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Committee on Invalid Pensions: claims (37A-E8.1), arranged alphabeti

cally. There is also a docket volume, 37th Congress, 1st session, to 38th Congress, 1st session (37A-E8.2). For minutes, see entry 449. Committee on the Judiciary: authorization of the committee to employ a clerk during the 2d session (37A-E9.1); plan to preserve the Union (37A-E9.2); pleadings in the libel filed with the U. S. Circuit Court for the Maryland District in a cause of collision, William Hubbard, owner of the brig Henry A. Didier, v. the Baltimore Steam Packet Co., owners of the steamboat Louisiana (37A-E9.3); public lands of New Brunswick, a Canadian Province adjoining Maine (37A-E9.4); redress of the grievances of John A. Smith, Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, with respect to his fees (37A-E9.5). Arranged by subject. There are also a volume of minutes, 37th Congress, 1st session, to 3th Congress, 1st session (37A-E9.6); 3 rough docket volumes, and a docket volume, 37th Congress, 1st session, to the 38th Congress, 1st session (37A-E9.7); and 1 volume of extensive original testimony on whether a telegraphic censorship of press had been established in wartime Washington, and on whether Congressman Benjamin Wood of New York had been engaged in transmitting intelligence to the Confederate rebels (37A-E9.8). For minutes, see entry 449. Committee on Military Affairs: the case of Col. B. L. E. Bonneville, involving the pay of retired army officers recalled to duty upon the outbreak of the Rebellion (37A-E10.1); the claim of Acting Sutler F. McNerhany, 1st Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, Hooker's Division, for refund of sutler's tax and for return of property seized by military authority (37A-E10.2); court-martial trial of Col. Thomas Worthington, commencing at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1862 (37A-E10.3); former slaves employed as servants in the Army of Kentucky (37A-E10.4); and various subjects (37A-E10.5). Arranged by subject. There are also a volume of minutes (37A-E10.6), and 2 docket volumes (37A-E10.7). Committee on Naval Affairs: loss of the U. S. gunboat Cairo to torpedoes in the Yazoo River (37A-Ell.1); enlargement of the waterfront of the navy yards at Boston and Philadelphia (37A-E11.2); resignation of James E. Fiske as Acting Midshipman in the U. S. Navy (37A-E11.3); and various subjects (37A-El1.4). Arranged by subject.

Committee on Patents: charge of malfeasance against the Commissioner of Patents (37A-E12.1); claim of Henry S. Davis for fitting up the saloon in the east wing of the Patent Office Building (37A-E12.2); inquiry as to the expenditure of the appropriation made in 1861 for the Agricultural Bureau of the Patent Office (37A-E12.3). Arranged by subject. There is also a docket volume (37A-E12.4).

Committee on Private Land Claims: claim of Jacob Leese, Milton Little, and Santiago Little (37A-E13.1). There is also a docket volume, 37th Congress, 2d session, to 38th Congress, 2d session (37A-E13.2). Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds: conduct of public works by military engineers (37A-E14.1); extension of the Capitol and Treasury Buildings (37A-E14.2); extension of the Library of Congress (37A-E14.3); removal of John Plant from the Capitol police force for brutal treatment of a soldier on the Capitol Grounds (37A-E14.4); and the Washington Aqueduct (37A-E14.5). Arranged by subject.

Committee on Public Expenditures:

