" and Fisheries. Ad Hoc select Committee on Maritime Education and Training. MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING MISCELLANEOUS HEARINGS BEFORE THE AD HOC SELECT SUBCOMMITTEE ON AND THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE OF THE COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS ON MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING BUDGET MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY NOMINATIONS- GUAM AND VIRGIN ISLANDS NOMINATIONS TO THE FEDERAL ROLE IN MARITIME EDUCATION AND FEBRUARY 17 AND APRIL 24, 1978 Serial No. 95-26 Printed for the use of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries 26-583 O U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1978 COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES JOHN M. MURPHY, New York, Chairman THOMAS L. ASHLEY, Ohio WALTER B. JONES, North Carolina GERRY E. STUDDS, Massachusetts CARROLL HUBBARD, JR., Kentucky LES AUCOIN, Oregon NORMAN E. D'AMOURS, New Hampshire LEO C. ZEFERETTI, New York PHILIP E. RUPPE, Michigan PAUL N. MCCLOSKEY, JR., California EDWIN B. FORSYTHE, New Jersey ROBERT E. BAUMAN, Maryland KFI M458 1978 4078 Blackwell, Robert J., Assistant Secretary for Maritime Affairs, De- 2 Rector, Rear Adm. George B., USMS, Director, Great Lakes Mari- 160 Wolff, Hon. Lester L., a Representative in Congress from the State 159 Additional material supplied Commerce Department: Continuation rates of Navy officers from maritime schools and Deck and engine officers in the U.S. Merchant Marine supply and Maritime Administration operations and training, USMM/ Friedberg, Arthur W., Director, Office of Maritime Manpower, Mari- 166 Metcalfe, Hon. Ralph H., a Representative in Congress from the State 164 Snyder, Hon. M. Gene, a Representative in Congress from the State 164 Additional material supplied Studds, Hon. Gerry E.: Document entitled, "Statistics on Admissions 168 Statement of Friedberg, Arthur W., Director, Office of Maritime Manpower, Mari- 173 Won Pat, Hon, Antonio B., a Delegate in Congress from the Island of Guam. 176 (III) |