and he thought that if they saw him and saw how sick he was that they would take him in. They were sympathetic, too, but they said that they had a waiting list of 170 ahead of him and asked him if he wanted to get on the waiting list. He asked them how long that would be and they said that it might be 2 or 3 years. So he did not go on the waiting list and, incidentally, that is the reason why those waiting lists have no value whatever, because a great many men do not get on them. The boy came over, rested up for a few days and then got his wife and drove down to the Vaughan Hospital in Richmond but found there that they had a waiting list, too, so he came back and went to bed. I asked him, "Have you anybody to wait on you, to look after you?" And he said, "Yes, my wife and two little children." I said to him, "You have two little children and you have never been to a hospital and never have been told how to avoid infecting your own family?" And he said, "That is right." So I said to him, "You get to bed and stay there, get a good nurse and you quit worrying about anything and let me do the worrying." That very afternoon another man came in, also a young veteran of World War II, who had a young wife and two small children. He was in the same predicament exactly. It took me weeks to get those boys into a hospital and I was successful only then because the manager of this hospital happened to be an old friend of mine and knew of my interest in these cases. But, of course, getting those two in probably meant that there were two others, perhaps equally deserving, who could not get in. The CHAIRMAN. I have had letters from two families of boys who were reported missing in Korea, but they told me that they were not willing to talk about it to anybody. They were very bitter and unhappy. Mr. KETCHUM. Madam Chairman, before you conclude this hearing, I would like to offer for the record a detailed digest of our entire program which was adopted at our last national convention. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection, it may be made a part of the record. (The matter referred to is as follows:) 1952-53 LEGISLATIVE OBJECTIVES OF THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES, SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE HOUSE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS The following legislative objectives are based on resolutions adopted by the 1952 National Encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and recommendations of the VFW national legislative committee. COMPENSATION, PENSION, MISCELLANEOUS VETERANS BENEFITS RESOLUTIONS 1. Seeking legislation to establish a new service-connected disability payment schedule based on $187.50 for total disability ($168.75 for 90 percent; $150 for 80 percent; $131.25 for 70 percent; $112.50 for 60 percent; $93.75 for 50 percent; $75 for 40 percent; $56.25 for 30 percent; $37.50 for 20 percent; and $18.75 for 10 percent); and a corresponding increase in statutory awards and dependency allowances (Res. 132). 2. Seeking legislation to increase rates of service-connected death compensation payable to widows and children, as follows: widow 'but no child, $100; widow with 1 child, $140 (with $34 for each additional child); no widow but 1 child, $78; no widow but 2 children, $110 (equally divided); no widow but three children, $142 (equally divided) with $27 for each additional child (total amount to be equally divided); dependent mother or father, $75 (for both), $44 each (Res. 132). 3. Seeking legislation to provide that any combination involving the loss or loss of use of any two members or the loss or loss of use of a hand or foot together with loss or loss of use of an eye shall be rated the same as subparagraph (M) of Public Law 182 (Res. 257). 4. Seeking legislation to grant 3-year presumptive period in cases of diseases of the central nervous system and psychosis (Res. 180). 5. Seeking legislation to provide that any physical disability, including dental disabilities, or any neuropsychiatric or psychiatric disabilites having been found within 5 years from date of discharge shall be presumed to have been incurred in service unless rebutted by affirmative evidence of prior existence where it is shown that claimant was at any time held prisoner by an enemy nation during military service in a period of war (Res. 262). 6. Seeking legislation to grant compensation and out-patient treatment to all veterans with service-connected clinical proven cases of chronic malaria (Res. 94). 7. Seeking legislation to grant dependency allowances when the veteran has 40 percent service-connected disability (Res. 132). 8. Proposing to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs that the 10 percent requirement of section 6, Public Law 483, 78th Congress, be deemed to have been met in the case of any honorably discharged veteran who engaged in combat with an enemy of the United States, certification thereof to be made by the Department of the Armed Forces with which the veteran served (Res. 276). 