spaces in holds adjacent to the engine room of vessels fitted with internal combustion engines. NOTE: Order 146, Sept. 10, 1941, 6 F.R. 4668, provides in part as follows: Any vessel having a wooden bulkhead constructed at least eight (8) inches off a boiler room, engine room, coal bunker or galley bulkhead, when one of these bulkheads forms a boundary of a cargo carrying compartment, and transporting a substantially full cargo of sisal or other vegetable fibers (except cotton), and such portion of the sisal or other vegetable fibers cargo (except cotton) as is stowed "Tween decks" or "Under deck away from heat" are exempt from that provision of § 146.03-34(g) of the regulations of the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard governing the transportation of explosives or other dangerous articles on board vessels which requires that such substances be stowed at least 20 feet away from boiler room, engine room, coal bunker or galley bulkhead. All other provisions of the regulations applying to sisal or other vegetable fibers (except cotton) and all other applicable provisions of the general and detail regulations shall be observed. (h) "Under deck" means that the articles may be stowed in a cargo space in a deep hold or a tween deck hold capable of being ventilated. A hold is defined as an area allotted entirely to the carriage of cargo and is bounded by permanent steel bulkheads and decks, and the shell of the vessel, the deck openings being provided with means for effectively closing the hold against the weather, and in the case of superimposed holds, effectively closing off each hold. A cargo space or hold coming within the above definition shall not be used for the stowage of explosives (except fireworks or relatively safeClass C-explosives) unless closed off to traffic while the vessel is on its voyage. A cargo space or hold containing a crew passage formed by battens or by a mesh or wire screen bulkhead shall not be used for stowage of other dangerous articles or substances, including fireworks and relatively safe explosives-Class C, unless watchman service is provided for such areas. (1) [Reserved] (j) "Under deck but not overstowed" means the articles may be stowed in a cargo space in any hold as defined under paragraph (h) of this section, the characteristics of dangerous articles so stowed being such as to prevent the stowage of any other type of cargo over same. (k) "Ferry stowage (AA)" means that a highway vehicle loaded with any permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances, or combustible liquids in conformity with all the applicable provisions of these regulations, may be transported on board a ferry vessel when stowed as directed by the vessel's representative. The vehicle need not be in a position to jettison but should be stowed as to be easily accessible. (1) "Ferry stowage (BB)" means that a railroad vehicle loaded with any permitted explosives or other dangerous articles or substances or combustible liquids in conformity with all the applicable provisions of the regulations in this part, may be transported on board a railroad car ferry when stowed in a location away from sources of artificial heat. The vehicle need not be in position to jettison but should be easily accessible. Railroad car ferries accepting highway vehicles loaded with any permitted dangerous substances indicated as utilizing "Ferry stowage (AA)" shall stow such vehicle away from sources of artificial heat and easily accessible. § 146.03-35 Vapor density. The term "vapor density" is the relative density of the vapor given off by an inflammable liquid as compared with air. A figure less than one (1) indicates a vapor lighter than air and a figure greater than one (1) indicates a vapor heavier than air. § 146.03-36 Vessels defined. For the purposes of the regulations in this subchapter passenger carrying vessels or passenger vessels, barges and cargo vessels are defined as follows: (a) Passenger carrying vessels or passenger vessels. (1) A passenger carrying vessel or a passenger vessel is any vessel which carries passengers: Provided, That no vessel of the following classes shall be considered a passenger carrying vessel or a passenger vessel: (1) Any vessel subject to any of the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, which neither carries nor is authorized to carry more than 12 passengers. (ii) Any cargo vessel documented under the laws of the United States and not subject to that Convention which neither carries nor is authorized to carry more than 16 persons in addition to the crew. (iii) Any cargo vessel of any foreign nation that extends reciprocal privileges and not subject to that Convention which neither carries nor is authorized to carry more than 16 persons in addition to the crew. (2) Any passenger vessel that is not designed and built to receive railroad vehicles shall be considered a passenger ferry if it is engaged in a ferry operation. (3) Any passenger vessel that is designed and built to receive railroad vehicles shall be considered a railroad car ferry. (b) Barge. Any non self-propelled vessel having no passengers on board, shall be considered a barge. (c) Cargo vessel. (1) Any vessel other than a passenger vessel or a barge shall be considered a cargo vessel. (2) Any passenger ferry or railroad car ferry during any period it is being operated under authority of a change of character certificate issued by an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. [Order 74, 6 F.R. 259, Jan. 11, 1941, as amended by CGFR 50-16, 15 F.R. 4503, July 15, 1950; CGFR 66-28, 31 F.R. 8297, June 14, 1966] The abbreviation "W.T." means watertight. § 146.03-39 W or W/O. The abbreviation "w" or w/o" mean "With" or "Without" (i.e. Ammunition for cannon w/o projectiles). [CGFR 56-29, 21 F.R. 7054, Sept. 20, 1956] § 146.03-40 Transport vehicle. "Transport vehicle" means the conveyance used for the transportation of explosives or other