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such as fire alarm, guard alarm, and crash alarm.

§ 247.4 Schedule of rates.

(a) The following schedule of joint flat monthly rates for the provision of unofficial telephone service by DoD activities is hereby established:

(1) Class B-1-$5.75; Class B-2$10.00; Class B-3-$13.00; and Class B-4-$5.75.

(2) Two-party line service-75 percent of the monthly charge for the basic service.

(3) Four-party line service-50 percent of the monthly charge for the basic service.

(4) Restricted service (not having access to central office or toll trunks) —75 percent of the monthly charge for the basic service.

(5) Party line restricted service, where provided-75 percent of the charge computed under subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph.

(b) The additional charge for a PBX bridged extension shall be the same as the commercial charge to the Government, or $1.25, whichever is the greater. This rate applies for all classes of unofficial service.

(c) Recurring and nonrecurring charges for special and miscellaneous equipment provided a purchaser, for which flat rates have not been established, will be charged to the purchaser at the prevailing local commercial rate for similar service.

(d) The flat monthly rates for unofficial telephone service are applicable whether the communication company furnished flat or measured service. The flat rates herein established will entitle the purchaser to make local calls for which the basic rate is one message unit.

(e) Where Government-owned quarters are occupied by employees of contractors operating Government-owned plants, and unofficial telephone service is provided from a DoD switchboard, Class B-1 service will be provided in accordance with rates prescribed hereon. § 247.5


(a) Charges for unofficial telephone service. (1) The Department of Defense considers as official only such telephone service as properly pertains to Government business. Telephone service pro

vided by a DoD activity, and used personal or unofficial purposes wheth the facilities are Government owned leased, under a written contract or i plied agreement with a commercial cor munication company, shall be charg for in accordance with the rate schedul established in this Instruction.

(2) Responsibility for payment of charges incident to unofficial use of tel phone service provided from a D switchboard shall be assumed by the pu chaser. Charges for extensions, speci or miscellaneous equipment and install tion costs thereof, and toll call and tel phone charges when incurred, are to added to the basic monthly rate. Tax will be assessed as applicable.

(3) Advance payment or a deposit ma be required at the option of each Do component.

(4) All flat rate charges will be bille to purchasers on the first regula monthly bill following incurrence of th charge. The responsibility for billing, th provision of internal controls and th accounting for unofficial telephone serv ice furnished to purchasers is placed the Secretary or Director of the respe tive DoD component.

(5) When a purchaser has receive service for only a fractional part of th billing period, the monthly charge wi be prorated. Tables of fractional charge and credits may be used to determin the amount of the prorated charge.

(b) Wherry housing. Provision o telephone service to Wherry housing lo cated within, or in the immediate vicinit of a DoD activity will be in accordanc with the procedures of subsection III of DoD Directive 4640.3 and at the rate established herein.

(c) Public schools. Where unofficia telephone service is provided to publi schools on DoD installations, the per mittee or lessee will reimburse the Gov ernment in accordance with the rates herein established.

(d) Rental or private housing. In the case of rental or private housing the charges will be in accordance with the rates herein established.

(e) Public quarters. Unofficial telephone service furnished to the occupants of public housing will be charged for in accordance with the rates herein established.

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The areas shown below have been pinpointed as those which will require close oordination between the military servces and the Defense Supply Agency:

(a) Estimating costs. The introduction of new clothing and textile items into the Defense Supply Agency supply system presents numerous problems in determining the relation of the necessity and rgency for a new item to the more tangible costs of introducing a new item into the supply system. In determining costs, major consideration should be given to the effect that the new item(s) will have on existing stocks of items being replaced. (b) Stock excesses. Without appropriate coordination, unnecessary stock exCesses can occur when new clothing and textile items are introduced into the supply systems in replacement of existing tems, causing (1) sized items to become unbalanced because of unexpected changes in requirements, and (2) programmed requirements for existing stocks to be reduced.

(c) Budgeting. Development of monetary requirements for new items, and justification for inclusion in the Defense Stock Fund Budget (DoD Directive 7420.1, "Regulations Governing Stock

1 Filed as part of the original document. Copies available at the Publications Counter, OASD(A), Room 3B200 Pentagon, or OX 52167.

