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it has been adopted by almost every nation of Europe, and now flourishes abundantly in America, where it has been introduced by the Europeans. Of this tree we have only one distinct species; but there are a great many varieties, and by producing them from the seed or kernel, they may be almost indefinitely increased. But though they are capable of being greatly augmented in this manner, it is probable that but very few possess the necessary qualities, as nurserymen seldom cultivate more than twenty or thirty sorts. As in the cultivation of this sort of tree much expense is constantly required in walls or other suitable buildings, none but such as produce fine fruit should be attended to. This sort of trees will grow to a considerable height as standards; but, in order to produce and ripen fruit, requires the shelter of warm walls. They flower early in the spring in common, the flowers appearing before the leaves, mostly on the shoots of the preceding year, and either singly or in pairs along their sides. They are formed each of five small petals, with many stamina in the middle, and a small round germen, that becomes the peach. The fruit is distinguished into two sorts, the peach and pavie, from the circumstances of the flesh or pulp quitting or adhering to the stone, as in the former it easily separates, while in the latter it adheres firmly. There are various sorts of peaches that may be cultivated; but for small gardens Mr. For syth recommends the following as the most suitable: the early avant, small mignonne, the Anne peach, royal George, royal Kensington, noblesse, early Newington, Galland, early purple, chancellor, nivette, the Catharine, the late Newington. Amygdalus nucipersica, or the nectarine tree. This is now generally considered as a variety of the peach; but the two trees cannot by any circumstances in their growth, wood, leaves, or flowers, be distinguished from each other with any degree of certainty. The fruits are, however, readily descriminated in all their different stages of growth, that of the nectarine having a smooth, firm cuticle, or rind, while in the peach it is covered with a soft, downy substance. Besides, the pulp or flesh of the former is much more firm than that of the latter. There are many varieties of the nectarine that may be cultivated; but those that chiefly deserve attention are the Fairchild's, the violet, the clrouge, the Newington, the Roman, the temple, and the vermash. The white nectarine may also be cultivated, both for the

goodness of its fruit, and as being a curious variety.

AMYRIS, a genus of the Octandria Monogynia class and order; its characters are, that the calyx is a perianthium, one-leafed, four-toothed, acute, erect, small, and permanent; the corolla consists of four oblong, concave, and spreading petals; the stamina have awl-shaped, erect filaments; anthers oblong, erect, of the length of the corolla; the pistillum has a germ, superior, ovate, style thickish, of the length of the stamens, and stigma four-cornered; the pericarpium is a drupaceous and roundish berry; and the seed is a round, shining nut. There are 13 species, of which we shall notice A. sylvatica, with leaves ternate, crinate, and acute. This is an erect, leafy shrub, from two to 15 feet high, according to the soil and situation, abounding with a turpentine of a strong disagreeable smell: it is found plentifully about Cartagena, in woods near the sea, and flowers in August. A. maritima, small, shrubby, sweet-wood, with leaves ternate, crenulated and obtuse. This is a dwarf shrub, yielding a juice like that of the former, but more agreeable, and smelling like rue: the berry is of the size of black pepper, black when ripe, inclosing a globular, brittle nut, in which is a white kernel. Swartz doubts whether the preceding be a distinct species from this. It grows in very barren coppices, in a calcareous rocky soil, both near the sea, and on the interior mountains of Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Cuba, and flowers from June to September. A. gileadensis, balsam of Gilead tree, with leaves ternate, quite entire, and peduncles oneflowered and lateral. This species is a shrub with purplish branches, having protuberant buds loaded with balsamic rosin: the flowers proceed from the same buds by threes; the bracte minute, and slightly bifid. It has been doubted whether this be a distinct species in itself. A. ambrosiaca, with leaves pinnate and petiolate, and panicles crowded and axillary. This is a tree, with a trunk 30 feet high, branching at the top, with branchlets leafy and flowery: leaves alternate, with two or three opposite, ovate leafets on each side, ending in long points, smooth, entire, on short petioles, gibbous at the base; flowers yellowish white, axillary, and corymbed; perianth very small and four-toothed; petals lanceolate, spreading at the tip; filaments filiform, half as long as the calyx, inserted into the tube; germ superior, subglobose, style cylindrical; stigma capitated, depressed, and four-cor

