Page images
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Transportation by

Free for barrels, petitions, 260

Passenger, influencing of, petitions, 260
Western, 171

Various, 103, 113, 114, 118, 127, 137, 138,
143, 144, 157, 164, 172, 177, 182, 192,
Petitions, 68, 73, 78, 83, 89, 104, 111,
116, 120, 124, 125, 139, 140, 146,
166, 179, 200, 216, 224, 366, 372,
377, 413

See also Railways under District of Columbia.
Rails, duties on, petitions, 166, 224
Railway Labor Board, petitions, 382
Railways and Canals Committee

Papers to accompany bills and resolutions
referred to, 306, 318

Petitions referred to. See Petitions and
memorials under all Congresses from the
1st through the 57th except the 42d
and 53d.

Records of. See Committee papers under all
Congresses from the list through the

Rainey, Henry T., election contest, 370

Rainey, John W., election contest, 370

Rainey, Joseph H., election contests, 204, 211

Rainey, L. B., election contest, 370

Raisins, petitions, 431

Ramey, Frank M., election contest, 391

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Authentication of, 108

Committee. See under Committees.
Disposal, list for, 250, 424

Hall for preservation of, 322
Phonograph. See Phonograph records.

Pension, record of, 228

Receipts for, 21, 25, 28, 30, 34, 38, 42,
51, 85, 112, 147, 153, 161, 167, 174,
188, 195, 262, 277

Registers or other records of. See Rec-
ords of committee reports or Record
books under Records of the Office of
the Clerk for all Congresses. See
also Documents and Papers.
Recruiting stations, sale of liquor in, peti-
tions, 261

Rectifying and oxygenating apparatus, patent
for, 205

Red Cross, International Committee of, 234
Red Cross, use of emblem and name of, 435
"Red light" injunction bill, petitions, 340
Red River, ports of entry on, 91

Red River raft, removal, 92

Reduction of American Tonnage, Select Commit-
tee on, 186

Reduction of Government Expenditures, Select
Committee on, 144

Reece, B. Carroll, election contest, 400
Reed, Philip, election contest, 47
Reed, Thomas B., election contest, 227
Reeder, Andrew H., election contest, 136
Reese, L. G., election contest, 400
Reeves, Albert L., election contest, 363
Reeves, Thomas H.

Compensation claim of, 197

Representative-at-large, claim as, 190
Reform schools, 197

Reforestation, petitions, 401

Reform in the Civil Service, Committee on
(select and standing)

Papers to accompany bills and resolutions
referred to, 306, 318, 362, 369
Petitions referred to, 217, 225, 262, 269,
276, 291, 298, 304, 310, 326, 335, 349,
367, 373

Records of, 200, 206, 214, 222, 227, 244,

251, 259, 267, 274, 282, 288, 296, 302,
308, 322, 332, 365, 371, 376

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[blocks in formation]



See Revenue under Laws.

Bills and reports on, 129

Collection of, 143

Petitions, 327, 349

Frauds concerning, petitions, 208
Laws concerning

Breach of, seizure and forfeiture of
vessels for, petitions, 224

Internal, amendment of, petitions, 166
Various, 127, 200, 381

Petitions, 37, 116, 146, 414

See also Income taxes, Internal revenue,
Tariff, and Taxes and taxation.
Revenue collectors, petitions, 45
Revenue Cutter Service, 142, 176, 266, 287
Petitions, 151, 268, 297, 303, 341, 348
Revenue cutters, petitions, 93

Revenue-Marine Service, petitions, 230, 238,

Revisal and Unfinished Business Committee
Petitions referred to, 94
Records of, 48, 92

Revised Statutes
Correction of, 206
Publication of, 196

Revision of the Laws Committee
Bills referred to, 266

Papers to accompany bills and resolutions
referred to, 369, 380

Petitions referred to, 239, 276, 342
Records of, 113, 206, 213, 236, 251, 258,
266, 274, 340, 346, 353, 376, 391,
418, 424

Revolutionary Army, officers of
Claims of surviving, petitions, 41, 59
Half pay for, petitions, 27
Memorial from, 74

Revolutionary Claims Committee

List of claims reported unfavorably, 98
Petitions referred to. See Petitions and
memorials under all Congresses from
the 19th through the 38th.
Records of. See Committee reports and
papers under all Congresses from the
19th through the 36th and Committee
papers under the 37th, 38th, and 42d

Reports of, record of transcribed, 55, 75,


See also Claims, Claims Committee, and
Pensions and Revolutionary Claims

[blocks in formation]

Claims Committee and Pensions and
Revolutionary Claims Committee.
Papers relating to, publication of, 234
Pensions arising from. See Pensions,

Pensions Committee, Pensions and Revo-
lutionary Claims Committee, and Revo-
lutionary Pensions Committee.
Persons disabled in, petitions, 24
Scenes for the Capitol Rotunda, 56
See also Revolutionary Army.

