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ship, while the manner in which the work is rendered in that Council is deserving of the highest commendation.

Jerusalem, No. 2, Tadmor, No. 4, and Salem, No. 6, have also given evidence of new vigor, and I do not doubt that the spark of life that has been smouldering for the last few years will in the next, become a living flame that will augur well for the future of Cryptic Masonry in this jurisdiction. I am also happy to say that no disposition exists among the Companions to number this Grand Council among those who have passed away, and are laid to rest in the cemetery of the Mississippi Plan.

At the convention of delegates from the several Grand Councils, held in Detroit in August last, a proposition to form a General Grand Council was favorably considered, and was adopted, with the proviso that the action of the convention should be ratified by nine of the State Grand Councils.

The convention also adopted a constitution for the proposed General Grand Council, similar in all respects to those governing other bodies of the same character. This constitution provides for the annual payment by each constituent Grand Council, to the General Grand Council, of the sum of fifty cents for each chartered Council under its jurisdiction; claims jurisdiction over the Cryptic Degrees as a separate and distinct rite of Masonry, but provides that "nothing contained in this constitution shall be construed to derogate from the right or authority of any Grand Council, which may not determine to become a constituent of the General Grand Council."

It also declares that "every Council of Royal and Select Masters must have a charter or dispensation from the General Grand Council, or from some Grand Council working independently of any other branch of Masonry, and no Council should be deemed legal without such dispensation or charter; and Masonic communication, both public and private, is thereby interdicted and forbidden between any Council or any member of it; and any Council or assembly that may be so illegally formed, opened or holden without such charter, or any person assumed to be received or greeted therein.

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The action of the Convention in the formation of the General Grand Council has already been ratified and endorsed by the Grand Councils of New York, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana and Kansas.

Cryptic Masonry was cradled in this jurisdiction, and it is eminently proper therefore that the Grand Council of Maryland should be one of the very first to endorse the formation of the General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the United States of America, and we may recall, with no little pride, that that organization is, to some extent at least, a monument to the memory of those zealous Masons-ECKEL and NILESwhose names are revered and esteemed by all Royal Craftsmen of this jurisdiction, and I therefore suggest the adoption of a resolution approving the establishment of a General Grand Council.

Immediately after my installation as Grand Master, I entered into correspondence with the Grand Masters of those Grand Councils with whom we had not already exchanged representatives, with a view to cementing our Grand Bodies more closely together, and with the hope that as "in union there is strength," so by uniting in a closer and more intimate relationship with our sister Grand Councils, we might infuse a new life and greater vitality in the interest of the Cryptic Rite. The result of this correspondence was the appointment of the following Representatives of the several Grand Councils near the Grand Council of Maryland-each commission being accompanied by the kindliest expression of good wishes for the success of our Grand Council.

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At the same time I have made the following appointments of Representatives of the Grand Council of Maryland, and for which I ask your approval:

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My official acts have been few and are briefly recited. During the year no questions have arisen calling for official decision, and it is gratifying to say that peace and harmony seem everywhere to have reigned in and among the Councils subordinate to this Grand Council.

November 21, 1879. I granted a dispensation to Concordia Council, No. 1, to hold an election to fill the office of T.. I.. M.. Master, made vacant by the death of I.. M.. Companion HENRY W. WORTHINGTON, immediately after his election and installation.

November 2, 1879. I granted a dispensation to Druid Council, No. 5, to hold an election for officers, which had been omitted at the stated time.

January 16, 1880. I installed I.. Companion H. C. LARRABEE as T.. I..M.. Master of Concordia Council, No. 1.

In closing, allow me to thank you for the honor you conferred upon me, in exalting me to the office of Grand Master of the Grand Council of Maryland, and for the uniform courtesy that you have ever extended to me, and to say that on retiring from this office it shall be to take my place by your side, devoting whatever ability I may have in earnest effort to rear upon lasting foundations the pillars that support this Grand Body. WILLIAM F. COCHRAN,

Grand Master.

The address was referred to the following Committee: Companions FERDINAND J. S. GORGAS, HENRY J. KENAH and JAMES W. BOWERS.

The Grand Recorder and Grand Treasurer submitted their annual reports, which were referred to the Committee on Finance. GEORGE L. MCCAHAN, Grand Recorder in account with the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Maryland.

[blocks in formation]

Nov. 12. To Dues from Concordia Council, No. 1.
Jerusalem Council, No. 2.
Druid Council, No. 5.

.$31 50


6 50

$44 50

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THOMAS J. SHRYOCK, Grand Treasurer in account with the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Maryland.

[blocks in formation]

The following from Druid Council, No. 5, was presented:

BALTIMORE, November 10th, 1880.

To the M. I. Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Maryland:

At a Stated Assembly of Druid Council, No. 5, held October 30th, 1880, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That this Council petition the Grand Council for permission to change its name from Druid Council, No. 5, to Hiram, No. 5.


Fraternally submitted,



On motion the petition was granted.

Companion GEORGE L MCCAHAN, Chairman of the Committee, presented the Report en Correspondence, which was accepted.

Companion THOMAS J. SHRYOCK offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the minutes of the Proceedings of this Annual Assembly, together with the report of the Committee on Correspondence, and the returns of the Subordinate Councils be published.

The Committee on Finance made the following report, which was accepted:

BALTIMORE, November 10th, 1880.

To the M. I. Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Maryland:

Your Committee, to whom was referred the accounts of the Grand Recorder and Grand Treasurer, beg leave to report that they find the accounts correctly kept, and the disbursements supported by the proper vouchers.


Companion JAMES W. BOWERS offered the following, which was adopted:

Resolved, That all arrearages of dues owing by Tadmor Council, No. 4, and Salem Council, No. 6, be remitted.

The committee to whom was referred the address of the M... I... G.. Master made the following report:

To the M. I. Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Maryland:

The Special Committee to which was referred the able and interesting address of the M.. I.. Grand Master, having given the subject-matter contained therein due consideration, respectfully reports as follows:

We agree with the M.. I.. Grand Master, that while it is a matter for regret that the prosperity which has attended the efforts of some of the Companions within our jurisdiction has not been general, yet it is a subject for congratulation that the organization of every one of our subordinate Councils has been maintained, and that one of them has more than doubled

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