SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY contains the second of Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson's series of charming monthly papers. The New York Tribune says, in referring to them : "The matter is of itself enough to interest every person in the least interested in literature, and the manner of it is such as to make us ask again of him for the hundredth time, as it was asked of Macaulay, Where did he get that style?'" In his present article, entitled "The Lantern-Bearers," Mr. Stevenson refers to picturesque memories of his boyhood. FELIX MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY Engraved by G. Kruell. MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS TO MOSCHELES-From the Manuscripts in the possession of Felix Moscheles-l... FIRST HARVESTS-(Second Instalment). THE MAN AT ARMS.. Taking the serial into New England, where an idyllic love story is unfolded. NATURAL SELECTION-A Romance of Chelsea Village and East Hampton Town. In Three Parts. Part II... With illustrations by Carl Hirschberg. VOLCANOES...... With illustrations by J. D. Woodward, Julian Rix, O. H. Bacher, Frank Day, and THE LAST OF THE GHOSTS-(Story). With illustrations by M. J. Burns, W. P. Bodfish, and others. WHAT THE WILL EFFECTS.. THE LAW AND THE BALLOT. Frontispiece William F. Apthorp F. J. Stimson E. H. Blashfield and E. W. Blashfield H. C. Bunner N. S. Shaler Barrett Wendell William James Joseph B. Bishop POEMS by H. C. Wright, Maybury Fleming, Mrs. James T. Fields, and A. H. Allen "In its one year of life, SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE has taken not only an exalted and permanent place in periodical literature, but one that the world could in no sense spare. With the January number it enters auspiciously on its second year."-Boston Traveller. PRICE, 25 CENTS A NUMBER; $3.00 A YEAR. SPECIAL NOTICE.-To enable readers to possess the Magazine from the first number (January, CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, NEW YORK. $4 50 600 Annual Catalogue, 1887. The Annual American Catalogue for 1887 is now in preparation. It will contain : (1) Directory of American Publishers issuing books in 1887. (2) Full-title Record, with descriptive notes, in author-alpha bet, of all books recorded in the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, 1887. (3) Author-, title-, and subject-index to same, in one alphabet. (4) Publishers' annual lists for 1887. The edition will be limited, and to secure copies orders should be sent at once, IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION. Of the Annual Catalogue for 1886 but 8 copies remain unsold. The price is now raised to $5.00 half leather. THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, P. O. Box 943. FRANKLIN SQUARE (330 PEARL ST.), NEW YORK. NEW BOOKS. NOW READY: MISS ALEXANDER'S NEW VOLUME. Christ's Folk in the Appenine. Reminiscences of her friends among the Tuscan Peasantry. By FRANCESCA ALEXANDER. Edited by JOHN RUSKIN, D.C.L. 12m0, cloth, $1.00; cloth extra, $1.25. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Dog. A Manual of Canine Pathology, Medicine, Surgery, and Therapeutics. By JOHN HENRY STEEL,, M.R.C., V.S., author of "A Treatise on the Ox." With about 100 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. A Text-Book on Roofs and Bridges. Part I. Stresses in Single Trusses. By Prof. MANSFIELD MERRIMAN, Lehigh University. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Mechanics of the Strength and Elasticity of Solids. Being Part III. of Mechanics of Engineering. By Prof. IRVING P. CHURCH, C.E. 8vo, cloth, $3.00. "This appears to be an excellent work for students o engineering."-American Machinist. "A highly useful work for the class of readers for whom it is designed."-Mechanical News. New and Complete Catalogue OF All of Our Publications, Rearranged under Subjects, with an Index of Authors, and a Classified Index-about 80 pages, 8vo-neatly printed, with cover, will be sent free by mail to any one ordering it. NEARLY READY. Stair-Building. Hand-Railing by One Plane Method, applied to the drawing of all Face Moulds, and unfolding the centre line of Wreaths, giving lengths of Balusters under all wreaths. Also, Designs and Plans of the various forms of Stairs. For the use of Architects, Stair-Builders, and Carpenters. By Jas. H. MONCKTΟΝ. A Manual of Steam-Boilers, their Design, Construction, and Operation. For Technical Schools and Engineers. By Prof. R. H. THURSTON. Many illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Woollen and Worsted Cloth Manufacture. Being a Practical Treatise for the use of all persons employed in the manufacture of Textile Fabrics. By ROBERT BEAUMONT, U.S.A. With upward of 200 illustrations. 12mo, cloth, $2.50. JOHN WILEY & SONS, PUBLISHERS, Astor Place, New York. A PRIMER FOR Political Education. Y. R. R. BOWKER. The Union, The States, Congress, The Courts, The Administration, The Civil Service, Population and Wealth, Capital and Labor, National Debt, Taxation and Revenue, The Tariff, The Public Lands, Railroads, Shipping, Occupations, Indians, Cities, Parties (with a brief History of political events to 1886), are the topics treated, by question and answer, so as to inform any voter or young person, in an hour or two of easy reading, of the leading facts as to our country. 