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Exhibit 53-G--Excerpt of letter from Paul F. Faust, Associate Engineering Company, St. Louis, Mo., to Ralph L. Warren, December 14, 1959.

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Our organization wants to express our thanks for the outstanding cooperation we received. It is a commendable faculty to be able to be fair to a contractor and at the same time give the government everything to which is entitled by the plans & specifications. We have a deep respect for your ability to do this.

Exhibit 53-H--Excerpt of letter from Wendell L. Caldbeck, Caldbeck Construction Co., contractors, Des Moines, Iowa, to Ralph L. Warren, December 15, 1959


I wish to thank you personally and commend your department for the pleasant and efficient cooperation which we received during the construction of the Post Office Addition here in Des Moines, Iowa.

Exhibit 53-I--Excerpt of letter from Wm. L. Steele, Jr., Steele-
Sandham & Weinstein Co., architects, Omaha, Nebr., to Ralph L.
Warren, December 22, 1959.

At this time of year we sometimes do a little reminiscing, and could not help but think of the extremely fine relationship which we as architects have had with you and the men in vour department.

Exhibit 53-J--Excerpt of letter from Smith-Voorhees-Jensen, Architects Associated, Des Moines, Iowa, to Ralph L. Warren, December 16, 1959


Although we have had honest differences of opinion, and in some cases misunderstandings, I can truthfully say that we have always enjoyed the relationships with yourself, Mr. Rankin and Mr. Bevan. It is not always that we have a client that is understanding of construction problems or the value of architectural service in the manner displayed by your office.

It is a real pleasure to work with you and your staff of dedicated people, understanding what they are about, and with the technical and human facilities necessary to get the job done. *

Exhibit 53-K--Excerpt of letter from Chas. L. Kribs, Brown Engineering Co., Des Moines, Iowa, to Ralph L. Warren, December 17, 1959

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We feel that we should take this opportunity to tell you how much we have enjoyed working with you and your organization. It is true that upon occasion you reamed us out because some of your subordinates had made erroneous statements to you but when the actual facts were brought to light everything was smoothed out.

For thirty-five years I have worked with the Treasury Department, and later with GSA, but no project I have ever done has run smoother, and with less delay, than these two above mention jobs. I firmly believe that we have given the agencies occupying these buildings the best illuminating and air conditioning systems for the least possible cost.

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