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1 "(3) The Secretary of Labor shall by regulation provide 2 for such smaller allowances under this subsection as he deems

3 appropriate for individuals in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Is4 lands, and Guam.

5 "(b) Allowances under this section shall be in lieu of 6 allowances provided for participants in manpower training 7 programs under any other Act.


"(c) Subsection (a) shall not apply to any member 9 of a family who is participating in a program of the Sec10 retary of Labor providing public or private employer com11 pensated on-the-job training.



13 "SEC. 433. In providing the manpower training and

14 employment services and opportunities required by this part




the Secretary of Labor, to the maximum extent feasible, shall

assure that such services and opportunities are provided in

such manner, through such means, and using all authority 18 available to him under any other Act (and subject to all




duties and responsibilities thereunder) as will further the establishment of an integrated and comprehensive manpower

training program involving all sectors of the economy and all 22 levels of government and as will make maximum use of exist23 ing manpower and manpower related programs and agencies. 24 To such end the Secretary of Labor may use the funds appro

priated to him under this part to provide the programs


1 required by this part through such other Act, to the same 2 extent and under the same conditions as if appropriated under 3 such other Act and in making use of the programs of other 4 Federal, State, or local agencies, public or private, the Sec5 retary may reimburse such agencies for services rendered to persons under this part to the extent such services and oppor7 tunities are not otherwise available on a nonreimbursable


8 basis.




"SEC. 434. The Secretary of Labor may issue such rules 11 and regulations as he finds necessary to carry out his respon

12 sibilities under this part.




"SEC. 435. (a) There is authorized to be appropriated to 15 the Secretary of Labor for each fiscal year a sum sufficient 16 for carrying out the purposes of this part (other than sections 17 436 and 437), including payment of not to exceed 90 per 18 centum of the cost of manpower services, training, and 19 employment and opportunities provided for individuals reg20 istered pursuant to section 447. The Secretary of Labor shall 21 establish criteria to achieve an equitable apportionment 22 among the States of Federal expenditures for carrying out 23 the programs authorized by section 431. In developing these 24 criteria the Secretary of Labor shall consider the number of 25 registrations under section 447 and other relevant factors.


1 "(b) If a non-Federal contribution of 10 per centum of 2 the cost specified in subsection (a) is not made in any State 3 (as required by section 402 (a) (13)), the Secretary of 4 Health, Education, and Welfare may withhold any action 5 under section 404 on account thereof and if he does so he 6 shall instead, after reasonable notice and opportunity for 7 hearing to the appropriate State agency or agencies, with8 hold any payments to be made to the State under sections 9 403 (a), 453, 1604, and 1903 (a) until the amount so with10 held (including any amounts contributed by the State pursu11 ant to the requirement in section 402 (a) (13)) equals 10


per centum of such costs. Such withholding shall remain 13 in effect until such time as the Secretary of Labor has assur14 ances from the State that such 10 per centum will be contrib15 uted as required by section 402 (a) (13). Amounts so with16 held shall be deemed to have been paid to the State under 17 such sections and shall be paid by the Secretary of Health, 18 Education, and Welfare to the Secretary of Labor.

[blocks in formation]

20 "SEC. 436. (a) (1) For the purpose of assuring that 21 individuals receiving benefits under part D or supplementary



payments pursuant to part E will not be prevented from 23 participating in training or employment by the unavail24 ability of appropriate child care, there are authorized to 25 be appropriated for each fiscal year such sums as may be


1 necessary to enable the Secretary of Health, Education, 2 and Welfare to make grants to any public or nonprofit private 3 agency or organization, and contracts with any public or 4 private agency or organization, for part or all of the cost of 5 projects for the provision of child care, including necessary 6 transportation and alteration, remodeling, and renovation 7 of facilities, which may be necessary or appropriate in order 8 to better enable an individual who has been registered pur9 suant to part D or is receiving supplementary payments 10 pursuant to part E to undertake or continue manpower 11 training or employment under this part, or to enable an 12 individual who has been referred pursuant to section 447 13 (d) to participate in vocational rehabilitation, or to enable a 14 member of a family which is or has been (within such pe15 riod of time as the Secretary may prescribe) eligible for bene16 fits under such part D or payments pursuant to such part E 17 to undertake or continue manpower training or employment. 18 under this part; or, with respect to the period prior to the 19 date when part D becomes effective for a State, to better 20 enable an individual who is receiving aid to families with 21 dependent children, or whose needs are taken into account in 22 determining the need of any one claiming or receiving such 23 aid, to participate in manpower training or employment.


(2) Such grants or contracts for the provision of 25 child care in any area may be made directly, or through


1 grants to any public or nonprofit private agency which is 2 designated by the appropriate elected or appointed official or 3 officials in such area and which demonstrates a capacity to 4 work effectively with the manpower agency in such area (in5 cluding provision for the stationing of personnel with the

manpower team in appropriate cases). To the extent appro7 priate, such care for children attending school which is pro8 vided on a group or institutional basis shall be provided 9 through arrangements with the appropriate local educational




"(3) Such projects shall provide for various types of 12 child care needed in the light of the different circumstances 13 and needs of the children involved.

14 "(b) Such sums shall also be available to enable the 15 Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to make grants


to any public or nonprofit private agency or organization,

17 and contracts with any public or private agency or orga


nization, for evaluation, training of personnel, technical 19 assistance, or research or demonstration projects to determine 20 more effective methods of providing any such care.

21 "(c) The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 22 may provide, in any case in which a family is able to pay



for part or all of the cost of child care provided under a

project assisted under this section, for payment by the family

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