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No. 2. vi. 246
to be well ordered....... vii. 14
well employed become Vir-

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vii. 335
to compose them towards unity
and peace, however our judgments
may differ in lesser verities, a rule
of moderation........
vii. 470 Ambrose, not against Episcopacy.
Affliction calls home conscience... i. 54
a sign of strength. No.40. vi.
Man under it, the more he
strives, the more he is entangled.

the torment of it. No. 95. vi. 22
Ambitious, The, Character of vii. 112
Man his Own Enemy.

from heaven......



No. 1. vi.


-profitable, especially to some
dispositions, more than other. No. 21.
vi. 258
to be viewed as Derived
viii. 517
the Intent of God in send-
ing it, to be considered.......... viii. 518
designed for trial and pro-
bation, and for bettering of the

viii. 520
in the Nature of it, a fatherly
chastisement to God's children. viii. 521
the main comfort thereof to
be expected from the Issue..... viii. 522
the soul cheering itself un-
der it
viii. 523
-—— no absolute freedom from it
to be expected in this world x. 123
of Body, lawful to mourn
for it
... v. 568
Afflictions, a Man must give thanks
for them; but not pray for them.
No. 16. vi. 85
difference in Men's disposi-
No. 63. vi. 281
Epistle to Sir Richard Lea,
on their comfortable remedies... vii. 238
Age, the Confinements of, Soliloquy

tions under them


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No. 25. vi. 9

ix. 596, 666

ix. 609

not in favour of Lay-Elders.

Angel of the Covenant appeared to

i. 191

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old, Comforts against its incon-
veniences enumerated
viii. 181

- its illimitation, and the mise-
ries that attend it................. viii. 181

[blocks in formation]

............................. vi. 457

their Degrees and Orders.

vi. 460
their Apparitions..... vi. 462
the Respects which we
owe to them......

vi. 466

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Ark taken.....

[ocr errors]

ix. 681

of his....

viii. 20

Areopagi, what..

[ocr errors]

vii. 427
its violence and ill effects. vii. 427
vii. 428
zealous, enforced.........

vicious, when it offends in the
Cause, or in the Quantity.

vii. 428
offends in the Cause, when oc-
casioned by a good, indifferent, or


trivial thing

vii. 428
offends in the Quantity, when
either too long or too vehement. vii. 429
Arguments for its mitigation.

vii. 430

[blocks in formation]

Animals, man accountable to God for
his treatment of them............. i. 145
Anselm and Dunstan prohibit, in Eng-
land, the marriage of Ecclesiastics.
Answer, a short one, to a difficult
Question; and a tedious one, to
an easy Question, unsuitable......
No. 28. vi.
............................................ x. 272
Antiquity, several arguments out of it
for the Superiority of Bishops... ix. 582
Apocryphal Books, opinions of the Old
Church and of the Present Church
of Rome, on their authority, con-


[blocks in formation]

Apparitions, of Good Angels....... vi. 462
of Evil Angels......... vi. 495
Appearance, the Deceit of, Sermon on. v. 123
Apprehension of God, three ways of it.

vii. 344
Approach to God, a duty enjoined.. v. 501
Approaches, order of the two.

drawing nigh to us, and our draw-
ing nigh to God....
v. 507
Appropriation of God, Christ, and

Heaven to the Soul, the ground of
complacency of beart............ vi. 409
Arbitrary, all valuations of outward
things are so..............No. 17. vi. 257


.......... X. 102
ix. 644, 732

i. 267
in the house of Obed-Edom.... i. 364
Arm benumbed, Meditation on one. vi. 161
Armada, Spanish.......
....... V. 263
Arminius, Epistle to Mr. Jonas Rei-
gesbergius in Zealand, concerning
some new Opinions broached un-
der his name in Holland......... vii. 271
Asa restores the worship of God... i. 471
his heart perfect with the Lord i. 473
in his sickness sought not to the
Lord but to Physicians......
i. 474
Assurance of Salvation, attainable, but
with difficulty....
vii. 375
Atheists, the World full of them.
No. 71. vi. 97
Attendant, wise and religious one, be-
nefit of such...
Augustin, his rule for ascertaining
what is of Apostolic Authority.
ix. 527
Authority, divine, Salan's Temptation
not to submit thereto, repelled. viii. 278
Aw more fit for thoughts of Judgment
than Fear....
viii. 199
Axful disposition of Heart required to-
wards God's infiniteness. No. 16. vi. 256

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Body, Satan's Temptation to disbelieve
its Resurrection, repelled....... VÜL 283
Boldness, puts Men forth before their
time and ability.......... No. 22. vi. ક
of those Men, who, knowing
they must shortly die, yet dare do
those things which will draw upon
them eternity of torments. No. 18.

vi. 522
Bond, cancelled, Meditation on the
sight of one........
vi. 188
Bosom Discourse, Soliloquy on..... vi. 348
Bounty of God to Man, in the works
of Creation................ No. 7. vi. 247
to us...... No. 29. vi. 262
----, divine, Soliloquy on......... vi. 373
Boys playing, Meditation on the sight
vi. 141
Branch and the Stock, their relation a
resemblance of the union betwixt
Christ and Christians............ viñì. 221
Breaches, passive, which follow upon
the Public calamities of any Nation.
vi. 315

v. 461

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Burning Bush...

