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Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir; I can not.

Mr. ROBSION. Where were you first wounded?

Mr. HAMMOND. I was wounded in the town of Neolay, France. Mr. ROBSION. In action?

Mr. HAMMOND. In action; yes, sir. In an air raid.

Mr. ROBSION. And did you go to the hospital from that wound? Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir; I did not. I went to the company-I might call it a battalion hospital. It was a slight scratch-a gunshot wound in the right side. The shrapnel was not imbedded, but just cut and went on.

Mr. ROBSION. Then you immediately reentered the service?

Mr. HAMMOND. Well, I went around with the company on a crutch for about two weeks, and I traveled with them when they made their hikes to a place where we were training-retrained. We had been in the lines and had come out of the lines, and on our way out of the lines I was bombed in this air raid.

Mr. ROBSION. You were bombed in an air raid?

Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir. We were in a billet, and at night a German aviator came over and dropped a bomb on it and caused the trouble.

Mr. ROBSION. Was that when you were gassed?

Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir; that was in July, 1918. I was passed October 20, 1918.

Mr. ROBSION. Well, were you in action then? Was there a battle on when you were gassed?

Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir; I was then in the One hundred and seventh Infantry, signal platoon of the headquarters company.

Mr. ROBSION. Now, what do you claim that this gassing did to you? How did it affect you?

Mr. HAMMOND. I might state that we had a wireless set up. We were the wireless platoon-the signal platoon-of the One hundred and Seventh Headquarters Company. Our outfit was at that time operating in the vicinity of St. Suplee. That was the Twentyseventh Division, One hundred and seventh Infantry. On this particular day we were in a farm called Vanderbilt farm, and we were receiving messages there back and forth, answering messages pertaining to military affairs. That was a subline wireless station, and the gas shells were falling in the vicinity of that farm, apparently, to us unknown, and this gas seeped through, and the first knowl edge of it was every man began talking huskily; that is, within a short time every man began speaking that way, till within an hour after

Mr. RoPSION (interposing). It changed the voice? Mr. HAMMOND. Changed completely. I lost my voice entirely. If any of you gentlemen here have ever heard a goose or a gander try to squawk-that is the only way we could make ourselves articulate. That was the only possible means of articulation.

Mr. ROBSION. When you entered the service, was there any physical defects about you, such as you have now?

Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir: when I entered the service I had no physical defect. In fact, I have been an athlete at high school and in the county from which I came. I won various medals in the half-mile run, and things like that.

Mr. ROBSION. Could a young man win medals as an athlete, undergo the physical contests that you have undergone, who was suffering with adenoids?

Mr. HAMMOND. Hardly. The fact that a man runs on a halfmile run—a man does not run with his mouth open. The man closes his mouth and has to breathe entirely through his nose.

Mr. ROBSION. And you tell the committee that from your knowledge of adenoids, that you don't have adenoids?

Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir; from my knowledge of adenoids I didn't have adenoids, and from various examinations that I had I have never been told I had adenoids.

Mr. ROBSION. But this report that you received from the Vocational Board there said you have adenoids?

Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir; it. does. Signed by Mr. William A. Clark.

Mr. ROBSION. And wants to know whether you will submit to treatment for adenoids, a thing that you say you haven't got? Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir.

Mr. ROBSION. Now, of the 200 people that you think were employed there in that New York office, were any of them fellows that went overseas?

Mr. HAMMOND. State that again.

Mr. ROBSION. Of something like 200 people that were employed in the New York office, that you say seemed to have a disinterested attitude toward you soldiers, were there any fellows that went overseas to help fight?

Mr. HAMMOND. Why, there were a few; yes, sir. I noticed a few. Mr. ROBSION. What was their attitude toward you soldiers?

Mr. HAMMOND. Well, their attitude could not be taken, because they could not have an attitude. They could not express an attitude if they so desired, because they would get their heads knocked off. Mr. ROBSION. Who would do that?

