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Begun and Held in the City of Columbus, January 3, 1893.









[House Bill No. 1005.]


Making appropriations for expenses of the general assembly.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

for expenses

the State of Ohio, That there is hereby appropriated from Appropriation any money in the treasury to the credit of the general general assemrevenue fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Bly. fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for salaries and mileage of members, per diem of clerks, sergeants-at-arms, and other officers and employes of the general assembly; five hundred dollars ($500) for contingent expenses of the house of representatives; and five hundred dollars ($500) for contingent expenses of the senate.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

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To amend sections 2568, 2572 and 2572a of the Revised Statutes of


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That sections 2568, 2572 and 2572a of the Public halls, Revised Statutes be amended to read as follows:

Sec. 2568. On application of the owner or person having control of an opera-house, hall, theater, church, school-house, hospital, medical institute, asylum, or other buildings used for public assemblages, in any municipal corporation, the mayor, civil engineer, and chief engineer of the fire department, or if such corporation has no such engineer, the mayor and two members of council, shall carefully make a joint examination of such opera-house, hall, theater, church, school-house, hospital, medical institute, asy


Examination of
certain build-
in case of fire.

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lum, or other building to ascertain the means provided thereat and therein for the, speedy and safe egress of the persons that may at any time be there assembled, and the means provided for extinguishing a fire, at or in such place; provided, that when the assembly rooms of such church are situated upon the ground floor, with a sufficient number of low windows, in the opinion of the commission above provided for, to secure safe and yeas means of escape in case of alarm, they shall grant the certificate mentioned in the next following section.

Sec. 2572. Whoever, being the owner or having control as an officer, agent, or otherwise, of any opera-house, hall, theater, church, school-house, hospital, medical institute, asylum, or other place, for the public assemblage of people, in a municipal corporation, permits it to be used when any door affording exit therefrom is locked or barred, or opens inwardly; when the place is not provided with ample means for the safe and speedy egress of the persons who may be there assembled; when, if it is on another than the first floor, sufficient water and proper means to apply it, or other efficient means are not provided in such place to extinguish any fire which may occur thereat; or when the certificate provided for in section twenty-five hundred and sixty-nine or section twenty-five hundred and seventy, as the case may be, has not been issued, or is not in full force, shall, for each day or night he permits such place to be so used or occupied, forfeit or pay any sum not more than one thousand dollars, nor less than fifty dollars, to be recovered with costs, in a civil action, in the name and for the use of the municipal corporation; and it shall be the duty of the mayor, with the aid of the police to see that the provisions of this section are strictly enforced.

Sec. 2572a. That whenever any structure referred to in section 2572 shall have been inspected by the state inspector of shops and factories, and such inspector shall have issued to the owner thereof or his agent, a certificate that such structure is properly arranged for the safe and speedy egress of persons who may be assembled therein, and also properly provided with means for the extinguishment of fire at or in such structure, as now required by law, then such certificate shall dispense with all other inspections and certificates required by law in regard to the safety of such structures for public assemblages; and in case such inspector shall find on inspection that such structure is not properly arranged for the safe and speedy egress of persons who may be there assembled, or not properly provided with means for the extinguishment of fire at or in such structure, as now required by law, or that such structure is such as to endanger the lives of the persons who may be there assembled, from fire or other cause, he shall notify the owner, officer or agent in charge of such structure and the mayor of the municipal corporation wherein the same is located, in writing, of the fact that he refuses such certificate,


specifying his reasons and the alterations, additions and appliances necessary to be made and furnished before a certificate will be issued; and no certificate required by law, Requirements in regard to the safety of such structure, shall be issued by for issuance of the mayor or any officer or person under any provision of the law till the requirements of the foregoing notice are complied with to the satisfaction of the state inspector, and it shall be the duty of the mayor of any municipality, with the Prohibition of aid of the police, upon receiving such notification, to prohibit ings. the use of such buildings for the public assemblage of people until the necessary changes, alterations and additions have been made and the inspector's certificate has been issued.

use of build

SECTION 2. That the original sections 2568, 2572 and Repeals. 2572a of the Revised Statutes be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

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To supplement section 2289 of the Revised Statutes.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section 2289 of the Revised Statutes Assessments: be and the same is hereby supplemented with sectional numbering as follows:

Sec. 2289a. The collection of any assessment heretofore levied or ordered to be levied to pay for the appropriation of private property to open, widen or extend any street, alley or other public highway, heretofore appropriated and paid for, or for the improvement of any street, alley or other public highway, heretofore improved, or for the construction of public sewers, heretofore constructed, shall not be perpetually enjoined or declared void in consequence of any error or any informality in the manner of the passage of the ordinance for such appropriation of private property, or for the improvement of any such street, alley or other public highway, or for the construction of public sewers, by the council or common council or other public authorities of any municipal corporation in failing to properly suspend the rule prescribed by section 1694 of the Revised Statutes requiring ordinances of a permanent or general nature to be fully and distinctly read on three different days, or in suspending the said rule as to two or more of such ordinances upon one and the same vote, or putting two or more of such ordi

validity of asated by ordinances erroneally passed.

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ously or inform

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