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continuing recognition of the responsibility of the individual States in the field of migratory labor:

Now therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. (a) There is hereby established, subject to the provisions of this order, the President's Committee on Migratory Labor (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which shall be composed of the Secretary of Labor, who shall be Chairman of the Committee, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency.

(b) To assure effective functioning of the Committee and uninterrupted participation of each department and agency represented on the Committee, the head of each such department or agency shall designate an appropriate officer or employee of his department or agency as an alternate member to participate in the affairs of the Committee whenever the member may be absent or otherwise unable to participate.

(c) The Committee may request the head of any other Federal department or agency to designate a representative to participate in the affairs of the Committee as desirable in furthering the work of migratory labor programs.

SEC. 2. The Committee shall (1) maintain continuing review and assessment of the needs of migrant workers and their families, (2) aid the various Federal agencies in mobilizing, stimulating, and coordinating more effective programs and services for such migrants and in providing services to State and local areas through their constituent agencies, (3) facilitate and encourage the development of actions designed to promote improved living and working conditions of migratory workers, and (4) work with State and other public and non-public agencies in improving the living and working conditions of migratory workers. To these ends the Committee is empowered to enlist the aid and cooperation of Federal officials, Governors' Committees, local committees, national civil and church groups, and employer and worker organizations.

SEC. 3. The Departments and agencies represented on the Committee shall, as may be necessary for the purpose of effectuating the provisions of this order, furnish assistance to the Committee, including detailing of personnel, but excluding transfer of funds, in accordance with section 214 of the act of May 3, 1945, 59 Stat. 134 (31 U.S.C. 691), or any other applicable laws. The Department of Labor shall provide necessary space and facilities for the Committee.



November 15, 1960.


Executive Order 11022

[27 Fed. Reg. 4659]

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. (a) There is hereby established the President's Council on Aging (hereinafter referred to as the "Council”).

(b) The Council shall be composed of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, who shall be Chairman, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.

(c) The Chairman of the Council shall invite the head of any other Federal department or agency to attend any meeting of the Council at which any matter within or affecting the area of responsibility of such department or agency is considered and to be a temporary member with respect to such matter.

SEC. 2. The Council shall :

(a) Maintain a continuing study of the overall responsibilities of the Federal Government with respect to the problems of the aging and make recommendations to the President concerning policies and programs required to meet Federal responsibilities, particularly on matters which do not fall within the jurisdiction of a single agency.

(b) Identify matters which require coordinated action by two or more Federal agencies and make appropriate arrangements for joint or coordinated action, including, as appropriate, conferences, joint studies, and the development of recommendations to the President. (c) Promote the sharing and dissemination of information on the needs of the aging and policies and programs relating to the aging, among Federal departments and agencies and between them and State, local, or private agencies and organizations having functions or interests in fields relating to the problems of the aging.

(d) Prepare an annual consolidated report to the President concerning the activities of the Council and the several Federal departments and agencies having programs relating to the aging.

SEO. 3. (a) Consonant with law, each department or agency represented on the Council shall, as may be necessary for the effectuation of the purpose of this order, furnish assistance to the Council in accordance with Section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945, 59 Stat. 134 (31 U.S.C. 691).

(b) Other Federal departments and agencies are also authorized and directed, to the extent not inconsistent with law, to cooperate with the Council and to furnish it such information and assistance as it may find necessary in the performance of its functions.

SEC. 4. The Federal Council on Aging, established by a letter from the President to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, dated March 7, 1959, is hereby abolished and that letter is hereby superseded.


May 14, 1962.



Executive Order 11182

[29 Fed. Reg. 13629]

Whereas the Federal Reconstruction and Development Planning Commission for Alaska has substantially completed the execution of those of its functions which pertain to the reconstruction of the State of Alaska following the earthquake of March 27, 1964; and

Whereas the Federal Government and the State of Alaska continue to have a common interest in assuring the most effective use of Federal and State programs and funds in advancing the long-range progress of the State; and

Whereas such effective use is dependent upon coordination of Federal and State programs which affect the general economic development of the State and the long-range_conservation and use of its natural resources and upon cooperative Federal and State effort with respect to the planning of such programs; and

Whereas the State of Alaska has established a State body the duties of which include planning for the general economic development of the State and the long-range conservation and use of its natural resources; and

Whereas the authorities of the State of Alaska are desirous of arranging coordinated and cooperative Federal and State approaches to the planning and execution of such programs:

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows:


SECTION 1. Establishment of Field Committee. (a) There is hereby established the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska (hereinafter referred to as the "Field Committee").

(b) The Field Committee shall be composed of the following members: (1) a Chairman, who shall be appointed by the President, (2) nine members who shall be designated by and represent the followingnamed officers, respectively: the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, (3) one member who shall represent the Federal Power Commission and shall be designated by the Chairman of that Commission, and (4) two public members who shall be appointed by the President.

(c) The Chairman may request any head of a Federal agency who is not referred to in subsection (b), above, to designate a representative to participate in meetings of the Field Committee concerned with matters of substantial interest to such Federal agency head.