a docket volume, 37th Congress, 1st

session, to 41st Congress, 1st session (37A-E15.1). Committee on Public Lands: claim of Augustin Amiot to a lot in St. Louis under Spanish grant (37A-E16.1); claim to Baptist missionary lands in Michigan (37A-E16.2); clerical and map service to the House of Representatives by the General Land Office (37A-E16.3); creation of a land district in the Territory of Colorado (37A-E16.4); determination of titles to land along the boundary line between Georgia and Florida (37A-E16.5); discovery of coal fields in the public lands of California (37A-E16.6); expenses of the district land offices in California (37A-E16.7); grant of public lands to Kansas to aid in the construction of railroads (37A-E16.8); information on grants of public lands made since the passage of the Homestead Act (37A-E16.9); proposed creation of the Jefferson and Nevada Land Districts (37A-E16.10); survey and sale of the "Pine Lands" of Minnesota and wisconsin (37AE16.11); and various other subjects (37A-E16.12). Arranged by subject. There is also a docket volume (37A-E16.13). For minutes, see entry 419. Committee on Revolutionary Claims: claim of the heirs of Mrs. Mary Clearwater (37A-E17.1). There is also a volume containing docket entries and minutes, 37th Congress, 1st session, to 38th Congress, 2d session (37A-E17.2).

Committee on Revolutionary Pensions: claim of Nancy C. Van Rensselaer (37A-E18.1).

Committee on the Territories: appropriations for the Territory of
Colorado (37A-E19.1); appropriations for the Territory of Dakota
(37A-E19.2); census of the Territories of Dakota and Nevada (37A-
E19.3); executive message of William F. M. Arny, Acting Governor of
New Mexico, to the Legislative Assembly of the Territory, Dec. 2,
1862 (37A-E19.4). Arranged by subject. There is also a docket volume
(37A-E19.5). For minutes, see entry 434.
Committee on Ways and Means: Commissioner of Public Buildings (37A-E20.1);
communications with various Members of Congress (37A-E20.2); contingent
expenses of the Clerk of the House of Representatives (37A-E20.3); the
Court of Claims (37A-E20.4); papers from or about the executive depart-
ments: Agriculture (37A-E20.5), Interior (37A-E20.6), Navy (37A-E20.7),
Post Office (37A-E20.8), State (37A-E20.9), Treasury (37A-E20.10), and
War (37A-E20.11); the District of Columbia (37A-E20.12); domestic
taxes (37A-E20.13); income taxes (37A-E20.14); the Pension Office (37A-
E20.15); private correspondence of Thadeus Stevens (37A-E20.16); sup-
pression of the African slave trade (37A-E20.17); the tariff (37A-E20.18);
and various subjects (37A-E20.19). Arranged chronologically within each
group. There is also a docket volume (37A-E20.20). For minutes, see
entry 434.

Select Committees: on Government Contracts (37A-E21.1), and to Investi-
gate Charges Against the Hon. J. M. Ashley (37A-E21.2).
Committee of the whole House: For minutes, see entry 404.


Original executive documents, 1st session (37A-F1), 2d session (37-
F2), and 3d session (37A-F3); original miscellaneous documents, 1st

session (37A-F4), 2d session (37A-F5), and 3d session (37A-F6); and original reports from the Court of Claims (37A-F7). Arranged numerically within each group.


17 ft.

467 Grouped by specified committees listed below, thereunder by subject. Subjects are arranged chronologically within each group, unless otherwise indicated. Committee on Claims: claims (37A-G1.1), arranged alphabetically by peti


Committee on Commerce: Bureau of Statistics in the Interior Department (37A-G2.1); claims (37A-G2.2), arranged alphabetically by petitioner; claim of John Saunders master of the Baron de Castine, a brig captured by the Alabama and converted into a cartel ship (37A-G2.3); establishment of a mint in New York City (37A-G2.4); appointment of Solicitor of Customs in New York City (37A-G2.5); Provincetown, Mass., Harbor (37A-G2.6); harbor improvements (37A-G2.7); survey for a telegraphic line from the Amoor River to Russian America (37A-G2.8); St. Lawrence River waterway to the Great Lakes (37A-G2.9); and various subjects (37A-G2.10). Committee on the District of Columbia: Capitol Grounds (37A-G3.1); construction of wooden hospital buildings in Judiciary Square for Union troops (37A-G3.2); construction of a street railway to Georgetown (37A-G3.3); cleansing of city streets (37A-G3.4); grading and paving of city streets (37A-G3.5); claim of Alexandria Canal Co. for use of property by Federal troops (37A-3.6); and various subjects (37A-G3.7). Committee on Foreign Affairs: claims (37A-G4.1); French spoliation