dangerous articles and includes any motor vehicle, rail car, or aircraft. Each cargo-carrying body (trailer, van, box car, etc.) is a separate vehicle. [CGFR 68-142, 34 F.R. 2086, Feb. 12, 1969] Subpart 146.04-List of Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles Containing the Shipping Name or Description of Articles Subject to the Regulations in this Subchapter SOURCE: The provisions of this Subpart 146.04 contained in Order 74, 6 F.R. 261, Jan. 11, 1941, unless otherwise noted. § 146.04-1 Proper shipping name. The proper shipping name which shall be used and shown on bill of lading or other shipping paper and on outside of shipping containers where required by the regulations in this subchapter, appears in this list in roman type (not italics). § 146.04-2 Dangerous articles not named. Any article not properly described by a name shown in this commodity list when such article classifies under the definitions contained herein as a dangerous article shall be prepared and offered for shipment in compliance with the regulations in this part. § 146.04-3 Classification. This list shows the classification of each permitted article or substance. It also shows the articles or substances that are prohibited by the provisions of R. S. 4472, as amended, or that are not permitted by the regulations in this part, for transportation or storage on board vessels. § 146.04 4 Signs and abbreviations. The meaning of the signs and abbreviations used in § 146.04-5 are as follows: (*) Asterisk indicates the article may or may not come within the classification shown. If, in accordance with the definitions contained herein, the article does come within the classification it is subject to the regulations in this part. Inf. L...... Inf. S----Oxy. M... Cor. L.-.-. Inf. G------ Inflammable Liquid. Oxidizing Material. Gas. Noninf. G.----- Noninflammable pressed Gas. Compressed Com § 146.04-5 List of explosives and other dangerous articles and combustible liquids 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Green gas. Poison. Yellow. Yellow. Ammonium nitrate mixed fertilizer (containing over 13 percent by Oxy. M. Yellow. weight of ammonium nitrate) (see: "Nitrates"). Ammonium nitrate phosphate (see: "Nitrates"). Ammonium perchlorate (see: "Perchlorates"). Oxy. M.. Yellow. Ammonium permanganate (see: "Permanganates"). Оху. М. Yellow. Inf. 8. Ammonium picrate, wet (when wet with not less than 10 percent water and in a quantity not exceeding 16 ounces in one outside package). Ammonium sulfate nitrate. Ammunition, chemical (containing class A poisons, liquids, or gases). (See: "Chemical ammunition.") Ammunition, chemical (containing class B poisons, liquid, or gases). (See: Chemical ammunition.") Ammunition, chemical (containing class C poisons, liquids, gases or solids). (See: "Chemical ammunition.") Ammunition, chemical, explosive. Ammunition for cannon with empty projectiles... Haz. Expl. A. No restrictions. Ammunition for cannon, nonexplosive.. Expl. B.. Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectiles.. Expl. A.. Expl. A.. Ammunition for cannon with illuminating projectiles. Expl. A.. Expl. A.. Expl. B. Expl. A.. Expl. B.. Expl. B.. Ammunition for small arms with explosive projectiles.. Ammunition-projectiles, grenades, bombs, mines, torpedoes.... Ammunition, small arms (see: "Small-arms ammunition"). Amyl acetate (see: Allyl bromide). Expl. A.. Expl. A. No restrictions.. Amyl chloride (see: Allyl bromide). Amyl mercaptan (see: "Mercaptans").. Anhydrous ammonia.. Amyl nitrite. Amyl trichlorosilane. Anhydrous ammonia in bulk (see: § 146.24-85). Anhydrous hydrazine (see: "Hydrazine, anhydrous"). Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid (see: "Hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous"). Aniline oil drums empty............ Aniline oil, liquid......... Anti-freeze compounds, liquid. Cor. L.. Haz.. Pois. B. Inf. L.. Red. White. Poison; Antimony pentafluoride. Apparatus (see: "Machines or apparatus"). Aqua ammonia solution containing anhydrous ammonia.. Argon, pressurized liquid.. Arsenic acid, liquid.. Arsenic acid, solid. Arsenic bromide, solid. Arsenic chloride (arsenous) liquid. Arsenic iodide, solid. Arsenic pentoxide, solid.. Arsenic, solid. Arsenic sulfide (powder), solid.. Arsenic trichloride, liquid (see: "Arsenic chloride (arsenous) liquid"). Pois. B. 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Article Classed as Label required 1-Aziridinyl phosphine oxide (tris) (see “Tris-(1-Aziridinyl) phosphine Cor. L.. oxide). White. Batteries, electric storage, wet, with automobiles or auto parts (see: Battery charger with electrolyte (acid) or batteryfluid (see: "Electro- Battery fluid (see: "Electrolyte (acid) battery fluid" or "Alkaline corrosive battery fluid"). Battery parts (plates, grids, etc., unwashed, exhausted). Benzaldehyde.. Benzene (benzol). Benzine.. Benzine. Benzine (export only) (see: "Gasoline"). Pois. B.. Poison. Oxy. M.. Yellow. Oxy. M. Yellow. Oxy. M.. Yellow. Oxy. M. Yellow. Haz.. No restrictions. Cor. L.. White Benzol (benzene). Benzoyl chloride.. Cor. L.. White. Benzoyl peroxide, dry (granular form) (see: "Organic peroxides"). Oxy. M.. Yellow. Benzoyl peroxide, wet (with not less than 50 percent water) (see: “Organic perorides"). Oxy. M. Yellow. Benzyl bromide (bromotoluene, alpha). Benzyl chloride.. Benzyl chlorocarbonate.. Benzyl chloroformate. Beryllium compounds, solid, N.O.S.. Black blasting powder (see: "Black powder”). Expl. A. Black pellet powder (see: "Black powder"). Expi. A.. Black powder... Expl. A. Black powder igniters with empty cartridge bags (see: "Igniters"). Expl. C. Expl. A. Blasting caps, electric-more than 1,000 (see: "Initiating or priming Expl. A.. explosives"). Blasting caps, electric-1,000 or less (see: "Blasting caps")... Expl. C. Blasting caps-more than 1,000 (see: "Initiating or priming explo- Expl. A. sives"). 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. 36-102-70——3 |