Works by the same Author. I. THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS. An Allegory. 2s. 6d. bound in cloth. II. THE DISTANT HILLS. An Allegory. (Printed uniformly with the above.) 2s. 6d. III. THE OLD MAN'S HOME. A Tale. (Printed uniformly with the above.) 28. 6d. *** A cheaper Edition of the above three Works may be had, price 18. each. IV. THE KING'S MESSENGERS. An Allegorical Tale. (Printed uniformly with the above.) 2s. 6d. V. A COLLECTED EDITION of these FOUR ALLEGORIES, elegantly printed in one Volume, with a Memoir and Portrait of the Author. 10s. 6d. VI. THE FALL OF CROSUS; A Story from Herodotus, designed to connect the Study of History with the Doctrine of a superintending Providence. 3s. 6d. VII. THE WARNINGS OF THE HOLY WEEK, &c. ; being a COURSE of PAROCHIAL LECTURES for the WEEK BEFORE EASTER, and the EASTER FESTIVALS. Third Edition. 58. |