nered; fruit vate, oblique, four-celled, resembling that of the laurel; the nucleus involved in a brittle covering, four-celled, with four stones wrapped up in a viscid red pulp, having a balsamic smell and taste, hardening into a grey rosin, and used for burning as a perfume. The whole tree is sweet-scented, and yields a very odo

riferous balsam from the wounded trunk or branches, which is used in the dysentery; the dose is one dram in red wine; it is also used in houses and churches for burning as a perfume. It grows in the woods of Guiana, and by the sea-shore; flowering and fruiting in September. A. balsamifera, sweet amyris, white candle-wood, or rosewood, with leaves two-paired. This grows to a considerable size, and is one of the most valuable trees in the island of Jamaica; the wood is white, and of a curled grain when young, but grows of a dirty, clouded ash colour with age, bearing a fiue polish, and having a pleasant smell; it is heavy, and much esteemed among cabinet-makers. All the parts of this tree are full of warm, aromatic particles, and may be used in baths and fomentations; the berries are oblong, and have the taste of the balsam copaiba. An infusion of the leaves has a pleasant flavour, is highly cephalic, strengthens the nerves, and is particularly restorative to weak eyes. In Jamaica there are several species of amyris, the leaves and bark of which yield a fine balsamic juice; and if the body were tapped at the proper season, a thick liquor would transude, resembling that of the Gilead balsam, to which the taste of the bark and wood of the smaller branches bears a very exact relation. Dr. Wright apprehends that this wood, by distillation, would yield a perfume equal to the oleum rhodii,

ANA, antong physicians, denotes an equal quantity of the ingredients which immediately precede it in prescriptions; it is written by abbreviation a or a a; thus, & thur. myrth. alum. à à, 9j: that is, take frankincense, myrrh, and alum, each a scruple.

ANA, in matters of literature, a Latin termination added to the titles of several books in other languages.

They are collections of the conversation and memorable sayings of men of wit and learning; the Scaligeriana was the first book that appeared with a title in una, and was afterwards followed by the Perroniana, Thuana, Naudæana, Menagiana, and even by Arlequiniana, in ridicule of all books in ana, The Menagiana are accounted the best,

ANA, among occult philosophers, a term used to denote the human mind; from whence some will have anasapta, a dæmon invoked by sick persons, to be derived.

ANABASIS, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Digynia class and order: essen. char.; calyx, three-leaved; cor. five petalled; berry one-seeded, surrounded by a calyx: there are four species.

ANACARDIUM, in botany, acajou, a genus of the Enneandria Monogynia class and order; its characters are, that it has hermaphrodite flowers, and male flowers, either mixed with the hermaphrodites, or on a distinct tree. The calyx of the former is a perianthium, five-leaved, leaflets ovate, concave, coloured, erect, and deciduous; the corolla has five petals, lanceolate, acute, three times as long as the calyx, upright at bottom, reflex at the end; the stamina have ten filaments, united at the base and upright, nine of them capillary, shorter than the calyx; the pistillum has a germ, kidneyshaped, obliquely emarginate in front, style subulate, bent in, the length of the corolla; stigma small, roundish, depressed, and concave: no pericarpium; receptacle fleshy, very large and obovate; the seed a nut, kidney-shaped, large at the top of the recep tacle, with a thick shell, cellular within, and abounding in oil. The calyx, corolla, and stamina, of the male flowers, as in the her. maphradites; the pistillum has either no germ, or one that is abortive. There is one species. viz. A. occidentale, cashew-nut, cassu or acajou. The cashew is an elegant tree, 12 or 16 feet high, spreading much as it rises, and beginning to branch at the height of five feet, according to Browne; but Long affirms that in good soils it spreads to the size of a walnut tree, which it resembles in the shape and smell of the leaves: the trunk seldom exceeds half a foot in diameter; the leaves are coriaceous, subovate, shining, entire, petioled, and scattered alternately; and terminating, containing many small, sweet-smelling flowers, on an oblong receptacle, scarcely distinguishable from the peduncle; the corolla red, with commonly 10 stamens, one of which has no anther, but it has frequently eight, or only seven, all fertile; and there are sometimes female flowers entirely destitute of stamens. The fruit has an agreeable subacid flavour, in some degree restringent; in some of a yellow, and in others of a red colour, which difference may be probably owing to the soil or culture. The juice of the fruit, fermented, affords a pleasant wine; and dis

