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BULLETIN (Issued Quarterly) APRIL, 1912

Vol. 5, No. 2




Books relating to Printing, Book Industries, Libraries and Bibliography in the Virginia State Library

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This finding list includes titles of the books in the classes of Printing, Book Industries, Libraries, and Bibliography in the Virginia State Library. The titles are arranged alphabetically under a few leading subject headings. In the index at the end the names of authors, editors, translators, and subject words of titles are arranged in one alphabet.


Bouchot, H. F. X. M. The book: its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. With a treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books, and a Latin-English and English-Latin topographical index of the earliest printing places. Ed. by H. Grevel. 1890. Z4 B76.


"Containing one hundred and seventy-two fac-similes of early typography, book-illustrations, printers' marks, bindings, numerous borders, initials, head and tail pieces, and a frontispiece."

First translated into English by E. C. Bigmore and issued in 1887 under title: The printed book; its history, illustration and adornment.

"The art of describing and cataloguing incunabula" (p. [322]-351) is a translation of Anton Einsle's Incunabel bibliographie, Wien, 1888.

Davenport, C. J. H. The book, its history and development. Illustrated. 1908. Z4 D28.


Hitchcock, F. H. The building of a book; a series of practical articles written by experts in the various departments of book making and distribution, with an introduction by Theodore L. De Vinne; ed. by F. H. Hitchcock. [1906] Z4 H55.


Contents. Introduction, by T. L. De Vinne. The author, by G. W. Cable. The literary agent, by P. R. Reynolds. The literary adviser, by F. W. Halsey. - The manufacturing department, by L. L. Walton. - The making of type, by L. B. Benton.Hand composition and electrotyping, by J. S. Cushing. - Composition by the linotype machine, by F. J. Warburton. Composition by the monotype machine, by P. Nathan. -Proof-reading, by G. L. Miller.Paper making, by H. W. Mason.Presswork, by W. J. Berwick. The printing press, by O. L. Raabe.Printing ink, by J. A. Ullman.— The printer's roller, by A. S. Burlingham.-The illustrator, by C. D. Williams.-Half-tone, Iine, and color plates, by E. M. Gill.-The


wax process, by R. D. Servoss.Making intaglio plates, by Latham.-Printing intaglio plates, by G. W. H. Ritchie. -The gelatine process, by E. Jacobi.-Lithography, by C. Wilhelms. -Cover designing, by A. Richards. The cover stamps, by G. Becker.-Book cloths, by H. P. Kendall.-Book leathers, by E. C. Bartlett.-The binding, by J. F. Tapley. --Special bindings, by H. Blackwell. - Copyrighting, by F. H. Hitchcock.Publicity, by V. Burnett.-Reviewing and criticising, by W. Littlefield. -The travelling salesman, by H. А. Thompson.-Selling at wholesale,

by J. E. Bray. -Selling at retail, by W. Snyder.-Selling by subscription, by C. S. Olcott. -Selling at auction, by J. Anderson, jr. - Selecting for a public library, by A. E. Bostwick.Rare and second-hand books, by C. E. Goodspeed.

Putman, G. H. Books and their makers during the middle ages; a study of the conditions of the production and distribution of literature from the fall of the Roman empire to the close of the seventeenth century. 1896-97.2 v. 24 P99.

Bibliography: v. 1, p. xvii-xxvii.



Autographs, Shorthand, Paleography.

Anderson, Thomas. History of short-1 sale conducted by Stan V. Hen

hand, with a review of its present condition and prospects in Europe and America. 1882. Z53 A55.


"Supplementary lists of writers on shorthand": p. 193-210. "American authors": p. 226-228. "American shorthand writers': p. 228-230. "London newspaper repor

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ters": p. 266-272. "London short- Goodspeed's book shop. Catalogs. hand writers" p. 273-276.

Z42 G65.


Baer, J., & co. Catalogs. 242 B14. 6 Smith, G. D. Catalogs. 242 S64. 12 Burnham, Т. О. Н. Р. Catalogue of

the valuable collection of auto- Wright, Andrew. Court-hand

graphs of T. O. H. P. Burnham, including scarce Revolutionary broadsides of Sir Henry Clinton and Burgoyne, capitulation of Charleston, etc., with fine specimens of such names as Major Ben. Church, Generals Braddock, Burgoyne, Carlton. To be sold at auction, May 25th, and 26th. Charles F. Libbie & co. auctioneers. 1888. Z42 B96.


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stored: or, The student's assistant
in reading old deeds, charters,
records, etc., neatly engraved on
copper-plates, de-
scribing the old law hands, with
their contractions and abbrevia-
tions. With an appendix; con-
taining the ancient names
places in Great Britain and Ire-
land; an alphabetical table of an-
cient surnames; and
graphy of Latin words found in
the works of the most eminent
lawyers, and other ancient writ-
ings. 6th ed., cor. 1822. Z113 W



With the introductions to the first edition. 1773, and to the 4th and 5th editions.





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[Hay, George.] An essay on the liberty of the press; respectfully inscribed to the republican printers throughout the United States. By Hortensius (pseud). 1799. Reprinted, 1803. Z657 H42. Jenner, W. A. The octopus; reaching for books. Considerations upon the pending copyright bills, particularly in reply to the publishers' arguments; upon the subjects of importation; labor interests; foreign laws; completeness of the Library of Congress; control of retail prices; and a renewal term to authors. 1908. Z642 J43.

18 -The publisher against the people, a plea for the defense; an examination of the proposed new copyright law. [1907?] Z642 J44

19 Jobard. J. B. A. M. Organon de la proprièté Z551 J62.




Macfie, R. A. Copyright and patents for inventions. Pleas and plans for cheaper books and greater industrial freedom, with due regard to international relations, the claims of talent, the demands of trade, and the wants of the people. Compiled by R. A. Macfie. Being a sequel to "Recent discussions on

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Library has v. 2. Contents. v. 1. Essay on the origin & progress of literary property, by Lord Dreghorn. Evidence given to the Royal commission on copyright in favour of royalty republishing. Extracts, notes, & tables illustrating these subjects, copyright of design, etc. v. 2. Exposure of the patent system by M. M. Chevalier. Evidence from bluebooks, 1829, 1851, 1864, 1865, 1871, 1872. Extracts & notes illustrating patents and copyright.

Putnam, G. H. International copyright considered in some of its relations to ethics and political economy. An address delivered January 29, 1878, before the New York free-trade club. 1879. 2552 P99. 22

_ The question of copyright; a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world; together with a report of the legislation now pending in Great Britain, a sketch of the contest in the United States, 1837-1891, in behalf of international copyright, and certain papers on the development of the conception of literary property, and the probable effects of the new American law. Comp. by G. H. Putnam. 1891. Z552 P99Q. 23

Contents.-Editor's preface.-The nature and origin of copyright, by R. R. Bowker.- The evolution of copyright, by Brander Matthews. -Literary property: an historical sketch, by G. H. Putnam.-Development of copyright in England, by R. R. Bowker. Summary of the history of copyright in the U. S. (by R. R. Bowker) U. S. copyright law of July, 1870.- Hawley coруright bill of January, 1885.-Report of the International copyright bill of the House Committee on patents, by W. E. Simonds.-U. S. copyright act of March, 1891.-Analysis of the Copyright act of March, 1891, by G. H. Putnam.Digest of the copyright law of Great Britain, by Sir James Ste

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