Rexford, J. W., patent of, 205

Reynolds, George D., election contest, 307
Reynolds, John B., election contest, 264
Rhea, John S., election contests, 286, 300
Rhea, William F., election contests, 294, 301
Rhode Island

Controversy involving Thomas W. Dorr, 128
Election contests in, 242, 249

Tidal channel of, petitions, 333
Rhode Island Brigade, petitions, 74

Rice, H. M., contract with, 118

Rice, John M., election contest, 183

Rice, tariff on, petitions, 195, 240

Richard, Dr. D. B., mail order business of,

Richard, Father Gabriel

Educational plan of, petitions, 29
Election contests, 51, 56

Richardson, George F., election contest, 271
Richardson, John S., election contest, 211
Richardson, R. H., election contest, 330
Richmond, Ind., road to Springfield, Ohio,

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[blocks in formation]

See also Defenses and National defense.
Improvement of, 61, 56, 82, 86, 109, 122,
127, 136, 142, 182, 203, 274, 282, 288,
296, 308

Petitions, 58, 63, 68, 73, 78, 79, 83, 88,
89, 93, 98, 100, 104, 106, 110, 111,
115, 119, 120, 124, 130, 131, 138,
139, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 158,
165, 166, 167, 172, 173, 179, 185,

223, 229, 238, 247, 260, 261, 269,

276, 291, 298, 304, 310, 316, 353,
355, 414, 438

Maps and blueprints of, 282

Pollution, petitions, 360, 420, 432

Project by State or region, petitions, 326
Statistics on, 308

Rivers and Harbors Committee

Papers to accompany bills and resolutions
referred to. See Accompanying papers
under all Congresses from the 58th
through the 79th except the 65th.
Petitions referred to. See Petitions and
memorials under all Congresses from
the 48th through the 79th.

Records of. See Committee papers under all
Congresses from the 48th through the


Construction and maintenance, 52, 54, 57,
62, 77, 82, 87, 103, 114, 123, 137,
143, 178, 185, 353
Petitions, 27, 36, 40, 49, 59, 63, 68,

73, 78, 83, 84, 89, 94, 100, 105,
106, 111, 116, 120, 125, 139, 145,
146, 152, 160, 166, 173, 229, 238,
268, 323, 355, 361, 366, 367, 393
Land grants for, 178

Petitions, 160, 173
Macadamized, petitions, 126
Military, 129, 137, 142, 150

Petitions, 110, 159, 349


National system of, petitions, 367
Plank, petitions, 126

Resolution concerning a certain, 23
Select committee on, 28
Turnpikes, 52, 142
Petitions, 45, 68

See also Highways.

Roads and Canals Committee

Bills reported by, abstracts of, 82
Memorials referred to, list of, 77
Petitions referred to. See Petitions and

memorials under all Congresses from the
14th through the 40th except the 21st.
Records of. See Committee reports and
papers under the 12th Congress and
under all Congresses from the 14th
through the 34th except the 15th, 21st,
22d, and 29th, and Committee papers
under the 40th Congress.

Reports of, record of transcribed, 60, 65,
79, 107

Roads Committee

Papers to accompany bills and resolutions

referred to. See Accompanying papers
under all Congresses from the 64th
through the 79th except the 65th, 67th,
and 72d.

Petitions referred to, 349, 355, 367, 373
378, 393, 409, 420, 432, 438

Records of. See Committee papers under all
Congresses from the 63d through the
79th except the 65th and 72d.

Robbins, Gaston A., election contests, 279,

Robbins, John, Jr., election contest, 118
Roberts, B. H.

Expulsion of, petitions, 292
Seating of, petitions, 299

Roberts, Brigham, Select Committee on the
Case of, petitions referred to, 299
Robertson, Edward W., election contest, 227
Robertson, S. M., election contest, 256
Robinson, W. C., election contest, 279
Rock Creek, public park in the valley of, 169
Rock Creek Park, D. C., 314, 322
Rock Island

Horse railway over, 199

Purchase of part of, petitions, 146

Rock Island, Ill., canal to connect Hennepin,
Ill., from, petitions, 201

Rock Island Arsenal, condition of work at, 257
Rock Island Arsenal Bridge, regulation of

commerce over, 210

Rock Island Bridge, toll charges on, petitions,

Rocket machine, petitions, 111
Rockville-Washington Turnpike, 142

Rockwell, Hosea H., election contest, 264
Roger (privateer), petitions, 36
Rogers, Anthony A. C., election contests,
183, 190

Rogers, Sion H., election contest, 190
Rogers, Will, pension plan of, petitions, 409
Rogers' American Code of Marine Signals, 212

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Papers to accompany bills and resolutions
referred to, 329, 351, 380, 390, 416,
428, 434

Petitions referred to, 120, 292, 298, 304,
342, 349

Records of, 119, 236, 244, 251, 258, 274,
289, 296, 302, 308, 315, 322, 332,

340, 346, 353, 359, 407, 412, 430
Referrals to, record of, 121

Rules of the House of Representatives, Select
Committee on, 144, 151

Rules, Regulations, and Instructions for the
Naval Reserve of the United States, 32
Rumania, discriminations against Jews, peti-
tions, 303

Ruml tax plan, petitions, 432

Runk, John, election contest, 108
Rural credits, 363

Petitions, 340, 347, 349, 353, 359, 365
Rural electrification, petitions, 437
Rural free delivery. See Free delivery

system under Mail.

Rural sanitation, petitions, 354
Rural tax plan, petitions, 432

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