9. Seeking legislation to provide a uniform pension based on age (Res. 363). 10. Seeking legislation to grant to veterans of World Wars I and II, and of service on and after June 27, 1950, service pensions on the same basis and in the same amount as pension is granted to Spanish-American War veterans (Res. 132). 11. Seeking legislation to provide, in effect, that notwithstanding the cause or nature of disease causing permanent and total disability any war veteran who has had honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States shall be exempt from the so-called misconduct clauses of the basic laws (Res. 69). 12. Seeking retroactive payment of pension in non-service-connected cases to date of proof of disability or entrance into the hospital (Reş. 184). 13. Seeking legislation to grant pension benefits for non-service-connected disability to persons who served with the United States military forces on the Mexican border between May 9, 1916, and April 6, 1917 (Res. 226). 14. Seeking legislation to grant pension benefits for non-service-connected disability to persons who served with the United States occupation forces in Germany during World War I (Res. 226). 15. Seeking legislation to grant Spanish-American War pension benefits to persons who served with the United States Armed Forces in the Moro Province, or in Samar and Leyte between July 4, 1902, and January 1, 1914 (Res. 226). 16. Seeking legislation to increase rates of pension payable to certain dependents of World Wars I and II, and of service on or after June 27, 1950, as follows: widow but no child, $60; widow and 1 child, $75 (with $8.50 for each additional child); no widow but 1 child, $30; no widow but two children, $45 (equally divided); no widow but 3 children, $60 (equally divided), with $7.50 for each additional child (the total to be equally divided) (Res. 132). 17. Seeking legislation to increase income limitations applicable to nonservice-connected disability and death pension cases from $1,000 to $2,000 for a veteran without dependents, a widow without children, or a child; and from $2,500 to $3,200 for a widow with children or a veteran with dependents. Income from Government insurance and/or commercial insurance up to $10,000 shall not be included in computation of annual income (Res. 132). 18. Seeking legislation to authorize pensions for widows and children of certain deceased World War II veterans and veterans of service on and after June 27, 1950, on the same basis as pensions are authorized for widows and children of World War I veterans (Res. 132). 19. Seeking amendment to section 3, Public Law 483, 78th Congress, so as to read, "The term 'widow' of a World War I veteran shall mean a woman who was married on or before December 14, 1947, or the effective date of the amending act, or for 10 years preceding death" (Res. 189). 20. Urging 2-year extension to World War II veterans of right to apply for education and traning under Public Law 346, 78th Congress (Res. 226). 21. Seeking legislation to extend the period during which education and training may be afforded certain hospitalized, or otherwise incapacitated, World War II veterans who were prevented from entering training by reason of physical disabilities requiring emergent medical or surgical treatment and who have shown their intent to enter training (Res. 128). 22. Urging extension of period during which vocational rehabilitation training may be afforded certain hospitalized or otherwise incapacitated World War II veterans (Res. 226). 23. Seeking legislation to extend until July 25, 1960, vocational training under Public Law 16 so as to furnish disabled veterans training at any time handicap requires need for it in keeping with the facilities and ability of the Veterans' Administration to furnish same (Res. 201). 24. Advocating more effective counseling and testing in vocational readjustment programs (Res. 235). 25. Urging dissemination of information concerning GI training (Res. 35). 26. Recommending that payment of a Federal bonus for war veterans be deferred (Res. 341). HOUSING RESOLUTIONS 1. Expressing opposition to increase in interest rates on GI loans, and recommending legislation to provide: (a) Immediate resumption of purchase of GI loans by FNMA and adequate funds for secondary market; and (b) Adequate funds for Loan Guaranty Division of VA (Res. 358). 2. Recommending that at least $500,000,000 be made available for investment by the United States Treasury upon the recommendations of the Home Loan Bank Board as to the relative needs in the different areas of the country; that savings and loan associations be authorized to apply for investment from the Treasury Department and use all of the investment funds for making of veterans' home loans (Res. 36). 