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Commencing January 4, 1916, Ending April 8, 1916

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1 (Н. В. 224) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of
the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the state gov-
ernment, and to pay the interest on the state debt...

2 (H. B. 1) AN ACT to make an appropriation to defray the expenses
of the regular session of the legislature of 1916..........

3 (S. B. 594) AN ACT to appropriate $1,500.00 for the contingent fund
of the senate and $2,000.00 for the contingent fund of the house
for the remainder of the session of 1916





4 (Η. Β. 597) AN ACT to appropriate money for the maintenance of
the public schools of the state of Mississippi for the year 1916....

5 (H. B. 631) AN ACT to appropriate money for the maintenance of
the public schools of the state of Mississippi for the scholastic year

1916 to 1917.

6 (S. B. 228) AN ACT to provide for the maintenance of the Mississippi department of archives and history; to provide for its publication and for the publications of the Mississippi historical society......

7 (S. B. 145) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, additional buildings, improvements, furnishings and equipment of the University of Mississippi for 1916 and 1917..


8 (S. B. 133) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, additional improvements, furnishings and equipment of the Mississippi agricultural and mechanical college....... 12

9 (H. B. 26) AN ACT making an appropriation of twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($27,500.00) out of moneys turned into the state treasury from the sale of feed, fertilizer and cotton seed meal tags, for use of the department of agriculture and commerce in the enforcing of said laws during the years 1916 and 1917...... 15

10 (S. B. 83) AN ACT making an appropriation for support, maintenance, repairs, improvements, furnishings and equipment of the Mississippi industrial institute and college.......

11 (Н. В. 385) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment, support and maintenance of the chemical department of the agricultural and mechanical college at Starkville, Mississippi, and for the anylitical inspection work done under the direction of the state chemist for the years 1916 and 1917..

12 (S. B. 112) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Stoneville, Mississippi...








Page 13 (S. B. 112) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Stone

ville, Mississippi......

14 (Н. В. 213) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at McNeill,


15 (Н. В. 213) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at McNeill, Mississippi, and particularly that part of said bill reading as follows.

16 (S. B. 115) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Holly Springs, Mississippi...

17 (S. B. 115) AN ACT making an appropriation for the equipment and support of the branch agricultural experiment station at Holly Springs, Mississippi..

18 (S. B. 240) AN ACT making an appropriation for the support, maintenance, repairs, improvements, furnishing, and equipment of the Alcorn agricultural and mechanical college...

19 (S. B. 33) AN ACT to make an appropriation to defray the expenses of the state insane hospital at Jackson, Mississippi, for the years 1916 and 1917...








20 (Н. В. 62) AN ACT to make an appropriation to defray the expenses of the East Mississippi insane hospital for the years 1916 and 1917. 24 21 (Н. В. 3) AN ACT to make an appropriation to defray the expenses of

the institution for the deaf and dumb for the years 1916 and 1917. 25

22 (Н. В. 15) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of the institution for the blind and for the support fund for the blind institution for the years 1916 and 1917, and for other purposes.....


23 (Η. Β. 336) AN ACT to provide for the support and maintenance of the state charity hospital at Vicksburg, and for other purposes.... 28

24 (Н. В. 13) AN ACT to appropriate two thousand dollars for the year 1916 and two thousand dollars for the year 1917 for the maintenance of the confederate veterans' hospital annex at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and to provide for the distribution of same..


25 (S. B. 559) AN ACT to provide for the support and maintenance of the Natchez hospital by appropriation......


26 (S. B. 6) AN ACT to appropriate money for the support, maintenance and repairs of the state charity hospital at Jackson, Mississippi..... 31 Chapter 27 (Н. В. 135) AN ACT to make an appropriation in aid of the Mattie Hersee hospital of Meridian, Mississippi, and providing for the disbursement thereof for the years 1916 and 1917.....



28 (Н. В. 141) AN ACT making an appropriation in aid of King's Daughters hospital and training school, at Gulfport, Mississippi, and providing for the disbursement of same for the years 1916 and 1917... 32

29 (Η. Β. 242) AN ACT to appropriate money to defray the expenses of conducting the capitol building and department therein of the state government and to improve and beautify the grounds........


30 (S. B. 196) AN ACT to make an appropriation for the support of the Mississippi normal college and for equipments needed thereto for the years 1916 and 1917........

31 (Η. Β. 77) AN ACT to make an appropriation to pay for water for the several state institutions located in the city of Jackson...




32 (Η. Β. 772) AN ACT making an appropriation to furnish lights and fuel for the governor's mansion for the years 1916 and 1917........ 37

33 (Η. Β. 263) AN ACT appropriating the sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) for the use of the live stock sanitary board for the years 1916 and 1917........


34 (Н. В. 285) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $662.00 to defray the balance of the expenses of the Mississippi text-book commission.. 38

35 (Η. Β. 72) AN ACT to appropriate money for the aid of agricultural high schools in the state of Mississippi durings the years 1916-1917. 39

36 (H. B. 73) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $16,352.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to cover a deficiency in the annual appropriation for the partial maintenance of county agricultural high schools for the scholastic year of 1914-1915..............

37 (S. B. 38) AN ACT making an appropriation for the maintenance and support and providing necessary equipment for the indigent soldiers, sailors and their wives and widows, at Beauvoir....


38 (H. B. 43) AN ACT to appropriate from the pension fund refunded to the treasury money to pay pensions to those whose applications were received after distribution had been made to the counties by the auditor, or whose names were omitted from the pension list through mistake, and in the event of death of any pensioner before receiving his pension, providing how such pension shall be distributed.

39 (H. B. 770) AN ACT appropriating eighteen hundred dollars for the repair of the executive mansion for the years 1916 and 1917, and appropriating nine hundred dollars for the years 1916 and 1917 with




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