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nearer prospect of the affairs of Europe, and watch for our security; but that, on the other hand, if it should happen, that during the absence of his majesty the absolute command of the army shall be delegated to one single person, our liberties and properties might be in great danger, because such an authority is equal to that of a stadtholder in Holland: That he was both surprised and sorry to see that a lord, who had so great a share in the administration, should in so solemn and important a debate, fetch arguments from Exchange-Alley, and thereby put our most essential concerns in com. petition with those of a few stock-jobbers: That nothing, in his opinion, could more effectually keep up and advance public credit, than the confidence his majesty would seem to repose in the affections of the people by disbanding part of the army; and that the same would have the like good effect with foreign princes; whereas, if the court seemed to think so great a number of troops necessary in time of peace, it visibly implied a distrust of the affections of the people, which might increase the disaffection at home, and lessen his majesty's credit and interest abroad,


(Son of George I.)

Was born in 1683. He succeeded his father in 1727, and died 1760,

King George the Second's Address to both Houses.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I AM persuaded that you all share with me in my grief and affliction for the death of my late royal father, which as it brings upon me, the immediate care and

weight of the government, adds very much to my concern, lest I should not be as successful in my endea. vours, as I am, above all things, desirous to make you a great and happy people.

I heartily wish that this first solemn declaration of my mind in parliament, could sufficiently express the sentiments of my heart, and give you a perfect and just sense of my fixed resolution, by all possible means, to merit the love and affection of my people, which I shall always look upon as the best support and security

of my crown.

And as the religion, liberty, property, and a due execution of the laws, are the most valuable blessings of a free people, and the peculiar privileges of this nation, it shall be my constant care to preserve the constitution of this kingdom, as it is now happily established in church and state, inviolable in all its parts; and to secure to all my subjects the full enjoyment of their religious and civil rights.

I see with great pleasure, the happy effects of that vigour and resolution which was exerted in the last session of parliament for the defence of the rights and possessions of this nation, and for maintaining the tranquillity and balance of power in Europe. The strict union and harmony, which has hitherto subsisted among the allies of the treaty of Hanover, has chiefly contributed to the near prospect of a general peace; I have therefore given all my allies the strongest assurances of pursuing the same measures, and of making good the engage. ments entered into by the crown of Great Britain.

The cheerfulness with which the supplies necessary for carrying on this great work were raised, making it but just that the public expense should be lessened, as soon as the circumstances of affairs will permit. I have already given orders for sending back some of the regiments brought from Ireland, and will proceed to reduce my forces, both by sea and land, as soon as it can be done,

without prejudice to the common cause, and consistently with the interest of my kingdom.

Gentlemen of the house of commons, You know very well, that the grant of the greatest part of the civil list revenues is now determined, and that it is necessary for you to make a new provision for the support of me and my family; I am confident it is needless, in any particular manner, to recommend to your care the consideration of what so nearly and personally concerns me; and I am persuaded that the experience of past times, and a due regard to the honour and dignity of the crown, will prevail upon you to give me this first proof of your zeal and affection, in a manner answerable to the necessities of my government.

My lords and gentlemen, I recommend it to you to give all possible despatch to such business as shall necessarily be brought before you; the season of the year and the circumstances of time requiring your presence in the country, and making it improper to carry this session to any great length.


Was member for Saltash. He was one of the most vehement and vigorous opposers of the measures of government through the whole of this reign; and, no doubt, had imbibed a very strong tincture of Jacobitism. But he was a man of great firmness and independence of mind, a manly, vigorous, and correct speaker; and whatever his personal motives or sentiments might have been, the principles which he uniformly avowed and maintained, were sound and constitutional

Mr. Shippen's Speech on the Address.

Mr. Speaker,

I RISE not only to offer my sentiments against the terms of the address proposed, but likewise to make a mo

tion. It has, sir, upon such an occasion, been the ancient custom of this house, to present an address of thanks to his majesty, for his most gracious speech from the throne; but such addresses were in former days always in general terms: there were in them no flattering paragraphs, no long compliments made to the throne, for transactions and successes which had never been laid before the house, and of which, by a necessary consequence, the house must have been supposed to have been entirely ignorant. It is true, sir, we have of late years fallen into a custom of complimenting the throne, upon every such occasion, with long addresses, and this custom has been followed so long, that I am afraid it may at last become a thing of course to vote an address to his majesty, in such terms as shall be concerted by those very men whose measures are approved of by the compliment made to the throne. I confess, sir, that I am so little of a courtier, that I cannot return thanks for what I know nothing of, nor can I applaud before I know a reason for such applause. I am not at all against an address of thanks in the usual style; but though I should happen to be single and alone in my opposition, which I hope I shall not, yet I am resolved to oppose addressing in the terms moved for, if it were for no other reason but this-that such a motion may not stand upon the journals of this house, as agreed to nem. con. For if not taken notice of in time, such humble addresses to the throne may at last come to pass as a matter of course, and be as little regarded or opposed as some affairs now are, which at first stood a long contest before they could be introduced.

Sir, it is no new thing in me to oppose such addresses; I have always opposed them; and though I do not thereby appear to be a good courtier, yet it shews that I have some respect for the honour and dignity of this house. Besides, sir, when such addresses have been proposed, it has been promised, and we have been as

sured that no advantage should afterwards be taken of any words contained in the complimentary part of such address; but every member in this house knows, that when the house had an opportunity of examining things more particularly, and debates ensued thereupon, they have then been told that they could not censure any of the past transactions, because they had approved of them all by their address of thanks to his majesty for his most gracious speech from the throne. I hope, sir, for the sake of my country, that all things are well, that our affairs, both abroad and at home, are in that prosperous condition in which they have been represented to us; but as we cannot as yet judge from the effects, and as the treaties from which this great prosperity and lasting tranquillity is to arise have not yet been laid before us, I cannot but look upon it as an anticipation of the resolutions of this house, to thank his majesty for those treaties which we have not as yet had an opportunity either to peruse or consider; and therefore I move, that the first part only of the motion already made should stand, and that all the other complimentary paragraphs should be left out.


(Member for Somersetshire.)

Was born 1687. In 1710 he was made secretary at war, and in 1713 chancellor of the exchequer. He was dismissed from his place on the accession of George I. and being suspected of having a concern in the rebellion in 1715, was committed to the Tower, but liberated without being brought to a trial He died 1740. It was to him that Lord Bolingbroke addressed that celebrated letter in defence of himself, which is the best of all his works.

Sir W. Wyndham's Speech on the same occasion.
Mr. Speaker,

I CANNOT agree to the terms for addressing his majesty proposed by the noble member who spoke first, because,

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