3. Endorsing S. 3307, S2d Congress, to amend the Servicemen's Readjustment Act in order to set up procedures on default and release from liability on loans for the purchase or construction of homes, farms, and business property (Res. 344). INSURANCE-USGLI AND NSLI RESOLUTIONS 1. Seeking legislation as follows: (a) Section 602 (c) (2) of the National Service Life Insurance Act, as amended, shall be amended by striking out "prior to January 1, 1950" contained therein and inserting in lieu thereof "during the calendar year 1954.” (b) Section 619, National Service Life Insurance Act, as amended, by section 10, Public Law 23, 82d Congress, shall be amended so as to provide that during the calendar year 1954 any veteran theretofore eligible shall have the right to reinstate, renew, or apply for national service life insurance under the normal provisions of the act (Res. 303). 2. Seeking legislation as follows: (a) That the 120-day period under section 5 and section 622 regarding expiring term insurance be considered active service for the purpose of Public Law 23 of the 82d Congress. (b) Liability under part I of Public Law 23 shall be borne by appropriations from Congress, and shall not be borne by the national service life insurance, or United States Government life insurance funds. (c) A parent who deserts his or her child, and said child is killed or dies of a service-incurred disability, as a result of service in the Armed Forces within a criteria of Public Law 23 of the S2d Congress, such parents shall forfeit his or her right to benefits under the Servicemen's Indemnity Act under Public Law 23 (Res. 318). 3. Seeking legislation to provide that if a veteran has been declared permanent and total for insurance purposes for a period of 5 years or more and has attained the age of 60 years, he shall be presumed to have remained so disabled for insurance purposes and no longer subject to automatic review by the Veterans' Administration to determine whether he has regained his ability to follow a substantially gainful occupation (Res. 266). 4. Seeking an amendment to the National Service Life Insurance Act to provide a 30-day grace period in connection with such particular premium payment so that it will be on the same basis as premium payments due in all other months, and that said amendment be made retroactive to enable the restoration of MEDICAL, HOSPITAL, AND DOMICILIARY AFFAIRS RESOLUTIONS 1. Seeking legislation which would authorize the Veterans' Administration to 2. Requesting VA to return to policy of admitting veterans to hospitals on the 3. Urging VA to allow reimbursement for unauthorized hospitalization in 4. Seeking legislation to provide chiropractic services for veterans (Res. 279). 6. Seeking funds for the establishment of a mental research institute for the 7. Expressing opposition to any plan of organization which seeks to take the 8. Endorsing H. R. 313, 82d Congress, to provide 16,000 additional hospital beds 9. Requesting investigation to determine that before additional transfers of 10. Recommending adequate hospital facilities in all States for inpatient treat- 11. Recommending the opening of chronic or custodial wards in any and all 12. Colorado: Seeking legislation to establish a VA domiciliary home at Fort 13. Colorado: Urging a 150-bed addition to VA Grand Junction Hospital (Res. 14. District of Columbia: Urging construction of a 750-bed VA hospital in 15. Missouri: Opposing discontinuance of temporary hospitals at Springfield 17. Montana: Urging more adequate canteen service at Fort Harrison and 18. Montana: Urging additional visiting hours at Fort Harrison Hospital 19. Montana Urging permission for relatives of employees of Miles City 20. Pennsylvania: Urging restoration of VA contract hospital beds in Pennsyl- 21. New York: Urging construction of a hospital in Queens County (Res. 92). 23. Oregon: Urging the opening of 500 additional beds at Camp White (Res. 259). 24. Rhode Island: Urging increase of 100 beds at Davis Park Hospital (Res. 112). 25. Wisconsin: Urging the construction of a new hospital at Wood (Res. 102). Mr. KETCHUM. I am sure the committee has had enough of us this morning and we would be very happy to stop at this point, as I am sure members of your committee have other committee meetings they wish to attend and we do not want to delay them. The CHAIRMAN. We are very grateful to you, gentlemen, for a very wonderful presentation. Mr. COTHRAN. It has been a wonderful experience for us, Madam Chairman and members of the committee. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will stand adjourned until 10:30 tomorrow morning. (Whereupon at 11:30 a. m., the committee adjourned to meet on Wednesday, February 18, 1953, at 10: 30 a. m.) X |