tilled, yields a spirit exceeding arrack or rum, and serves to make punch, and also to promote urine. The ripe fruit is sometimes roasted and sliced, and thus used for giving an agreeable flavour to punch. The restringency of the juice has recommended it as a remedy in dropsical habits. From one end of the apple proceeds the nut, which is kidney-shaped, inclosed in two shells, the outer of an ash colour, and smooth, and the inner covers the kernel. Between these shells is lodged a thick, inflammable, and very caustic oil, which, incautiously applied to the lips and mouth, inflames and excoriates them. This oil has been successfully used for eating off ring-worms, cancerous ulcers, and corns; but it should be very cautiously applied. Some females have used it as a cosmetic, in order to remove the freckles and tan occasioned by the scorching rays of the sun, but it proves so corrosive as to peel off the skin, and cause the face to inflame and swell; but after enduring the pain of this operation for about a fortnight, thin new skin, as it may be called, appears fair like that of a new-born infant. This oil also tinges linen of a rusty iron colour, that can hardly be got out; and when smeared on wood it prevents decay, and might, therefore, serve for preserving house timber and ships' bottoms. The fresh kernel has a delicious taste, and abounds with a sweet milky juice; it is an ingredient in puddings, &c. and is eaten raw, roasted, and pickled. The negroes of Brazil, who are compelled by their masters, the Portuguese, to eat this nut, for want of other sustenance, obtain relief from this involuntary use of it in various disorders of the stomach. When the kernel is ground with cacao, it improves the chocolate; but if it be kept too long it becomes shrivelled, and loses its flavour and best qualities. The milky juice of the tree, obtained by tapping or incision, will stain linen of a deep black, which cannot be washed out; but whether this has the same property with that of the eastern anacardium, has not yet been ascertained; for the inspissated juice of that tree is the best sort of lac which is used for staining black in China or Japan.

ANACHRONISM, in matters of literature, an error with respect to chronology, whereby an event is placed earlier than it really happened, in which sense it stands opposite to parachronism.

ANACREONTIC verse, in ancient poetry, a kind of verse, so called from its being much used by the poet Anacreon. It consists

of three feet and a half, usually spondees and iambics, and sometimes anapests; such is that of Horace,

Lydia dic per omnes.

The word anacreontic is sometimes placed at the beginning of convivial songs, glees, &c. denotes a gay hilarity of movement, and a free and easy style of performance.

ANACYCLUS, in botany, a genus of plants of the Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. Essen. char. receptacle chaffy, seeds crowned with an emarginate margin, those at the ray membranaceous at the sides. There are five species: of which the creticus and orientalis grow naturally in the islands of the Archipelago. They are low plants, whose branches trail on the ground. The first sort has fine cut leaves, like those of chamomile; the flowers are small, white, and grow single with their heads declining; these are like those of common may-weed. The second has leaves like those of the oxeye; the flowers are white, and like those of chamomile.

ANAGALLIS, in botany, a genus of plants, belonging to the Pentandria Monogynia class of Linnæus; the flower of which is monopetalous, multifid, and orbicular; the fruit is a globose capsule, containing only one cell, and dividing horizontally into two hemispheres; the seeds are numerous and angular. There are six species.

ANAGRAM, in matters of literature, a transposition of the letters of some name, whereby a new word is formed, either to the advantage or disadvantage of the person or thing to which the name belongs; thus, from Galenus is formed Angelus: from James, Simea; and so of others.

Those who adhere strictly to the definition of an anagram, take no other liberty than that of omitting or retaining the letter h, at pleasure; whereas others make no scruple to use e for æ, v for w, s for z, and c for k: and vice versa.