Mr. HAMMOND. The soldier would do it. If another man came. over to me, wearing a button like this, no matter what position he held, if he tried in any way to make himself on a plane somewhat higher than I, I believe any man with fighting blood that was on the other side would take exception to it.

Mr. ROBSION. The soldiers that were in there did not show you any discourtesy, did they?

Mr. HAMMOND. No, sir; absolutely not-what soldiers I saw.

Mr. ROBSION. And you feel, and your evidence in testifying shows, that these crippled boys that came back there ought to receive better treatment than they received in that New York office?

Mr. HAMMOND. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. That will be all, Mr. Hammond.

There was another witness here, Mr. Davis.


(The witness was duly sworn by the chairman.)

The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Davis, give your name and address to the stenographer.

Mr. DAVIS. Will you kindly speak a little louder?

The CHAIRMAN. Give your name and address to the stenographer. Mr. DAVIS. My name is John Joseph Davis, 1712 Fifteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C.

The CHAIRMAN. You live in Washington?

Mr. DAVIS. At present, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Are you an ex-service man, Mr. Davis?

Mr. DAVIS. What is that, sir?

The CHAIRMAN. Are you an ex-service man?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you made any application for vocational training?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes; I made application about 10 months ago.

The CHAIRMAN. You may tell the committee your experience. Mr. DAVIS. Mr. Chairman, I was discharged on April 8, but I really was not discharged until four days later. I was detained by a commissioned officer, and I was at home in New York city-I went home three weeks and then came back here purposely to try to locate a $200 Liberty bond that I bought while I was in the service, but I couldn't get it after having half a dozen people trace it until I had to go to a woman in the Zone Finance Department by the name of Mrs. Ford, as the bond had been taken out by a bank by the name of Smulzers, at Newport News, and after communicating with them for six or seven months I could not get any satisfaction, so I finally, after being discharged came back here to try to see if I could get it myself, and Mrs. Ford, after putting a tracer or something-a Secret Service man-after it, had the bond located at Smulzers Bank at Newport News.

The CHAIRMAN. Who is Mrs. Ford?

Mr. DAVIS. She is the head clerk in the Zone Finance department. So in the meantime I heard about a position being open in the register's office, and I went down to the civil service and saw Mr. Halloran, and he referred me to Mr. Teehee, who offered me a position in the register's office, which I accepted.

I was working in the register's office about, I believe, a week or perhaps two weeks when I went down to make a claim in the War Risk Building for defect in hearing, and I was sent to Dr. Billard, on Fifteenth Street, to have him examine my ears, and I believe he tendered a medical report of 15 per cent disability in the left ear, which may gradually affect the right ear in the course of time, and also stated that there was some bone out of place in my nose, but perhaps if it was removed it would have some bearing, and that it may relieve the pressure on the drum in the left ear. So since then I have received quite a number of communications from Mr. Magee and Mr. Greenleaf, who represent the Vocational Board here in Washington, on Fourteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. I must say the man has been very courteous to me. He offered all the assistance available, but I can't see why I have been denied it, because I have given them all the information necessary, and I have been examined by the War Risk doctor and examined by the doctor for the Vocational Board, and both of them submitted a report similar, and it was only here about a month ago I received a communication which I turned over to Mr. Greenleaf, asking me if I would change my course. I said no. I decided to take a course in agriculture

because it would give me outside work which would benefit my hearing, as working indoors has a tendency to make me sort of nervous, and I really can't say that I can stand it much longer. So I was to take a course in agriculture, and they would send me to Maryland State.

After about two weeks later I received a communication stating for me to report down there as they wanted another affidavit. I reported down there, down to Mr. Greenleaf, and showed him the letter. He says: "I fail to see why they should send you this notification. You have given me all the information necessary. I will communicate with Mr. Magee in Baltimore and see what. I can do for you." And as far as I understand about this Mr. Magee I don't want to mention any names, but another young man working in the office with me has had quite some trouble with Mr. Magee, and he had to go to his Senator about his case. I think in a day or two he received a telegram or a letter from Mr. Magee, saying: "Well, your course has all been arranged for you to take up your studies at this institution." I really don't know the institution, but Mr. Magee, I believe, tried to put it off from this young man until he consulted his Senator or Congressman. I don't wish to mention the man's name, but I know Mr. Magee has been that kind of a man, as far as I can observe, and that, as far as possible, if things didn't just suit him he wanted to have them changed. Gentlemen, that is all in my behalf. I would just like to know why I have been kept waiting for 10 months.

