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The Conservative Party in 1852-Its Return to Power-Lord Derby's

First Administration-Previous Discouragements of the Party-

Mr. Disraeli-Mr. Croker's Anticipations - His Belief that

the Country was Conservative-His Advice to the Ministry-

The Mistake of "a Budget before Christmas"-Mr. Croker's

Criticisms upon the Budget-Lord Derby's "Raw Troops "-

Irish Difficulties-Mr. Disraeli's "Powers of Speech "-Lord

Hardwicke on Party Prospects-Downfall of the Derby Ministry

-Mr. Croker's Retrospect of its History-Opinion of Mr. S. H.

Walpole-Presumed Attack upon Mr. Croker in Mr. Disraeli's

Budget-Lord John Russell's anomalous Position-Lord Lons-

dale's Review of the Derby Ministry-His Account of a Conver-

sation with Disraeli-Mr. Drummond and Conservative Prin-

ciples-His Opinion that "all is up"-Death of the Duke of

Wellington-Notes by Mr. Croker of his Last Interview with the

Duke The Cloak worn by the Duke at Waterloo-“ Up Guards

and at them!"-The Duke's Version-Letter from Lord Hardinge

on the Funeral Car-Prince Metternich to Lord Londonderry-

Dr. Johnson's Letter to Bennet Langton-Mr. Panizzi on the

Readers in the Museum Library-Letter from Mr. Hallam-M.

Guizot on French Politics-Lord Raglan's Account of the "Three

Days" in June (1815)-Correspondence with Lord Palmerston

-Lord Russell's Memoirs of Moore'-Mr. Croker's Article

in the Quarterly-Lord Strangford's Opinion of it-Lord Lons-

dale on Mr. Disraeli-Correspondence with Sir J. Graham-

Letters from Lord Strangford-Lord Aberdeen and the Emperor


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