Funds," January 26, 1967 1) of request for funds to finance procurement sufficiently in advance of the military service required date. Any proposed introduction of new or substitute items which may require a change from existing funding in the military service appropriation responsible for reimbursing the Defense Supply Agency upon issue should be coordinated through the normal budget channels of the military service and the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller).

§ 248.3 Policy and coordinating procedures.

The introduction of a new item into the Department of Defense supply systems as a result of a proposed military service action will be planned so as to insure optimum economic use of existing stocks of items affected by the introduction of the new item. Exceptions to this phasing of new items may be made only upon certification of each case by proper authority of the using military service to safeguard life, health, morale or military capability as prescribed in DoD Directive 4140.1, "Inventory Management Policies," October 12, 1956.1 Such certification will be made in consideration of total costs to both the using service(s) and the Defense Supply Agency. However, actions essential to the safeguarding of life or health will not be determined on the basis of cost considerations. In carrying out this policy, the following coordinating steps will be followed:

(a) Military services. (1) When considering the introduction of a new clothing and textile item which replaces existing items, the using military service will obtain from DSA up-to-date information regarding stocks on hand and on order, anticipated issues, and other pertinent data as agreed between the military services and DSA.

(2) Proposals for introduction of new clothing and textile items will be coordinated with the Defense Supply Agency prior to final decision. Proposals will include, in addition to other pertinent data, plans for using existing DSA stocks on hand and on order (when appropriate). Where the schedule for introduction of a new item does not provide for optimum economic utilization of stocks of other affected items, the military service will furnish the DSA a copy of its certification, under the provisions of DoD Directive 7420.1, "Regulations Governing

Stock Funds," January 26, 1967,1 as to the necessity for introduction of the new item in such manner.

(b) Defense Supply Agency. In coordinating the introduction of new clothing and textile items with the military services and at the time current stock status information is furnished, DSA will (1) evaluate proposals to determine the effect that the scheduled introduction of the new item will have on existing DSA stocks, and (2) concur in the military service proposal, or recommend the use of existing stocks to minimize disposal action and furnish, as appropriate, alternative dates for introduction of new items, length of time required to obtain funds for procurement, and other pertinent information for each new item proposed.

(c) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics). When necessary to resolve differences, the ASD (I&L) will review the item proposals of the military services and the recommendations of the DSA prior to final decision.

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Pursuant to section 2233 (c) of chapt 133, title 10, United States Code, the is hereby delegated to the Secretary the Army, the Secretary of the Nav and the Secretary of the Air Force, ar to such individuals as they may desi nate, the authority granted the Secr tary of Defense under said chapter 13 title 10, United States Code to take th following specific actions in addition those actions delegated by DoD Directi 5100.10, "Delegation of Authority Wit Respect to Reserve Forces Facilities:"

(a) Administer, operate, maintai and equip, subject to policy guidance the Assistant Secretary of Defens (Properties and Installations), those Re serve Component facilities over whic they exercise control and accountability

(b) Issue licenses or permits for us of Reserve Component facilities ove which they exercise control and ad countability, to persons and organiza tions identified in subparagraph (2) o this paragraph. Licenses or permits s issued shall be subject to the followin conditions and restrictions and to suc additional conditions and restrictions a are deemed essential by the licensing de partment to protect the interests of th Government:

(1) The license or permit shall be re vokable at will by the Government and shall provide for payment by the license or permittee of an amount that is com mensurate with the actual or estimated pro rata cost of utilities and services fur nished by the Government during such period of usage, including the wages of guards, charworkers and other person

1 Filed as part of original document. Copies are available at the Publication Counter OASD(A), Rm. 3B200, Pentagon, Washington D.C. 20301, or OX 52167.

l, plus the amount of additional costs sulting directly from such usage, hich shall include but not be limited to e replacement cost of items of personal operty or fixtures destroyed or damed and the cost of repairs for damage the real and personal property in cess of damage occasioned by normal ear and tear; Provided, That monetary larges may be waived when the amount etermined is less than the estimated st of collection. In any event provision all be made in the license or permit r payment for property damaged or estroyed.

NOTE: In accordance with section 2235(a)

of chapter 133, title 10, United States ode, the payments received under such linses or permits may be covered into the reasury to the credit of the appropriation appropriations from which the cost of aintenance, including providing of utilities ad services, is paid.

