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The Grand Council was opened in ample form. The record of the proceedings of the last Annual Assembly was read and approved.

The M.. Ill.. Grand Master then installed Companion James B. Purcell, T.. Ill.. Master, and Companion George W. Sheive, Dep.. Ill.. Master, of Druid Council, No. 5.

The M.. Ill.. Grand Master appointed the following Committee on Credeatials. Companions James B. Purcell, F. J. S. Gorgas, Chas. F. Achey. The M.. Ill.. Grand Master read the following


Companions, The fact of there being several matters of sufficient importance to require legislation at this assembly, I present them in a formal manner. The Grand Council not having provided a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, precludes a summarizing and presentation in a condensed form of the transactions of our Sister Grand Councils I trust, however, that provision will be made for such a Committee at this Grand Assembly. There are in all thirtythree Grand Gouncils on our Continent, from nearly all of which we have exchanges of official correspondence.

The following proceedings are gratefully acknowledged: Alabama, 1866 to 1875 inclusive.

Connecticut, 1876.

Illinois, 1875.

Iowa, 1874 and 1875.

Louisiana, 1875.
Massachusetts, 1875.

Minnesota, 1874, 75 and 76.
Missouri, 1874.

New Hampshire, 1875.

New York, 1865, 66, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75.

Ohio, 1876.

Rhode Island, 1870 to 1875.

Tennessee, 1874 and 1876.

Arkansas, 1874, 75.

Georgia, 1876, Circular.
Indiana, 1874.

Kentucky, 1875.

Main, 1870, 74, 75 and 76.

Michigan, 1874, 1875 and 1876.
Mississippi, 1876.

Nebraska, 1875.

New Jersey, 1875.

North Carolina, 1876.

Ontario, 1874 and 1875.

South Carolina, 1869 to '76 inclusive.
Vermont, 1875.

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As to those Grand Councils not named in above list, we are unable to account for the non-reception of similar documents, unless it be that they have not published their proceedings.

From the Grand Councils named, we have satisfactory evidence, (by formal resolution or otherwise,) of the fraternal recognition of the Grand Council of Maryland.

In addition to the above, the Grand Councils of New York, Nebraska, Minnesota, Florida and Maine, having solicited an interchange of Grand Representa

tives, and meeting with favorable response on the part of this Grand Council, they have severally made the following appointments:

By the Grand Council of the State of New York, . Comp. J. W. Bowers.

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Reciprocating the courtesy extended this Grand Council, I have appointed the following Companions as Representatives of the Grand Council of Maryland near their respective Grand Councils.

Companion Daniel Spry, near the Grand Council of Ontario.

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The official report of the proceedings of the National Convention of Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters, not having been heretofore formally presented to this Grand Council, I now avail myself of the opportunity of doing so, being indebted to Ill.. Comp. G. Fred. Wiltsie,-who was the Recorder of the Convention,- through his address to the Grand Council of New York.


"The Convention met in the city of New Orleans, La., at Masonic Temple on Monday noon, November 31st, 1874, and organized temporarily by the elec

tion of

M.. Ill.. Companion JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, of Maine, as President.
M.. Ill.. Companion G. FRED. WILTSIE, of New York, as Recorder.

The Committee on Credentials, M.. I.. Companions W. C. SWAIN, of Wisconsin, E. EDMUNDSON, of Tennessee, and GEO. L. McCAHAN, of Maryland, reported eighteen (18) Grand Councils entitled to representation.

The temporary officers were then unanimously elected as permanent officers of the Convention, with the addition of

M.. I.. Companion JOHN FRIZZELL, of Tennessee, as first Vice-President M.. I.. Companion C. F. GOODMAN, of Nebraska, second Vice-President. Rule 1 of the New York Convention of 1872, was then adopted for the government of the present session, (the purport of which was the system of voting, each Grand Jurisdiction being allowed three votes.)

M.. I.. Companions EDMUNDSON, of Tennessee, WILISIE, of New York, O'NEAL, of Ohio, MCCAHAN, of Maryland, and STINSON, of Arkansas, were appointed a Committee on "Work."

M.. I.. Companions BROWN, of Kansas, BECHTEL, of New Jersey, KIRKER, of Connecticut, WHEELER, of Nebraska, and MORRILL, of Florida, were appointed a Committee on General Business.

EVENING SESSION, at 7 o'clock.

M.. I.. Companion JOHN FRIZZELL, of Tennessee, presiding.

M.. I.. Companion JOHN H. BROWN, of Kansas, from the Committee on General Business, reported in favor of a General Grand Council of R. and S. M., which report, after a long discussion, was laid upon the table.

Several invitations were received and accepted to attend different festivities in the City of New Orleans, during the session of the Grand Bodies.

Two vacancies occurring in the Committee appointed by the New York Con.. vention to memorialize the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, to place the Cryptic degrees in their proper position in the American system of Free Masonry, by making them a pre-requisite to the orders of Knighthood, they were filled by the Convention constituting the Committee, as follows:

M.. I.. Companion J. H. DRUMMOND, of Maine.