The CHAIRMAN. Who is Mr. Magee?

Mr. DAVIS. All I know about the gentleman, sir, is that he represents the Vocational Board at Baltimore, the head of the office. The CHAIRMAN. Did you say you had been assigned to the Agricultural College of Maryland?

Mr. DAVIS. Well, they state in one communication they expected to put me in the Maryland State College and then perhaps a month or two I haven't got any document whatever now; I became disgusted and just tore them up and had about given up all idea of taking it up, and was thinking of taking something up at some night school or some of the colleges here, St. John's or some other place, on my own resources.

The CHAIRMAN. You are not taking any training at all, then? Mr. DAVIS. No, sir; I am not. I have been waiting for develop


The CHAIRMAN. The reason you are not is that provisions have not been made?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. You say you have no papers?

Mr. DAVIS. No, sir; the last communication I received in regard to making another affidavit, I turned it over to Mr. Greenleaf down in the Vocational office here in Washington.

The CHAIRMAN. When was it you made your first application for training?

Mr. DAVIS. I was discharged in April-I should say about June. I think it dates back to June.

The CHAIRMAN. June of 1919?
Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. And up to date you have had no adjustment of your case?

Mr. DAVIS. No, sir.

Mr. TOWNER. Do you have a disability rating from the War Risk Bureau?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

Mr. TOWNER. What is it?

Mr. DAVIS. Fifteen per cent disability and hearing in the left ear. The reason why I hold my finger here [indicating] is that by pressing my finger on the left side here next to my ear I manage to hear, but by not doing that I can not really hear and hear distinctly.

Mr. TOWNER. The board then has satisfied themselves that you are entitled to training with compensation, have they?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

Mr. TOWNER. Are you receiving compensation from them?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir; my first check I received December the 27th. Mr. TOWNER. And you have received it since?

Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir.

Mr. TOWNER. What do you get at the War Risk?
Mr. DAVIS. At the present time, $12 a month.

Mr. TOWNER. And from the Vocational Board?

Mr. DAVIS. I haven't received anything from the Vocational Board.

Mr. TOWNER. You have received nothing from them?

Mr. DAVIS. No, sir.

Mr. TOWNER. The delay seems to be because of the failure to act on the part of the Baltimore man?

Mr. DAVIS. That is where it seems, sir. I have given all the information necessary.

Mr. TOWNER. Are all of the boys sent to Baltimore from here? Are all of the applications from Washington sent to Baltimore before their cases can be passed upon?

Mr. Davis. I don't think so. I think any cases from here which are sent to Baltimore are those of men who would go to Maryland State College, which is in that district. I believe that is why my papers have to be forwarded from here to Mr. Magee, in Baltimore, because that seems to be in his district over there. In fact, I think that is where all final arrangements are made.

Mr. TOWNER. I think we ought to have a report from the board, Mr. Chairman, on this case. It is right here in Washington. It certainly seems as if some action could have been taken before this. Mr. PLATT. I understand you to say that you have no other disability except your ear?

Mr. DAVIS. Well, that is all at present, although the last time I was down there, Mr. Greenleaf asked me he said. "We have a report here that you met with an accident while breaking remounts at Newport News." I told him yes; that I had sort of a carbuncle; that I was thrown from a remount while on duty and fell on my pistol, which formed a carbuncle. I received treatment for about three months at Newport News. And also in the service I had minor accidents, and in the organization that I belonged to it was a reflection upon a man if he was seen going to have medical treatment too often, and I have seen a number of men being kicked and getting some awful falls that really they should have gone to see about it.

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