(d) The principal place of business of the Field Committee shall be located in the State of Alaska.

SEC. 2. Functions of the Field Committee. (a) Subject to the general direction and guidance of the President's Review Committee for Development Planning in Alaska (established by the provisions of Part II of this order; hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Review Committee"), the Field Committee shall serve as the principal instrumentality for developing coordinated plans for Federal programs which contribute to economic and resources development in Alaska and for recommending appropriate action by the Federal Government to carry out such plans.

(b) The Field Committee shall cooperate with representatives designated by the Governor of Alaska for purposes related to this order in accomplishing the following:

(1) Making or fostering surveys and studies to provide data for the development of plans and programs for economic and resources development in Alaska.

(2) Preparing and keeping current coordinated plans for economic and resources development in Alaska deemed appropriate to carry out existing statutory responsibilities and policies of Federal, State, or local agencies. Such plans shall be designed to promote optimum benefits from the expenditures of Federal, State, and local funds for consistent objectives and purposes.

(3) Preparing legislative and other recommendations with respect to both short-range and long-range programs and projects for Federal, State, or local agencies.

SEC. 3. Field Committee procedures. (a) The Field Committee shall meet at the call of its Chairman.

(b) The Field Committee may prescribe such regulations relating to the conduct of its affairs as it may deem to be necessary and not inconsistent with the provisions of this order.

(c) The Field Committee may establish such subcommittees of that Committee as may be necessary.

(d) Activities carried on by personnel employed by or detailed to the Field Committee (1) shall be carried out in accordance with such policies and programs as may be approved by the Field Committee, and (2) shall be under the direction and supervision of the Chairman or, to such extent as may be determined by the Chairman, under the direction of a principal member of the Field Committee's staff.

(e) The Field Committee shall transmit copies of plans or recommendations tentatively_formulated by it to the Review Committee, the heads of interested Federal agencies, and the Governor of Alaska, for review and comment. The Field Committee shall consider any comments received by it within 90 days in pursuance of such transmittal and may revise the plans and recommendations as it may deem appropriate.

(f) The Field Committee shall transmit copies of its revised plans and recommendations, together with copies of any comments with respect to the tentative plans or recommendations received by the Field Committee in pursuance of the provisions of subsection (d), above, to the Governor of Alaska and to the Review Committee.

SEC. 4. Personnel; compensation. (a) The Chairman of the Field Committee is authorized to appoint such personnel as may be necessary to assist the Field Committee in connection with the performance of its functions and to obtain services in accordance with the provisions of Section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a).

(b) The Chairman of the Field Committee shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed in accordance with the standards and procedures of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.


(c) Each member of the Field Committee appointed under the visions of Section 1(b)(4) hereof may receive compensation for each day he is engaged in meetings of that Committee or is with the approval of the Chairman of the Field Committee engaged in other work in pursuance of the provisions of this order (5 U.S.C. 55a).

(d) Members and personnel of the Field Committee may be allowed travel expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized by law.

SEO. 5. Financing; agency cooperation. (a) Each Federal agency the head of which is referred to in Section 1(b) of this order shall, as may be necessary, furnish assistance to the Field Committee in accordance with the provisions of Section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 134; 31 U.S.C. 691). In general, each such Federal agency shall, consonant with law, extend its cooperation to the Field Committee in connection with the carrying out of the functions of the Field Committee, including, as may be appropriate, (1) the furnishing of relevant available information to the Field Committee, (2) the making of studies and the preparation of reports in pursuance of requests of the Field Committee, and (3) in connection with the development of programs and priorities of the agency, the giving of full consideration to any plans and recommendations made by the Field Committee.

(b) Federal agencies the heads of which are not referred to in Section 1(b) of this order shall, to the extent permitted by law, furnish the Field Committee such information or advice bearing upon the work of the Field Committee as the Chairman thereof may from time to time request.


SEC. 11. Establishment of Review Committee. (a) There is hereby established the President's Review Committee for Development Planning in Alaska (hereinafter referred to as the "Review Committee”). (b) The Review Committee shall be composed of the following members: the Secretary of Commerce, who shall be the Chairman, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Chairman of the Federal Power Commission, and two public members who shall be appointed by the President. Each member of the Review Committee, other than a public member, may designate an alternate to represent him at meetings of the Review Committee which he is unable to attend.

(c) The Review Committee shall meet at least once each calendar year, at the call of its Chairman.

(d) The Review Committee may prescribe such regulations relating to the conduct of its affairs as it may deem to be necessary and not inconsistent with the provisions of this order.

SEC. 12. Functions of the Review Committee. The Review Committee shall provide general direction and guidance to the Field Committee; receive, review, and comment on the tentative plans or recommendations of the Field Committee; and receive and consider the final plans and recommendations of the Field Committee and transmit them, together with its own comments, to the President and the heads of interested Federal agencies.

SEC. 13. Compensation; travel expenses. (a) Each public member of the Review Committee may receive compensation for each day he is engaged in meetings of that Committee or is with the approval of

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