EXTRACT from the Deed of Trust for founding this Lecture, A N Indenture, bearing date July 21, 1768, fets forth, "That "the right reverend WILLIAM " Lord Bishop of Gloucester has " transferred the sum of 500%. " Bank four per cent. annuities con" folidated, to the right honourable " WILLIAM LORD MANSFIELD, " Lord Chief Justice of his Ma" jesty's Court of King's Bench, " the right honourable SIR JOHN " EARDLY WILMOT, Lord Chief " Justice of his Majesty's Court of " Common Pleas, and the honoura " ble CHARLES YORKE [a], of Lin " coln's-Inn, in the county of Mid " dlesex, UPON TRUST, for the pur " pose of founding a Lecture, in the : [a] This nohle and eminent person was the second son of the Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. He had been, for many years, in the first reputation at the Bar; and, having passed through the offices of Sollicitor and Attorney General, was, himself, made Lord Chancellor in January 1770, but died foon after his appointment to that high dignity-Luttuofum hoc fuis; acerbum patriæ; grave bonis omnibus. CIC. " form " form of a Sermon, To prove the “ truth of revealed Religion, in general, " and of the Christian in particular, " from the completion of the prophe"cies in the Old and New Testament, " which relate to the Christian church, " especially to the apostacy of Papal "Rome: That, in case of any va 66 cancy in this trust by the decease " of any one or more of the above " mentioned Trustees, the place or " places shall be filled up, from time " to time and as occafion may require, " by the furviving Trustees, or Trustee, " or by the Executors of the furvivor " of them: That the Trustees shall "appoint the Preacher of Lincoln's-Inn " for " for the time being, or some other “able Divine of the Church of Eng" land, to preach this Lecture: That "the Lecture shall be preached every " year in the Chapel of Lincoln's-Inn " (if the Society give leave [b]) and " on the following days, viz. the first " Sunday after Michaelmas Term, the " Sunday next before and the Sunday " next after Hilary Term: That the • Lecturer shall not preach the said ? " Lecture longer than for the term " of FOUR YEARS, and shall not again " be nominated to preach the fame: " And, when the term of four years [b] The Society have given leave that this Lecture be preached in their Chapet, and on the days specified. |