claims (37A-G4.2); claim of citizens of Greytown, Nicaragua, for damages suffered in the bombardment of the city by the U.S.S. Cyane (37A-G4.3); claim of Mohamet Habbet in behalf of the heirs of Mamet Caramalli for losses sustained and for military services rendered by Caramalli in the war against Tripoli (37A-G4.4); claim of Townsend Harris, consul general of the United States to Japan, for extra services to the commerce of the United States (37A-G4.5); and the recognition of Liberia (37A-G4.6). 37A-G4.1 and 37A-G4.2 are arranged alphabetically by petitioner.

Committee on Indian Affairs: claims (37A-G5.1), arranged alphabetically by petitioner; Delaware Indians (37A-G5.2); Osage Indians (37A-G5.3); Stockbridge and Munsee Indians (37A-G5.4); laws for the improvement and protection of Indians (37A-G5.5); Indian spoliations (37A-G5.6); and various subjects (37A-G5.7).

Committee on Invalid Pensions: various subjects (37A-G6.1), arranged alphabetically by petitioner.

Committee on the Judiciary: abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia (37A-G7.1); abolition of slavery in the United States (37AG7.2); advice to Congress "to drop the Negro question and attend to the business of the country" (37A-G7.3); admission of West Virginia into the Union (37A-G7.4); bankruptcy law (37A-G7.5); claims (37AG7.6), arranged alphabetically by petitioner; honorable compromise of the difficulties between the States (37A-G7.7); Crittenden Compromise

(37A-G7.8); Federal courts and judges (37A-G7.9); Floyd's acceptances (37A-G7.10); repeal of the fugitive slave law (37A-G7.11); national convention of the States for the peaceful adjustment of the difficulties between the North and South (37A-G7.12); confiscation of the property and liberation of the slaves of persons supporting the rebellion (37A-G7.13); passage of a law calling upon all citizens, both bond and free, to aid the Government in suppressing the rebellion (37AG7.14); reduction of the States of South Carolina and Georgia, together with a part of Florida, into a territorial condition to be colonized by Negroes freed by force of arms or by acts of Congress (37A-G7.15); proposed expulsion of Representative Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio from the House of Representatives (37A-G7.16); and various subjects (37A-G7.17). Committee on Military Affairs: claims (37A-G8.1), arranged alphabetically by petitioner; homeopathic surgeons (374-G8.2); Illinois and Michigan Canal (37A-G8.3); repeal of legislation barring Jewish chaplains in the Army (37A-G8.4); Lake Michigan-Mississippi River Canal (37-G8.5); Michigan troops held as prisoners of war (37A-G8.6); military defenses and roads (37A-G8.7); national armory (374-G8.8); Oswego and Erie Canals (37A-C8.9); paymaster's compensation (37A-G8.10); peace and compromise of the difficulties between the North and South (37A-G8.11); enactment of a law calling upon all persons, both bond and free, to aid the Government in suppressing the rebellion (374-G8.12); abolition of slavery (37A-G8.13); soldiers' pay (37A-G8.14); sutlers (37A-G8.15); mustering out of the 1st and 2d Regiments of U. S. Reserve Corps (37A-G8.16); establishment of a professorship in German at West Point Military Academy (37A-C8.17); and various subjects (37A-G8.18). Committee on Naval Affairs: Advisory Board of the Navy (37A-G9.1); claims (37A-09.2); rates of pay and hours of labor in navy yards (37A-G9.3); increase in the pay of workmen in the Washington, D. C., Navy Yard (37A-G9.4); and various subjects (37A-G9.5). Committee on Patents: renewal of the patent of Samuel Bentz for certain improvements in the hulling of grain (37A-G10.1); renewal of the patent of Thomas Blanchard for bending wood (37A-G10.2); Evans' Patent Safety Guard for high-pressure boilers (374-G10.3); renewal of the patent of John Goulding for improvements in machinery for manufacturing woolen goods (37A-G10.4); renewal of the patent of George Page for a portable sawmill (37A-G10.5); pay of Patent Office clerks (37A-G10.6); renewal of the patent of Frederick E. Sickels for improvements in constructing apparatus for regulating the valves of steam engines (37A-G10.7); and various subjects (37A-G10.8).

Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads: establishment of mail routes in the States or Territories of Illinois (37A-Gl1.1), Indiana (37AGl1.2), Iowa (37A-G11.3), Kansas (37A-G11.4), Kentucky (37A-G11.5), Maine (37A-G11.6), Minnesota (37A-G11.7), Nebraska Territory (37Gl1.8), Nevada Territory (37A-G11.9), New Hampshire (37A-G11.10), New York (37A-G11.11), Ohio (37A-G11.12), Pennsylvania (37A-G11.13), Washington Territory (37A-G11.14), and Wisconsin (37A-G11.15); ocean mail routes (37A-G11.16); sending of small parcels of clothing and other articles for soldiers by mail (37A-G11.17); and various subjects (37A-G11.18).

Committee on Printing: authorization to print the agricultural report of

the Patent Office in German (37A-G12.1).

Committee on Private Land Claims: various subjects (37A-G13.1).

Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds:

claim of L. Leutze for deco

rating the Capitol (37A-G14.1). Committee on Public Lands: bounty lands for military service in the Kar of 1812 (37A-G15.1); claims (37A-G15.2); Eastern Railroad land grants in Wisconsin (37A-G15.3); homestead law (37A-15.4); survey of public lands in Kansas (37A-C15.5); increase in the pay of registers and receivers in land offices on the Pacific coast (37-15.6); land grant to Minnesota to aid in the construction of the Minneapolis and Cedar Valley Railroad (37A-G15.7); land office in Nevada Territory (37AG15.8); public lands within the limits of Virginia City, Nevada Territory (37A-G15.9); sale of lands in the New York Indian Reservation in Kansas (37A-G15.10); public land grant for a Protestant University of the United States, Cincinnati, Ohio (37A-G15.11); public land grant to Michigan and Wisconsin to aid in the construction of roads (37AG15.12); and various subjects (374-G15.13). Committee on Revolutionary Claims: alphabetically by petitioner. Committee on Revolutionary Pensions:

various subjects (37A-G16.1), arranged

various subjects (37A-G17.1), ar

ranged alphabetically by petitioner. Committee on Roads and Canals: Illinois and Michigan Canal (37A-G18.1) and various subjects (37A-G18.2).

Committee on the Territories: various subjects (37A-G19.1). Committee on ways and Means: advice to Congress "to drop the Negro question and attend to the business of the country" (37A-G20.1); national currency (37A-20.2); national debt (37A-G20.3); Kansas and Nebraska public lands (37A-G20.4); establishment of a branch mint in New York City (374-G20.5); establishment of a branch mint in St. Louis (37A-G20.6); tariff (374-G20.7); taxes (37A-G20.8); and various subjects (37A-G20.9).

Select Committees: on a National Armory (37A-G21.1); on a General Bankruptcy Law (37A-G21.2); on the Defenses of the Great Lakes and Rivers (37A-G21.3); on Emancipation (37A-G21.4); on the Confiscation of Rebel Property (37A-G21.5); and on the Celebration of Washington's Birthday (37A-G21.6).


Grouped by subject as follows: claims (37A-H1.1); abrogation of the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Great Britain (37A-H1.2); and various subjects (37A-H1.3). Arranged chronologically within each group.


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Credentials of Representatives and Delegates (37A-J1), arranged alphabetically by State or Territory.


Two volumes of roll calls (37A-K1); original report on the "Astronomical and Meteorological Observations Made at the Naval Observatory


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