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Chicago Ave. Armory



to E off Dewitt between Chestnut and Dela., also stairs down to basement level shopping center, hallway leading to elevator in a hotel-escape route?

Construction work NE of armory 4 trailers on 8 side of Pearson,

N side, some open area, piles of: sand, concrete bags, wooden horses, co cement blocks, lumerber, timbers, iron pipes, iron U's for setting concrete, rocks. Also a truck, and entrance to undergound parking lot.

Broad sidewalk runs along E side of armory with concrete stumps at each end to keep cars, not motorcycles out. E of that a low chain lik link fencee, then a cinder track, fenced with iron spike 4 ft fence, hard to climb.but 8 ft gaps. Tennis courts Benced in, then baseball field, f facing SE Driveway for park hevicles runs between Pearson and Chicag then payground and park admin. buildings, then Lake Shore drive, a natural military hwy, better than Mich. Tunnell for pedestrians at SE corner of this n block crosses under to lake, which is concrete slabs. Park area about 3/4 mile south. Local lanes arex W of Express, easy to walk across, too., only one low guardrail to hop across, but much trafic. Campus has two alleys rning N-S with lockable fence in middle-possible escape, regroup-points, karge lawn on NE corner of that block, also.

Small parking lot E off Faibanks, possible escape routs. Superior one way East, Huron W, S of Superior and E of Fairbanks are parking lots for hospital, S of Huron is VA research hosp., N is private hopp. Block of Huron & Fairbanks is private parking lot, block north of

that is 3 story city parking lot.

The block due of armory has alley in line with door #6, goes thugh to Superior, also braches W and through to Hich.? Hosp on SE corner of

that block with fire alarm out front.

Very wide sidewalk S with a large area just

side of Chicago, with overhang building-stor,

of armory where fountain not fully installed,



Chicag o Ave, Armory

good for regrouping, hidden by awning for Carriage Hose,S of Arma W of armory is small park, bordered by 4 ft chain link fence, easily climbed, two exits S, one N, large exit W around small first aid garge/ office, which has parking lot with exit N on P aarson, wide grass str strip S to Chicago, stone wall to W seperates from waterworks offices. Good place to gather and march from.

750 could easily block all doors symbolically, also possible provo action: detour Lake shore drive traffic into immediate neighborhood with wooden horses, etc, then stop cars with other wooden horses, then saturate with people. then let air out of tires of more and more coars until tanks, etc in armory can't get out. A few cars sacrificed for most direct blocking of garage doors. Aluminum door could be bent o out of operation. Could NWU form a sanctuary? Source of cadre?

Lots of fire hydrants for further confusion, first aid for gas attacks Construction site(s) would provide barricade materials. Apartment houses and hotels provide many blind alleys, which connect, for possible escape through confusion.

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