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ÆNEID ALEXANDER INNES ANDREW LANG angler Arthur Fowler Badminton bank beat Board boat boiling bye-law C. J. LONGMAN Cabinet Edition cast catch caught coracle Crown 8vo cruives England English ESSAYS estuary fish for salmon fisherman fishing weir fixed engines flies flood fresh water gaff grilse Haggard's H. R. Henry HISTORY hooked illegal Illus Illustrations Ireland Jock Scott JOHN killed kipper land leister loch Lord M.A. Crown 8vo Maps Max Müller miles minnow monster mouth nets never offence passed Plates poaching POEMS pool Popular Edition Portrait pounds Proctor's R. A. R. A. PROCTOR reel rise rock rod and line round Salmon Fishery Acts salmon river salmon-fishing sauce Scotland Scrope sea-trout season smolts spawning sport sportsman Story stream Text tions Translated trations trout Tweed vols wading water-bailiffs weekly close weight weirs yards دو
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Page 28 - INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF RELIGION: Four Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. Crown 8vo., 55. NATURAL RELIGION. The Gifford Lectures, delivered before the University of Glasgow in 1888.
Page 9 - Hume. — THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS OF DAVID HUME. Edited by TH GREEN and TH GROSE. 4 vols. 8vo, 28s. Or separately. Essays. 2 vols. 14s. Treatise of Human Nature. 2 vols. 14s. James.— THE WILL TO BELIEVE, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy.
Page 2 - Wellington. — LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. By the Rev. GR GLEIG, MA Crown 8vo. , y. 6d.
Page 17 - Farrar (FW, DEAN OF CANTERBURY). DARKNESS AND DAWN: or, Scenes in the Days of Nero.
Page 23 - ALERTE': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., y.
Page 8 - Sea- Fisherman: comprising the Chief Methods of Hook and Line Fishing in the British and other Seas, a glance at Nets, and remarks on Boats and Boating. Second Edition, enlarged, with 80 Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 12s. Gd. The Fly- Fisher's Entomology. By ALFRED RONALDS. With coloured Representations of the Natural and Artificial Insect.
Page 12 - Symes. — POLITICAL ECONOMY : a Short Text-book of Political Economy. With Problems for Solution, and Hints for Supplementary Reading ; also a Supplementary Chapter on Socialism.
Page 7 - DEAD SHOT (THE): or, Sportsman's Complete Guide. Being a Treatise on the Use of the Gun, with Rudimentary and Finishing Lessons on the Art of Shooting Game of all kinds.
Page 20 - INSECTS AT HOME . a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits and Transformations.