(2) Licensees or permittees shall be estricted to persons and organizations romoting or providing public entertainent, social functions, recreation, amaur athletic contests or activities, and emonstrations or enterprises of an edcational, religious, or civic welfare ature.

(3) Licensees or permittees may make n admission charge for functions conucted in the Reserve Component facilies and engage in the sale of goods or erchandise therein, provided all net rofits derived from such charges and ales inure only to nonprofit organizaons or charitable purposes and further rovided that such charges and sales do ot constitute unfair competition with cal commercial enterprises.

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cles and administrative materials during use of the Reserve Component facilities by individuals and organizations is essential, and the officer having immediate jurisdiction over the Reserve Component facility so used shall exert every effort to safeguard such property against loss, damage, or unlawful removal.

§ 249.6 Purpose of §§ 249.6 to 249.8.

The purpose of this part is to provide for enforcement and compliance with terms, conditions, reservations, and restrictions contained in instruments which transferred surplus properties to States, political subdivisions, and taxsupported instrumentalities thereof, pursuant to section 203 (k) (2) (D) of Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, for use in the training and maintenance of civilian components of the Armed Forces.

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There is hereby delegated to the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force, and to such individuals as they may designate, the authorities and responsibilities vested in the Secretary of Defense by:

(a) Section 203(k) (2) (D) (i) and (ii) of Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.

(b) Section 203 (k) (2) (D) (iii) of Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, provided proposed actions relative thereto are coordinated with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Properties and Installations) in such manner as he may establish.

(c) Delegation of Authority from the Administrator, General Services Administration, dated December 15, 1952, to the Secretary of Defense for such transfers of properties as were made during the period July 1, 1949, through December 31, 1949, in accordance with the priorities and preferences, as referred to in section 602(a)(1) of Public Law 152, 81st Congress; Provided, That, in the exercise of such authority, all releases are coordinated with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Properties and Installations) in such manner as he may establish. § 249.8


(a) Terms contained in the instruments of transfer shall be strictly en

forced and prompt remedial action shall be taken when noncompliance with conditions is noted.

(b) In administering the responsibilities herein above delegated, frequency of inspection of facilities transferred under Public Law 829, 80th Congress and Public Law 152, 81st Congress, to determine compliance with terms, conditions, reservations, and restrictions contained in instruments of transfer shall be discretionary with each Department.

(c) In instances where it is determined by inspection or otherwise that transfer instruments do not specifically set forth the obligations of the transferees or contain ambiguous provisions, prompt action shall be taken to correct the deficiencies or ambiguities by execution of reformative or amendatory instruments.

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which are estimated to require cumul tive RDT&E Total Obligational Autho ity (TOA) (DoD Directive 7045.1 "D Programing System," Oct. 30, 1964) $25 million or cumulative producti Total Obligational Authority (TOA) excess of $100 million will be covered Cost Information Reports (CIR) the point of final approval for En neering Development or Operation Systems Development (DoD Instru tion 3200.6 "Reporting of Research D velopment and Engineering Program I formation," June 7, 1962) through t completion of production. Defense Co tractors' Planning Reports (DD For 1401-1, 1401-2, 1401-3)1 and the Co Incurred on Contract (DD Form 1177 will not be applied to new aircra missile and space system programs, a are hereby canceled and superseded a cordingly for such systems. To the e tent that these reports are currently use on existing programs, they may co tinue to be used on these programs, u less it is considered mutually advant geous to the Government and the co tractor to substitute CIR for the abo reports.

(b) Certain aircraft, missile, ar space systems not qualifying under t dollar guidelines of paragraph (a) this section, may be specifically recom mended by a DoD Component for CI coverage.

(c) Since total costs of a system co ered by this part must be accumulate data must be collected for all Wor Breakdown Structure (WBS) element as appropriate, from contractors and/ in-house government development an manufacturing facilities.

(d) The DoD components' cost anal ysis organization will be responsible fo the overall administration of the CI reporting system. They will receiv edit, process, and store the data received or they will insure that these activitie are properly carried out. They will di rect correction of errors by reportin organizations or insure that this direc tion takes place. They will develop inde pendent cost estimates and will rende any other assistance as requested by th

1 DD Forms 1177, 1401-1, 1401-2, and 1401 3 are not filed as part of original document (Canceled-see § 250.3 (a).)

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