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The Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Maryland, convened in Annual Assembly, in Masonic Temple in the city of Baltimore, November 14th, A.. D. 1877-A... Dep.. 2877.

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Past M.. Ill.. G.. M.. Companion GEORGE L. McCAHAN.

And Representatives of Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The Grand Council was opened in due form by the M.. Ill.. Grand Master.

The following Committe on Credentials was appointed.—Companions JAMES B. PURCELL, GEORGE W SHEIVE, CHARLES F. ACHEY.

The Committee on Credentials made the following report, which was on motion accepted.

To the M.. Il.. Grand Council of R. and S. Masters of Maryland.

The Committee on Credentials beg leave to report the following Representatives, entitled to seats in this Assembly of the Grand Council of Maryland.

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The following Committee on Finance, was appointed by the M.'. III.`. Grand Master.-Companions GEORGE L. McCAHAN, S. C. BUSH, Edwin L. PARKER, JR.

The M.. Ill.. Grand Master presented the following


Ill.. Companions, It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude to T. S. A. O.T. U. that I greet you at this Assembly of the Grand Council. It has pleased our Heavenly Father to afflict me during the past year with severe illness, and from this cause I have been prevented from attending any of the subordinate Councils, and therefore am unable of my own knowledge to furnish any definite information as to the status of Cryptic Masonry in our jurisdiction; but from information derived from Companions, I regret to say that apathy does exist in this as in other divisions of our fraternity: this arises from two sources: One-The financial depression which has been existing for some years past; and the other, from the opposition of those

who, under their former relation of R. and S. M., when Councils were virtually controlled by the Chapters-have refused to connect themselves with us since we formed a Grand Council, and are now active in the project of inducing the General Grand Chapter to assume control of the Council Degrees.

The Convention of Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters, which met at New Orleans in 1874, and adjourned to meet at Buffalo, met according to adjournment on the 20th of August, 1877. Being unable to attend in person, I appointed one of our Companions as my proxy, from whom I learn that the Convention was largely attended, and much interest manifested and solicitude expressed in regard to the welfare of Cryptic Masonry.

An interesting discussion was engaged in by the Delegates from all parts of the Country, and a Committee appointed to memorialize the Grand Encampment of the United States, to make the Cryptic Degrees pre-requisite to the Order of Knighthood. The matter was presented to the Grand

Encampment but failed to receive favorable consideration.

The joint memorial of the G. R. A. C. and G. C. of R. and S. M. of Mississippi, looking to the absorption of the Council Degrees by the Chapters, was presented to the General Grand R. A. C. at its Twenty-third Triennial Convocation held at Buffalo, N. Y., 21st, Aug. A Committee was appointed to take the subject under consideration, who reported that the G. G. C. had no jurisdiction over the Council Degrees, and recommended that the prayer of the petitioners be not granted. The report of the Committee was postponed until the next Triennial Convocation, as was also the joint memorial of the Grand Chapter and Grand Council of North Carolina; thus the entire subject has been postponed until the year 1880.

Companions we are now passing through the same depressing and disheartening experience, that our R. A. Chapters passed through within the memory of many Companions present; let us therefore Companions use all our endeavors to support and sustain our organization feeling assured that it must result favorably; we only ask of our Companions who are not willing to affiliate with us, that they do not attempt to destroy our organization and thereby lose to those who love our Ancient Institution, one of its most beautiful divisions.

I had hoped that the opposition in our city would have entirely ceased, and although it has not done so, I am glad to report a more hopeful feeling among our Companions, and feel assured that if my successor in office and his associates will press the claims of the R. and S. M. degrees upon the Companion R. A. M. of this jurisdiction during the coming year, much progress will be assuredly made. And now Companions in returning to you

the power with which I have been invested, permit me to express my sincere acknowledgment of the honor conferred, and pray your clemency for my short-comings,

During the year I have appointed:

Comp. G. M. OSGOODBY, Grand Representative near G. C. of New York.

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On motion bill of Medairy & Bowers for printing certificates of Grand Representatives amounting to $10. was ordered paid.

The Grand Council proceeded to elect its officers for the ensuing year, with the following result:

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On motion the Grand Recorder was instructed to have the proceedings of this Assembly printed, including the list of Members of Subordinate Councils making returns at this Assembly.

The Committee on Finance made the following report, which was on motion accepted.

BALTIMORE, November 14th, 1877.

To the M. Ill. Grand Council of R. and S. Masters of Maryland:

The Finance Committee beg leave to report that they have examined the books and accounts of the Recorder and Treasurer, and find the same correct and neatly kept. The amount in the hands of Treasurer at last report was $72 66, the disbursements since then $65 13, leaving balance on hand this date $7 53. Vouchers appearing for all of the above disburse



The following Grand Officers elect were installed in due form:

Companion EDWIN L. PARKER, JR.

M... Ill.. G... M..

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On motion Companion Louis C. Coon, was paid $2 00 for services as Grand Sentinel.

The Grand Officers made the following appointments:


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G.. C.. of the Guard.

G.. C.. of the Council.

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These proceedings were read and approved. The Grand Council was

closed in due form.


Grand Recorder.

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