WILLIAMSBURG: Capitol, or in other authentic Papers and Records. Printed by William Parks M, DCC, XLVII, p. [i]; [blank,] p. [ii]; -THE PREFACE, pp. m-v.;-[blank), p. [vi];-[text, with heading] No. 1. Κ. James I's Letters Patent to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, and others, for two several Colonies and Plantations, to be made in Virginia, and other Parts and Territories of America. Dated April 10, 1606, pp. 1-34. Page 104 is wrongly numbered 410; the numbers 247-256 are repeated in the pagination; and 323 is 333. CONDITION: Size of leaf 7 7-8 x 4 5-16 inches. Bound in red levant morocco, gilt edges; by Pratt. There were two editions printed at Williamsburg in 1747, with the title-pages reading alike, but with the text printed from the same type readjusted. For convenience of description, but without any attempt to decide as to their priority, we shall designate them as (1), the edition here described, and (2). Edition (2) was printed on poorer paper than (1)† and had sheets X of the text, and Cc, Dd, and sometimes Aa, of the Appendix badly discolored. Differences occur on almost every leaf; the following ending of lines will, however, serve to distinguish between the two editions, those of two being in parentheses. Page 3, line 16 ends "Service of" ("Service"); p. 33, line 3, "for" ("for the"); p. 61, line 1, "ordered" ("ordered Cap-"); p. 91, line 3, "the" ("the King"); p. 123, line 2, "Go" ("Govern-"); p. 147, line 5, "Joy" ("Joy and"); p. 169, line 8, "and" ("and ar-"); p. 197, line 11, "they" ("they en-"); p. 249, line 11, "so" ("so near"); p. 311, line 23, "remain" ("House re-"); p. 329, line 34, "the Com-" ("of the"); Appendix, p. 4, line 38, "such Me" ("of such"); p. 17, line 1, "Succes-" ("Suc-"); the numbers 247-256 repeated in the pagination (295-304 repeated). As pointed out by Turnbull in the Brinley Catalogue, p. 23, has no signaturemark (is marked C3); p. 119 has no signature-mark (is marked 14); p. 308 has single rule over note (has none); p. 27 has single rule over note (has none). In the Lenox Library there are two copies like the one here described and two of edition (2). There is also in the Lenox Library a London Edition (with both title-pages) dated 1753, which is only the Williamsburg edition (2) with substituted title-pages. It is possible that copies of edition (1) may also be found with the London title-pages. It is possible that copies of edition (1) may also be found with the London title-pages. The work brings the history of Virginia down only to 1624. The early charters contained in the Appendix give the work its chief value at the present day. The author had the use of the Collingwood transcript of the records of the Virginia Company. Notwithstanding his diffuseness and lack of literary style, he has become a high authority to later writers. OTHER COPIES: British Museum (2); John Carter Brown; Lenox (2); and Historical Society of Pennsylvania Libraries. REFERENCES: Evans, American Bibliography, 2, No. 6071; Winsor, 3, 165; Hildeburne, Charlemagne Tower Collection, p. 294, No. 76; Brinley, Catalogue, 2, No. 3796; Stevens, Nuggets, 2, No. 2620; Field, Indian Bibliography, No. 1502; Menzies, Catalogue, No. 1916. See Note under Evans, above. member V. C... member of the Virginia Company, -an adventurer, -grantee of a P. C......... Privy Council, or Lords of the Privy Council. A COMPLETE INDEX TO STITH'S HISTORY OF VIRGINIA BY MORGAN POITIAUX ROBINSON On account of the conflicting errors of pagination, as fully set forth in the Preface, it has seemed desirable to place here this key to the combination references which appear in the following pages, along with one or two illustrating examples, as it is impossible to use the index intelligently without understanding this key: (a) If the student has (i) †, (iii) † or (v) †, he should use the single number given, or the parenthetical number of ALL combination references; being careful, however, that if any of pp. 247-256 (inclusive) appear in the parentheses, they are the second and not the first pages of these numbers which occur in the text of these editions. (b) If the student has (ii)†, he should use the single number given, or the first number of any combination reference up to and including p. 304; after p. 304, he should use the parenthetical number of ALL combination references; likewise being careful, however, that if any of pp. 295-304 (inclusive) appear in parentheses, they are the second and not the first pages of these numbers which occur in the text of these editions. For example: ADVENTURERS, increase of 282 (272). This will be found on p. 272 of (i), (iii) and (v), and on p. 282 of the other editions. ADVENTURERS, interests of, preserved, 303-4 (293-4). This will be found on pp. 293-4 of (i), (iii) and (v), and on pp. 303-4 of the other two editions. This is found on p. 295 of (i), (iii) and (v), and on the second p. 295 of the other two editions. No attention has been paid in the references to the isolated error of 410 for page 104; nor to that of 223 for 323, but the combination references to this latter page are 333 (323) as though there were no error. The Preface explains the editions indicated by these numbers. Abbot, Mr. Auditor......275 (265) Candidate of King 274-5 (264-5) ..123 Accounts. Quest-house call for Not to prejudice Charters. A 31-2 Acts of Assembly (see also "Acts"). Council can annul ........ Abbot, Sergeant Jeffrey. Conspi- Abbott, Dr. Geo. Archbishop of 160 326-7 (316-7) Meaning mistaken....306 (296) Three, to be published.307 (297) Admiral. Gilbert sent as... 75 Mansel, against Algerines..184 Somers .101 Title, assumed Admiral of New England. Smith Merchant," 60 houses," "Cape has empty title of..137 ..248 King to contribute to...248 Admiral-ship. Distress of...113 Ahab. Story of, and Naboth...137 Albemarle Sound. Explored by Tendencies, punished..332 (322) settlers Adventure of the Purse. Great Answer of 13 Owned by Weopomeokes.... 14 Alcocke, Thomas. Member V. C. Argall Fac. opposed by....186-7 Algerines. Argall goes against.. 186 ...121 Expulsion of. 303-4 (293-4) 186-7 Expedition against, failure.184-5 Algiers. Expedition against pi- .184-5 Ambuscades (see also "Am- Ambushes buscades"). ... Smith in, in Rappahannock America (see also "America, Dis- 69 69 Colonists favour royal rule |