Blind men, the cheerfulness of some, a
comfort under the loss of sight. viii. 171
Blind and Lame, Meditation on the
sight of them........
Blackmoor, Meditation on the sight of

vi. 214

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Cesar, the King of the Jews........ v. 310
Calamities, public, Comforts against
viii. 146
- the sense and
sympathy of them common to man.

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v. 600
Advantage there-
...... v. 600
Danger of not
v. 601
Means by which
this must be endeavoured.
...................... v. 604
lawful and holy, not altered
by honourable titles, &c......... ix. 537
Callings, Epistle on the Remedies
against Dulness and Heartlessness
therein, with Encouragements to
Cheerfulness in Labour......... vii. 246
—-, the fear of God leads to a filial
endeavour of obedience therein. vii. 366
Calves of the People, Enemies of the



v. 258
Calvin, his attestation to the rite of
ix. 804
Canon, Apostolical, the Women ought
to have power on their head..... v. 485
Canons, Apostolical, their testimony to
......... ix. 578
Care, one of the Inconveniences which
commonly attend the great.... viii.
-, Freedom from, one of the Be-
nefits of Poverty..
Cares cast upon God............. No. 13. vi.
Carriage, Christian and Civil, Epistle
to All Readers, containing Rules of
good advice for it....
vii. 280
Cart, Meditation on the sight of one
Cassander, George, his opinion on Cor-
ruptions in the Church............ ix. 28
Catechizing, order for sure grounds to
be laid for it, a way of Peace be-
longing to Public Authority.... viii. 90
its importance and ne-
ix. 224
Caution, an incitement to more, to


vi. 221

viii. 371

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and Patience require forgetful-
ness of evil Deeds and Accidents.
No. 67. vi. 36

, the practice of, urged on all
that love Christ in sincerity..... vi. 422
to be preferred to contention
for indifferent opinions; with Ex-
amples thereof.....
viii. 357
to be exercised in weighing
the opinions of others........... viii. 361
, a grace requisite for duly re-
ceiving the Lord's Supper....... vii. 511
Chastisement necessary.... No. 11. vi. 27
Chastisements, Satan's Temptation to
account them judgments, repelled. viii. 307
Chastity in Marriage, enforced..... vii.
392, 393, 597, 403
Cheerfulness, Christians wrong them-
selves, who do not encourage it.
No. 7. vi. 50
--, Christian, Epistle to Mr.
George Wenyffe, Bp. Hall's Fa-
ther-in-Law, exciting thereto... vii. 163
Chemnitius, his attestation to the rite

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bears an awful respect
to his Father..........
depends upon his Fa-
v. 554
viii. 175

ther's Provision.....
Child-bearing, its pains, a comfort un-
der barrenness..
Children, those most likely to prove
blessings, which are the fruit of pa-
rents' prayers........


i. 260
the misery of ill-disposed and
undutiful, a comfort under barren-
viii. 176
-- the cares of parents for them,
a comfort under barrenness.... viii. 176
--) the great grief in the loss of
them, a comfort under barrenness.

viii. 178
Solomon's account of them,
digested from Proverbs and Eccle-


of God thought meanly of
if appearance be the rule......... v. 127
Chiliasts, ancient, their history briefly
.......................... X. 95

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his Ascension....... No. 66. vi. 283
-, his Agony..
No. 2. vi. 309

the first-fruits of them that
No. 35. vi. 328


- thoughts on his knocking at the
door of the heart......... No. 39. vi. 330
honoured by the Creatures in
his Abasement....

vi. 429
in his Humiliation to be loved
and imitated......

....................... vi. 429
to be beheld by Faith on earth,
and by Sight in heaven.....

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vi. 430
Justified in the Spirit......... vi. 432
Seen of Angels.......
vi. 434

Preached unto the Gentiles.

vi. 437
Believed on in the World... vi. 440
Received up into Glory...... vi. 442
vehement longing after him, in-
cluded in Prayer..


vii. 499
union with him, by faith and
love; feeling, effectual, indivisible;
included in Prayer.....

unspeakable complacency and de-
light of the soul in him, included in
vii. 501

his having been assaulted, a com-
fort under temptations.......... viii. 131

vii. 211
how to be happy in the appre-
hending of him................... viii. 214
the honour and happiness of
being united to him........ vini. 215
union with him, the kind and
manner of it.........
viii. 216
the Resem-
blances thereof enumerated... viii. 217
its certainty

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v. 315

his Cross worthy to be our first
v. 355

and last lesson....

and St. Paul crucified together v. 362
our Passover, nature and signi-
fication of this implied comparison. v. 538
v. 542

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a Passover.....

--and a Christian, their Mystical
No. 93. vi. 75
the Love of, in its Nature and
Effects, with our Sense and Im-
provement of it. See LOVE OF

vilege and benefit, Life........ viii. 224

its external pri-
vilege, a right to the blessings of
earth and heaven... ...

it is wrought.......

................................... viii. 236
means whereby

viii. 237
the union of his Members with
one another..........
..... viii. 238
Satan's Temptation to distrust
his Righteousness and Satisfaction,


viii. 291

---, no other Coming of his to be
expected, but that to his Final Judg-

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x. 124

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