CHAPTER I-COAST GUARD, Transportation or storage of explosives or other dangerous articles or sub- stances, and combustible liquids on board vessels. Regulations governing use of dangerous articles as ships' stores and supplies 148-149 [Reserved] 146.09-8 Specifications of moisture proofed paper bags. Specifications of moisture proofed paper lined burlap bags. 146.09-11 Chutes and conveyors for han 146.20-7 Class A explosives. 146.20-9 Class B explosives. 146.20-11 146.20-13 dling explosives. 146.09-12 Mattresses for explosives. 146.20-15 146.09-15 Power operated industrial trucks. 146.20-16 Cargo working equipment. Class C explosives. Samples of explosives and explosive articles for laboratory and examination purposes. Stowage of explosives. Stowage of blasting caps and small quantities of other explosives. Stowage of explosives in holds containing coal. On deck stowage of explosives. Stowage of fireworks. Stowage of explosives with other dangerous articles. Stowage of explosives and nondangerous cargo. Stowage and dunnaging of containers of explosives. Preparation of magazines, decks, hatches and holds before handling explosives. Loading and unloading explosives. Constructing of magazines. Handling explosives. Installation of loading chute. Lights, tools and equipment. Smoking. and radioactive 146.20-47 Liquor or drugs. Damaged or leaking containers of explosives. Containers found damaged or leaking on board vessels. Sec. 146.22-7 146.20-65 146.20-67 146.20-69 146.20-71 146.20-73 146.20-75 Magazine vessels' stores. 146.22-10 146.22-15 Unauthorized persons on magazine vessels. 146.22-20 magazine vessels. 146.22-25 146.22-80 148.22-35 146.20-90 Stowage and storage chart of explosives. 146.22-40 146.22-100 146.20-100 Table A-Classification: Class A: dangerous explosives. 146.20-200 Table B-Classification: Class B: less dangerous explosives. 146.20-300 Table C-Classification: Class C: relatively safe explosives. Subpart 146.21-Detailed Regulations Governing Inflammable Liquids Use of power-operated industrial trucks in spaces containing flammable solids and oxidizing materials. Stowage of inflammable solids Stowage of oxidizing materials Nitro carbon nitrate. Table E-Classification: Infiammable solids. 146.22-200 Table E-Classification: Oxidizing materials. Subpart 146.23-Detailed Regulations Governing Corrosive Liquids 146.28-1 146.23--5 Definitions of corrosive liquids. Stowage of glass carboys. Exemptions for corrosive liquids. Hydrochloric acid in bulk. 146.28-100 Table F-Classification: Corro sive liquids. Subpart 146.24-Detailed Regulations Governing 146.24-1 146.24-10 146.24-15 146.24-20 Compressed Gases Definitions of compressed gases. Mixtures of compressed gas and poisonous materials. Containers. Exemptions for compressed gases. Exemptions for foodstuffs, soap, cosmetics, beverages, biologicals, electronic tubes and audible fire alarm systems. Exemptions for fire extinguishers and component parts thereof. Stowage on board vessels. Use of power-operated industrial trucks in spaces containing compressed gases. "On deck" stowage. "Under deck" stowage. age. 146.27-25 146.27-27 146.27-30 146.27-31 Poisonous Articles 146.27-32 146.27-35 Limitation of “On deck” stowage. Use of power-operated industrial trucks in spaces containing poisonous articles. 146.25-45 Stowage of poisonous articles with explosives and other dangerous articles. 146.27-50 146.27-100 Requirements and conditions for loading, stowing and transporting baled cotton. Fishmeal pellets in bulk. Motor vehicles and mechanized equipment powered by internal combustion engines and fueled by flammable liquids or flammable compressed gases. Motor vehicles and mechanized equipment powered by internal combustion engines and fueled by combustible liquids. Motor vehicles and mechanized equipment powered by internal combustion engines and transported on vessels in spaces specially suitable for vehicles. Use of power-operated industrial trucks in spaces containing hazardous articles. Phosphoric acid in bulk. Table K-Classification: Hazardous articles. Subpart 146.28-Temporary Amendments to Regulations Reused single-trip containers. Additional containers for rubber scrap. 146.28-2 146.28-6 Additional type tank cars for gasoline. Additional containers for gasoline. Additional type tank cars for inflammable liquids. 146.28-14 Additional containers for infiammable liquids. 146.28-15 Additional containers for rubber cement. 146.28-17 Additional containers for chromic acid solution. 146.28-20 Additional containers for methyl bromide, liquid. 146.28-21 Additional containers for poisonous liquids. 146.28-22 Increase of weight limitation for Class B poisonous solids. Subpart 146.29-Detailed Regulations Governing the Transportation of Military Explosives and Hazardous Munitions on Board Vessels 146.26-5 146.26-10 146.26-15 |