ANAGYRIS, bean-trefoil, in botany, a genus of plants with papilionaceous flowers, the vexillum of which is shorter than any of the other petals, and its fruit an oblong pod, containing kidney-like seeds: to this it is to be added, that three leaves stand on every petal. It belongs to the Diadelphia Decandria class of Linnæus.

According to Martyn, there are three species: viz. the fœtida, cretica, and inodorata. The first grows wild in the South of France, in Spain, Italy, and Sicily; also

about Smyrna. It is a shrub that rises 8 or 10 feet high, and produces its flowers in April and May, which are of a bright yellow colour, growing on spikes, somewhat like those of the laburnum: the seeds are never perfected in this country. The second is a native of Canada, and some of the islands of the Archipelago, and is very rare in English gardens. The third is an upright shrub, equal to a middle-sized tree branches hanging down, frequently scandent: a native of the woods of Cochinchina.

These may be propagated by laying down their tender branches in the spring, observing to tongue them in the same manner as the layers of carnations.

ANALCIME, in mineralogy, a species of Zeolite, found crystallised in the cavaties of basalt. The primitive form of its crystals is a cube. It is sometimes found crystallised in cubes, whose solid angles are wanting, and three small triangular faces in place of each; sometimes in polyhedrons with twenty-four faces. Specific gravity 2. Colour white, sometimes red. When rubbed it acquires only a small degree of electricity, and with difficulty. Before the blow-pipe it melts without frothing into a white transparent glass.

ANALEMMA, in geometry, a projection of the sphere on the plane of the meridian, orthographically made by straight lines and ellipses, the eye being supposed at an infinite distance; and in the east or west points of the horizon. See MAPS.

ANALEMMA denotes likewise an instrument of brass or wood, upon which this kind of projection is drawn, with an horizon and cursor fitted to it, wherein the solstitial colure, and all circles parallel to it, will be concentric circles; all circles oblique to the eye will be ellipses; and all circles whose planes pass through the eye, will be right lines. The use of this instrument is to shew the common astronomical problems.

ANALOGY, in matters of literature, a certain relation and agreement between two or more things; which in other respects are entirely different; thus the foot of a mountain bears an analogy to the foot of an animal, although they are two very different things.

There is likewise an analogy between beings that have some conformity or resemblance to one another; for example, between animals and plants, and between metals and vegetables; but the analogy is still stronger between two different species of certain animals.

ANALOGY, among grammarians, is the correspondence which a word or phrase bears to the genius and received forms of a language.

ANALYSIS, in a general sense, is the resolution of something compounded, into its constituent parts. Hence,

ANALYSIS, in chemistry, is the separation of any substance into its constituent parts, with a view of ascertaining their nature, relative proportion, and mode of union. An instance of this kind is to be had in the decomposition of water, by which it is found that the constituent parts are hydrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of fifteen parts of the former and eighty-five parts of the latter. As every operation in chemistry is attended with a disunion of parts, the formation of new compounds is almost an invariable consequence: hence the business of analysis, is intimately connected with the whole of chemical science, and can be only thoroughly understood by one that is well versed in every branch of chemistry. On so an extensive a subject it is in vain to attempt laying down precise rules for the mode of operation generally. We may, however, observe that a compound once formed, perpetually acquires the powers of an element, in being able to unite, undecomposed, with other bodies simple or compounded, in various proportions; and thus to produce new substances in which the constituent parts often retain their original affinities, and in analysis again separate into their elementary substances. We may refer to nitrate of ammonia, which is a salt composed of nitric acid, ammonia, and water, each of which is itself a compound, but in this particular combination it acts as an elementary body: thus, nitric acid consists of azote and oxygen: ammonia, of azote and hydrogen and water, as we have seen, of oxygen and hydrogen: so that in truth there are only azote, hydrogen, and oxygen, that enter into the combination of nitrate of ammonia; but in their simple state they cannot be made to form the salt: it is requisite that the acid, the alkali, and the water, should be first formed, in order to get the neutral salt.