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Convened again 7 P. M., December 1st, 1874.

M.. I.. Companion C. F. GOODMAN, of Nebraska, presiding.

The Committee on Work, after a lengthy session, reported to the Convention that in their judgement no change was advisable in the Ritual as adopted in 1873, except to correct one or two clerical or chronological errors in the history of the Select Masters degree, concerning the time of the communication of the w to M and the lapse of time from its communication to its being lost. The report was unanimously adopted, all the Grand Bodies represented, many of which have adopted the work, expressing themselves highly pleased with it in its every feature.

The question of the organization of a General Grand Council was then taken from the table, and a very long debate ensued, all of the different Grand Bodies, through their representatives, stating at length their views; a large majority of them were in favor of the immediate formation of such a body, but at the same time being desirous of making no movement exeept to

aid in the advancement of Cryptic Masonry, and of these degrees receiving the proper attention and position to which they are entitled, the following resolution was finally unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED. That & Committee of five be appointed to prepare a Provincial Constitution for the organization of a General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the United States of America, which shall be submitted to the several state Grand Bodies, for either their adoption or rejection.

M.. I.. Companion JOHN FRIZZELL, of Tennessee,

G. FRED. WILTSIE, of Mew York,
JOHN H. BROWN, of Kansas,
W. C. SWAIN, of Wisconsin,
W. R. WHITAKER, of Louisania.

The following resolution was then adopted:


RESOLVED, That the present officers of this Convention be continued, and that the Committee on Provincial Constitution for a General Grand Council, be, and they hereby are, directed to prepare such a document, which shall be submitted by the officers of this Convention, to the various Grand Councils in the United States, for their action thereon, and when two-thirds thereof shall concur therein, approving such Provincial Constitution, the same shall become operative, and a meeting shall be called by the President. for the purpose of duly organizing such body, which shall be provided for by said Constitution, at such time and place as may be designated.

The Committee to memorialize the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, reported that they had performed the duty assigned them and that, after consideration, the Grand Encampment laid the matter upon the table.

The following resolution of adjournment was then adopted, after several matters of minor importance had been disposed of.

RESOLVED. That this Convention do now adjourn to meet in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., on the Monday before the third Tuesday of August, 1877, and that the several State Grand Bodies be requested to send delegates to the same, unless the Convention shall sooner be called together by the President.

The Grand Recorder was ordered to publish officially the proceedings of the Convention, as well as the report of the Committee on Provincial Constitution in pamphlet form, and issue same to each of the Grand Councils."

Anticipating the meeting of the Convention at Buffalo, the Grand Council of New York, invites the co-operation of this Grand Council, as per the following circular letter. I trust that favorable consideration will be accorded the proposition.

Office of the Grand Master of Royal and Select Master Masons of the State of New York.


NUNDA, NEW YORK, September 18, 1876.

At the Annual Assembly of the Grand Council of this State, held at the Masonic Temple in the city of New York, on the 12th and 13th inst.,

there was a committee, consisting of myself as Chairman, and M.. I.. Past Grand Master John D. Williams, and Illustrious Companion the Rev. Charles G. Hudson, appo nted to attend in behalf of this Grand Council the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, to be held at Cleveland in August next, to present and urge upon the Grand Encampment the adoption of the Cryptic degrees as a pre-requisite to the degrees of Knighthood, and the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED, That the Committee appointed by this Grand Council to attend the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States to urge that the Council degrees be made pre-requisite to the orders of Knighthood be, and they are hereby vested with full power to propose a plan, or basis. upon which such action may be had by such Grand Encampment, and that this Grand Council will carry out and fulfill the terms of such plan, or basis, which may be agreed upon by such committee.

In compliance with this resolution, the Committee will attend as desired, and as the present time seems to be a favorable one to urge the desired action upon the Grand Encampment it is earnestly desired that all Grand Councils should take similar action, appointing of their best and most influential Companions a similar Committee with like powers. The Committees should be composed of Knights Templar, so as to entitle them to a seat in the body to be so visited. I submit this matter for your consideration, and should be pleased to receive from you suggestions in regard to it. A Committee was also appointed to visit the Grand Commandery of this State and urge its co-operation in this matter which I would also recommend. Please acknowledge, &c., With kind regards and assurances of high esteem, I am FRATERNALLY AND FAITHFULLY YOURS,



To Most Illustrious Geo. L. McCahan,

Grand Master of the State of Maryland.

(Acknowledged October, 26th, 1876.)

In view of the fact that this Grand Council is not specially in need of funds, I would recommend that balance-due by Subordinate Conncils, be remitted, as well as the return of amounts paid at this Grand Assembly. In this connection I would also suggest authority being conferred upon the Subordinate Councils, to drop from the rolls the names of members in arrears for such time as may be thought best.

I would further advise the adoption of such measures as would fix the status of those who were members of the several Councils prior to the formation of this Grand Council.



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