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Annual Assembly. No Companion shall be eligible to the office of Grand Master unless he shall be a Present or Past Master of some Subordinate Council.

SEC. 6. The Grand Council shall have the sole government and superintendence of the several Councils under its jurisdiction, shall have power to assign their limits, prescribe the fees for admission and settle controversies that may arise between them. It shall also have power to grant Charters to new Councils within the State of Maryland.

SEC. 7. The Grand Master has power to convene any Council within this jurisdiction, to preside therein, to inspect its proceedings and require its conformity to Masonic rules; he may require the attendance of, and information from any Thrice Illustrious Master, respecting his office; he may grant dispensations for new Councils to continue until the next Assembly of the Grand Conncil on application of nine or more Royal and Select Masters, and during the recess of the Grand Council, may exercise all its executive functions.

SEC. 8. In case of the death, absence or inability of the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, and Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, will, in succession, succeed to his prerogatives and duties for all purposes.

SEC. 9. The Grand Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the Grand Council from the Grand Recorder, and pay out the same only as may be authorized by the Grand Council, and on the order of the Grand Master attested by the Grand Recorder. He shall submit at each Annual Assembly a detailed statement of all receipts and expenditures, accompanied by vouchers. He shall promptly deliver all moneys and property of the Grand Council to his successor.

SEC. 10. The Grand Recorder shall keep a true record of the proceedings of the Grand Council, receive all moneys due the Grand Council and pay the same to the Grand Treasurer. He shall safely keep all books, papers and other property belonging to his office and promptly deliver the same to his successor. He shall prescribe the form for annual returns and present a statement at each Annual Assembly of all moneys received during the year. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Grand Council, and perform such other duties as are incident to his office. He shall receive such compensation as the Grand Council may direct.

SEC. II. It shall be the duty of the Grand Officers, whose duties have not been hereinbefore specifically set forth, to discharge such functions as by ancient usage pertain to their offices.

SEC. 12.

The stated meetings of this Grand Council shall be held in the City of Baltimore, on the first Wednesday after the second Tuesday in November annually, at such hour as the Grand Master may direct; and a quorum for business shall consist of the representatives of three Councils.

SEC. 13. Special meetings of the Grand Council may be called by the Most Illustrious Grand Master, or in his absence or physical inability, by the Deputy Grand Master, whenever deemed necessary.

SEC. 14. The Grand Master shall appoint at the Annual Assembly, or as soon after his installation as practicable, a Grand Lecturer, whose duty it shall be to instruct the Subordinate Councils in the standard work of the Grand Council, and also to exemplify the same at each Annual Assembly of the Grand Council, unless it shall otherwise order.

SEC. 15. The revenues of this Grand Council shall be derived from the following sources:

For every Charter or Warrant,

For every Dispensation to form a new Council,

And if a Charter is afterwards granted, the additional sum of

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$ 15 00

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SEC. 16. There shall not be a greater number of Councils established in the State than there are Royal Arch Chapters, nor more than one Council within the jurisdiction of each Chapter.

SEC. 17. All governmental powers, whether executive, legislative, or judicial, not expressly delegated by the Grand Council, are inherent in and reserved to it as the supreme governing body.



SEC. I. A Council of Royal and Select Masters shall consist of a Master, a Deputy Master, a Principal Conductor of the Work, a Treasurer, a Recorder, a Captain of the Guard, Conductor, Steward and Marshal, and as many members as may be convenient, congregating and working by virtue of a warrant held under the Grand Council, and at the place designated on the warrant or by the Grand Council.

SEC. 2.

The first five officers of a Subordinate Council, herein before named, must be chosen annually by ballot, and the remaining officers shall be appointed by the Master.

SEC. 3. The Master shall not be responsible for his official acts or otherwise to the Council over which he presides; but shall be at all times subject to discipline from the Grand Council or Grand Master.

SEC. 4. Every Council shall make full and complete returns to the Grand Council annually of all its members in the form prescribed by the Grand Recorder, and any Council neglecting or refusing to make such returns and pay dues for more than two years shall forfeit its warrant.

SEC. 5. All By-laws of subordinate Councils and amendments to the same, must be submitted to the Grand Master and receive his approval before they can become operative.

SEC. 6. No Council in this jurisdiction, held in the City of Baltimore, shall confer the degrees for a less sum than five dollars, nor any Council outside of the City of Baltimore for a less sum than three dollars, nor upon any one who shall not have received, in a regular manner the several degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.



This Grand Council is competent at any time to alter or amend this Constitution on the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present, at an Annual Assembly,-provided the proposed alteration shall have been submitted in writing at one Annual Assembly, and laid over until the next for consideration; unless such proposition shall be unanimously concurred in, and in that case may be adopted at once.


Resolved, That any Subordinate Council may, in its discretion, drop from the roll the name of any member who may be in arrears for dues over two years, and who may neglect or refuse to pay the same after thirty days notice of the intention of the Council to consider his delinquency. November 14, 1876.

Resolved, That the membership of the Subordinate Councils forming this Grand Council be considered to be those who were members of the various Councils prior to the formation of this Grand Council, and who have not expressed a desire to be relieved of their membership, in addition to those who have since become members of the said Councils. November 14, 1876.

Resolved, That non-affiliated Cryptic Masons of this jurisdiction in affiliating with the Subordinate Councils be required to assume the O.. B.. according to the revised work, and also that of allegiance to the G.. G.. Council of the United States. November 9, 1881.

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2900, A. D. 1900, AT 3 O'CLOCK, P. M.

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