C. Perkins. A new ed., much enl. 321 1st American from plates. 1841. 2 v. Library has v. 1. NK4707 H79. Hunt, Mrs. A. W. Our grandmothers' gowns, by Mrs. A. W. Hunt. With twenty-four hand-coloured illustrations drawn by G. R. Halkett. n. d. NK4743 H93. 490 The illustrated book of costume, ancient and modern. n. d. NK4706 129. Elliott, C. W. The book of American interiors. Prepared from existing houses with preliminary essays and letterpress descriptions. Illustrated in heliotype. 1876. NK2002 E46. 481 from -Pottery and porcelain, 482 491 Jervis, W. P. The encyclopedia of ceramics, with much original matter now first published. [1902] NK3770 J57. 492 Bibliography: p. 48-51. Fairbanks, Arthur. Athenian leky- The Journal of design and manufac thoi, with outline drawing in glaze varnish on a white ground. 1907. NK4649 L5 F16. 483 (University of Michigan studies. Humanistic series. vol. VI.) Forrest, R. L. Colonial furniture and old English silver; the collection of Robert L. Forrest, esq., Philadelphia. To be sold February 5th, 1912, [by] the Anderson auction co., New York. NK 2220 F72. 484 Gummere, A. M. The Quaker; a study in costume. 1901. NK 4709 G97. Hamilton, Sir William, 1730-1803. Collection of engravings from ancient vases, mostly of pure Greek workmanship, discovered in sepulchres in the kingdom of the 485 tures. v. 1-6, Mar. 1849-Feb. 1852. 6 v. NK1 J8. 493 Lilley, A. E. V. A book of studies in plant form, with some suggestions for their application to design, by A. E. V. Lilley and W. Midgley. Enl. ed. 1905. NK1560 L72. 497 Litchfield, Frederick. Illustrated history of furniture, from the earliest to the present time. 1893. NK2270 L7. 498 McClellan, Elisabeth. Historic dress in America, 1607-1800, with an introductory chapter on dress in the Spanish and French settlements in Florida and Louisiana, by Elisabeth McClellan. Illustra tions in color, pen and ink, and half-tone by S. B. Steel, together with reproductions from photographs of rare portraits, original garments, etc. [1904] NK4712 M 12. 499 501 502 -History of British costume. 1834. NK4743 P71. James. 503 Prendeville, Moore, Mrs. N. H. (Woodbridge) The old china book, including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, lustre, and other English pottery and porcelain. [1903] NK4006 M82. Moreland, F. A. Practical decorative upholstery. Containing full instructions for cutting, making and hanging all kinds of interior upholstery decorations. Illustrated with numerous working diagrams and designs, alike valuable to the upholsterer and housekeeper. ed. [1899] NK3195 M86. Morse, F. C. Furniture of the olden time. 1902. 504 NK2240 M9. Müntz, Eugène. A short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the 18th century. Translated by Miss L. J. Davis. 1885. NK3000 M97. Nichols, G. W. Art education applied to industry, by G. W. Nichols, with illustrations. 1877. NK 60 N6. 506 -Pottery. How it is made, its 505 Photographic facsimiles of the antique gems formerly possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski, together with an essay on ancient gems and gem-engraving. By James Prendeville, assisted by Dr. Maginn. 2 v. NK5515 P79 P9. Ed. by John Tyrrell. Prime, W. C. Pottery of all times and nations. With tables of factory and artists' use of collectors. P95. 1857-59. 514 marks for the 1878. NK3780 515 Pugin, A. Gothic furniture; consisting of twenty-seven coloured engravings, from designs by A. Pugin. With descriptive letter-press. n. d. NK2345 P97. 516 Racinet, A. C. A. Le costume historique. Cinq cents planches, trois cents en couleurs, or et argent, deux cents en camaieu. Types principaux du vêtement et de la parure, rapprochés de ceux de l'intérieur de l'habitation dans tous les temps et chez tous les peuples, avec de nombreux détails sur le mobilier, les armes, les objets usuels, les moyens de transport, etc. Recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet...avec des notices explicatives, une introduction générale, des tables et un glossaire. 1888. 6 v. NK4704 R12. 517 Robinson, F. S. English furniture. [1905] NK2528 R66. 518 "A short list of books useful for the study of English furniture": p. XXXV-Xl. Ruutz-Rees, J. E. Home decoration: art needle-work and embroidery; painting on silk, satin, and velvet; panel-painting; and woodcarving. 1882. NK1520 R98. 519 Schneider, E. A guide to pyrography or woodburning for the use of students and amateurs. With illustrations by F. C. F. Second ed. with an appendix treating on the novel departure in pyrography: the pyrography in relief. NK 8605 F1. Smith, H. C. Jeweilery. 7106 S64. 520 1908. NK 521 Bibliography: p. 371-379. Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female costume. Illustrated by one hundred and twelve plates. 1882. NK 4751 S65. 522 Solon, L. M. The art of the old English potter. Illustrated by the author. 1886. NK4085 S68. 523 Spilsbury, John. A collection of fifty prints from antique gems, in the collections of the right honourable earl Percy, the honourable C. F. Greville, and T. M. Slade, esq. Engraved by John Spilsbury. NK5545 $75. 524 [Stone, Mrs. Elizabeth] The book of costume: or, Annals of fashion from the earliest period to the present time. By a lady of rank. New ed. 1847. NK4706 S87. 525 526 Stosch, Philipp, freiherr von. Pierres quarto plates, comprising a large number of original designs of Halls, staircases, parlors, libraries, dining rooms, bank, office and store fittings, &c. With an introduction, description of plates, and notes on wood finish. 1882. NK 2130 T96. 528 Woodsend, C. J. Practical wood carving. A simple treatise on the rudiments of wood carving, embracing the proper methods of handling tools, as well as the correct shapes for grinding them in order to produce different kinds of work. Illustrated by numerous engravings of original drawings. 1897. NK9704 W89. 529 |