COLLECTION OF THНЕ WORKS OF THAT Antient, faithful Servant of JESUS CHRIST, THOMAS CHALKLEY, 1975 WHO • Departed this Life in the Island of Tortola, the fourth Day of the Ninth Month, 1741. To which, is prefix'd, A JOURNAL of his LIFE, TRAVELS, and CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCES, will send those that escape of them unto the Nations, to Tarshish, Pull, and LONDON: Printed and Sold by LUKE HINDE, at the BIBLE THE TESTIMONY OF THЕ Monthly-Meeting of FRIENDS IN PHILADELPHIA, Concerning our Antient, Worthy FRIEND, THOMAS CHALKLEY, deceased. T HE Christian Experiences of the Faithful being useful to direct such as are defirous of following them in the Paths of true Religion and Virtue, and their good Examples shining with the greatest Clearness, when they have, with the Flesh, put off all human Infirmities; Justice to their Memory, and a Concern for the Benefit of their Survivors, demand our grateful Remembrance of them, and the contributing our Endeavours to render their Labours useful to Posterity. |