The business of chemical analysis is to resolve a body intoits constituent parts; but the first question is to determine, in every instance of analysis, whether the resolution should proceed to entire separation into real elements, or only into those compounds which act as elements, as in the case referred to, whether the nitrate of ammonia should be

resolved into azote, hydrogen, and oxygen: or whether it should not first be reduced into nitric acid, ammonia, and water. The former mode is best calculated for research, the latter for utility; but a mixture of the two methods is commonly adopted, where the proportion and nature of the compound produced has already been fully ascertained by previous experiment. The most rigid proof of the accuracy of analysis, is to be able to produce the same compound by uniting the identical parts which we have given as its constituents. This can rarely be performed in a manner perfectly satisfactory, but it frequently happens that a substance may be reproduced that resembles the one analysed, by employing similar constituents, if not the identical substances. This proof even is almost totally wanting in the analysis of organised bodies, whether vegetable or animal, especially when reduced to their ultimate elements, and generally when only separated into their immediate consti'tuents. The agents made use of in analysis, are heat, the electric and galvanic fluids, if they are two fluids, and the application of re-agents or substances, which indicate the parts of the body to be examined.

ANALYSIS, among logicians, is a method of tracing things backward to their source, and of resolving knowledge into its original principles. It is also called the method of resolution, and stands opposed to the synthetic method, or method of composition. The art of this method consists chiefly in combining our perceptions, and classing them together with address; and in contriving a proper expression of our thoughts, so as to represent their several divisions, classes, and relations. This is clearly seen in the manner of computing by figures in arithmetic, but more particularly in the symbols applied in resolving algebraical problems.

ANALYSIS, among mathematicians, the art of discovering the truth or falsehood of a proposition, or its possibility and impossibility. This is done by supposing the proposition, such as it is, true; and examining what follows from thence, until we arrive at some evident truth, or some impossibility, of which the first proposition is a necessary consequence; and from thence establish the truth or impossibility of that proposition.

The analysis of the ancient geometricians consisted in the application of the propositions of Euclid, Apollonins, &c. till they arrived, proceeding step by step, at the truth

required. That of the moderns, though not so elegant, must, however, be allowed more ready and general. By this last, geometrical demonstrations are wonderfully abridged, a number of truths are frequently expressed by a single line, and whole sciences may sometimes be learned in a few minutes, which otherwise would be scarcely attained in many years.

Analysis is divided, with regard to its object, into that of finites and infinites. Analysis of infinite quantities, that which is called specious arithmetic. Analysis of infinites, the same with fluxions. See FLUXIONS.

ANALYSIS, in minerology, includes the examination of metallic ores, and of the other products of the mineral kingdom. See MINERALS, analysis of.

ANALYSIS of soils, the means of ascertaining the nature, properties, and proportions of the different materials of which they are composed. The proper execution of this business enables the farmer to form a just estimate of the value of the different parts of his lands, to make the application of ameliorating substances with propriety, and to understand the effects that may be produced by the combinations of different matters. The apparatus necessary for this business are scales and weights of different sizes; some porcelain, glass, or stone-ware vessels, unglazed; some muriatic and sulphuric acid, alkali, galls, and pure distilled


ANAMORPHOSIS, in perspective and painting, a monstrous projection, or representation of an image on a plane or curve surface, which, beheld at a proper distance, shall appear regular and in proportion.

To delineate an an amorphosis upon a plane: 1. Draw the square A B C D, (Plate I. Miscel. fig. 4.) of a bigness at pleasure, and subdivide into a number of little squares. 2. In this square, called the craticular prototype, let the image to be represented deformed, be drawn. 3. Then draw the line ab (ibid. fig. 5.) equal to A B, and divide it into the same number of equal parts as the side of the prototype AB. 1. Erect the perpendicular EV, in the middle of a b, so much the longer as the deformity of the image is to be greater. 5. Draw VS perpendicular to E V, so much the shorter as you would have the image appear more de, formed. From each point of division draw strait lines to V, and join the points a and S, by the right line a S. 6. Through the points d e f g draw right lines parallel to a b, then will a b c d be the space in which the

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