12m0, 42 pages, 15 cents. TRADE CARDS. "THE NEW YORK JOBBING HOUSE." ANNOUNCEMENT. CHAS. T DILLINGHAM Publishers' Agent and Jobber, Nos. 718 and 720 Broadway, New York. Begs to announce that he has arranged with Messrs. Belford, Clarke & Co. to act as their Exclusive Agent in New York, and solicits the patronage of the Trade for this very important line. Catalogues and quotations furnished on application. Carrying the largest stock of AMERICAN BOOKS in the market, the Trade will find it advantageous to place their orders with him. Send a Trial Order. We invite the attention of the trade to our full line of the Miscellaneous and Educational publications of all the principal houses in the United States. We are aware that we only consult our own interest in attempting to advance that of the retail dealer, by securing to him. The Lowest Market Rates; Exceptional Promptness in Filling and Forwarding orders and answering inquiries; Diligence in making a thorough and rapid search for all books obtainable; Careful Packing and a judicious selection of the best and cheapest means of Forwarding goods; Every Reasonable Accommodation that a proper conduct of the business will permit. Miscellaneous and School Book Catalogues sent on application. THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO., 740 & 742 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. “The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the United States. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOUS AND FOREIGN BOOKS; SCHOOLBOOKS; STAPLE AND FOREIGN STATIONERY ; BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND PRINTERS FOR THE TRADE. PUBLICATIONS ON ANY HOUSE FURNISHED Leading Nos., 048, 14, 130, 333, 161 PROMPTLY, AND AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. A large variety in all the popular styles. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO HOLIDAY BOOKS AND JUVENILES. Terms and Discounts furnished upon apblication 1 WEST BROADWAY NY WAGENFOHR W. J. WEEDON, Dealer in Remainder of Editions and Job Lots. I am prepared to supply Mrs. Lamb's "History of New York" at 50 per cent. discount; "Samantha at Saratoga" at 40 per cent.; "Encyclo. Britannica" at 40 per cent.; Appleton's "Encyclo.," 1876, at 60 per cent.; 1883, at . I make a specialty of supplying the latest subscriptionbooks at special discounts, and the Standard School-Books at better than publishers' rates. W. J. WEEDON, Jobber and Wholesale Dealer in School, Subscription, and Miscellaneous Books, 25 Chambers St., New York, 419 and 421 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ALL ABOUT BOOKS For $1.00 a Year. The Literary News, monthly, a bright hour's reading, gives a bird's-eye view of books of the month and literary matters. Send a dollar, or write for sample copy, to the LITERARY NEWS, Franklin Square (330 Pearl Street), New York. A. L. LUYSTER, IMPORTER OF London Books, OLD AND NEW. CATALOGUES issued regularly, and sent gratis to any address 98 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. 10 SILVER ST., LONDON, ENGLAND.. Standard German Books, Cheapest Editions, pocket size, in paper cover at 5 or 10 Cents, bound in cloth at 20 Cents and upwards; supplied to the Trade on very favorable terms, and (if specially agreed upon) with the privilege to exchange. Lists mailed on application, and inquiries promptly answered. E. Steiger & Co., 25 Park Place, New York. A. H. KELLOGG, PRINTER, 100 and 102 Reade Street, New York. Bibliographical Publications. For all American books asty appear, take THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY; for an hour's glance each month at the important books and magazine papers, take THE LITERARY NEWS; for magazine articles in general, consult the INDEX TO PERIODICALS ; for books in print or issued of late years, see the AMERICAN and Annual CATA OGUES; for all information as to American and foreign copyright, see "Coppright: its Law and its / iterature." THE LITERARY NEWS. An Eclectic Review of Current Literature. Published monthly, and containing the freshest news concerning books and authors; lists of new publications; reviews and critical comments; characteristic extracts; sketches and anecdotes of authors; courses of reading; bibliographical references; prominent topics of the magazines; prize questions on choice books and other literary subjects, etc., etc., Subscription, $1.0 per annum, postpaid ; single nos., 10 cts. THE LIBRARY JOURNAL. Month- THE CO-OPERATIVE INDEX TO COPYRIGHT: ITS LAW AND ITS LITERATURE. A Summary of the Principles and Law of Copyright with Especial Reference to Books, by R. R. BOWKER; and a bibliography of literary property, being a catalogue of sixty pages of books and articles on the copyright question, compiled by Thorvald Solberg. 8vo, half leather, net, $3.00. tion of F. LEYPOLDT) by LYNDS E. JONES. Subject- THE LIBRARY LIST. Being a list of volume, 4to, half morocco, $15. [Author-and-title volume is out of print.] THE AMERICAN CATALOGUE 1876-1884. Books recorded (including reprints and Public Libraries in the United States and Canada of over 1000 volumes, with classification by size and name of Librarian. 8vo, half leather, net, $3.50. importations) July 1, 1876-June 30, 1884. Compiled, LIBRARIES AND SCHOOLS. Papers under the editorial direction of R. R. BOWKER, by Miss A. I. APPLETON. 4to, half morocco, $15. THE ANNUAL AMERICAN CATALOGUE. Being the full titles, with descriptive notes, of all books recorded in THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, during the calendar year, with author, title, and subject index, publishers' annual lists and directory of publishers. 1887 volume, 8vo, net, sheets, $3.00; half morocco, $3.50. [Volume for 1886 is out of print.] selected by SAMUEL S. GREEN. 16mo, cloth, 50 cts. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL LIBRA- BOOKS OF ALL TIME. A Guide for the Purchase of Books. Compiled by F. LEYPOLDT and LYNDS E. JONES. 32mo, paper, 10 cents. Address the OFFICE OF THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, Р. О. Вох 943. Franklin Square (330 Pearl Street), New York. |