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Order in debate-Continued

No Senator shall refer offensively to any State of the

If a Senator be called to order for words spoken in
debate, the exceptionable words, if required, shall
be taken down.............

The Presiding Officer shall name the Senator who is
to speak, who shall in all cases be the one who shall
first address the Chair..
No Senator shall speak more than twice on any one
question on the same day without leave of the
Senate, to be determined without debate_--_--
A motion to take up a subject shall not be open to
debate on the merits of the subject proposed to be

Order in the galleries. (See Galleries.)

Order, questions of. A question of order may be raised
against an appropriation bill proposing new or
general legislation, and if sustained, the bill shall
be recommitted___.

Raising of, against restriction on expenditure of
appropriated funds..

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A question of order may be raised at any time except,
and shall be decided by the Chair without debate. 20 1
An appeal may be taken from the decision of the
Chair on a question of order.----


20 1

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The Chair may submit any question or order to the
decision of the Senate........

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When an appeal is taken from the decision of the
Chair, any subsequent question of order or appeal
shall be decided without debate___.

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An appeal may be laid on the table, which shall be
regarded as sustaining the decision of the Chair. 20 1
When motion to close debate is agreed to, all, includ-

ing relevancy of amendments and appeals, to be
decided without debate..

Raising of, against conference reports.
Oversight of administrative agencies by standing com-


22 2

27 3(b) 40


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Rule Clause Page

Papers. When the reading of a paper is called for, and objection be made, it shall be submitted to the Senate without debate_.

Printing of.....

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No papers, except original treaties, shall, without
leave of the Senate, be withdrawn from its files. 30 1
When an act has passed for the settlement of a
private claim, the Secretary may transmit the
papers to the accounting officers..

When a claim has been reported adversely, and the
report be agreed to, the papers shall not be taken
from the files and referred without new evidence
being furnished...

Where an adverse report has been made, papers shall
not be withdrawn without leaving copies with the

Pending measure.

Amendment proposed to any, is laid

on the table without carrying the measure to the
table or prejudicing the same.......

To close debate on a..

Petitions, before being presented, must be signed, indorsed with a brief statement of their contents, and referred without debate..

Manner of presentation of.......

Order in which the Chair shall call for, in the morn-
ing hour....

Order to print in Record covers body of petition

No petition or other paper signed by citizens or
subjects of a foreign power shall be received un-
less through the President...

From the States, to be printed in Record and then
filed in Secretary's office...

Every petition shall be referred without putting the
question, unless there be objection. ___
Plurality of votes. Select committees and the members
of standing committees (except the chairman)
shall be elected by a

Post Office and Civil Service, Committee on. Size and jurisdiction of..

30 1




30 2


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Postpone indefinitely. When a question is pending, a
motion may be made to...-
Powers of standing committees...


Each calendar day's session shall be opened with_... Preamble to a resolution. The question shall be first put

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upon the resolution, and last on the preamble.... 23 To a bill or resolution may be withdrawn before an amendment or ordering of the yeas and nays. It may also be laid on the table____

To a bill or resolution shall be last put to question, and may also be laid on the table.... President of the United States. Heads of departments not


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to send communications except through the 7 (Note) 6

President pro tempore. (See Presiding Officer.)
Presiding Officer of the Senate. In the absence of the Vice

President, the Senate shall choose a..

Tenure of office of President pro tempore_ -

In the absence of the Vice President and pending the
election of a President pro tempore, the Secretary,
or, in his absence, the Chief Clerk, shall perform
the duties of the--

He shall have the right to name a Senator to occupy
the chair, who shall not hold beyond an adjourn-
ment except.-----

In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice
President, the, shall have the right to name a
Senator to occupy the chair____

He may at any time lay before the Senate bills or
other matter sent to the Senate by the President
or House of Representatives_- - -

The Presiding Officer shall decide every question of
order without debate, subject to an appeal to the

He may submit any question of order without deci-
sion to the Senate..


1 1
1 (Note) 1

1 2 1

1 3 1

1 4


7 7 9

20 1


20 2


Senator designated by President pro tempore to per-
form duties of the Chair may sign enrolled bills.. 1(Note) 2

Press Galleries, Committee on Rules and Administration

to make rules and regulations for...---

34 2 45

Rule Clause Par

Printing. Every motion to print, except to print bills,
reports of committees, resolutions, communica-
tions from State legislatures and conventions, and
motions to print, made by direction of committees,
shall be referred to the Committee on Rules and
Administration, unless_-_-

All reports of committees, unless for the dispatch of
business the printing be dispensed with, shall be

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Motions to print additional numbers shall be referred
to the Committee on Rules and Administration.. 29 2
When the cost of printing additional numbers shall
exceed five hundred dollars, it shall be by con-
current resolution___

Every bill, joint resolution, and report of committee
shall be printed unless..
Private bill. May be referred to Court of Claims------
Ban on introduction of______

Private claim. No memorial or other papers relating to,
shall be withdrawn from the files without leave of
the Senate.---.
Where a private act has passed, the Secretary may
transmit the papers to the officer charged with the

29 2


29 3


15 2


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30 1


30 1 42

No private claim, which has been rejected, shall be
again referred from the files without new evidence. 31
Where an adverse report has been made on a private
claim, the papers shall not be withdrawn without
leaving copies..

No amendment shall be proposed to any general
appropriation bill whose object is to provide for a,

No private tort claim bill shall be received or con-

Privileged motions, save as against a motion to adjourn,

to proceed to Executive business, or questions of
privilege, and shall have precedence and be decided
without debate- - -

Privileges of the floor---.

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30 2



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Public Works, Committee on. Size and jurisdiction of___ 25

1 (n) 35

Procedure of standing committees___.


Rule Clause Page

Questions of committee jurisdiction, decisions on..
Question of order. Raising of, against restriction on ex-
penditure of appropriated funds_.____

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Shall be decided by the Chair, without debate,
subject to an appeal to the Senate_____
When motion to close debate is agreed to, every, in-
cluding relevancy of amendments and appeals, to
be decided without debate_----

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The Chair may submit any question of order to the
decision of the Senate.___.

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When an appeal is taken from the decision of the
Chair, any subsequent question of order or appeal
shall be decided without debate..

An appeal from the decision of the Chair may be laid
on the table, which shall be held to affirm the
decision of the Chair...

Raising of, against conference reports_-_

Question of privilege. A motion to amend or correct the Journal shall be deemed a, and shall be proceeded with until disposed of..........

When in order.____

Certain privileged motions may be submitted___. Question under debate. If it contains several points, any

Senator may call for a division____

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But a motion to strike out and insert shall not be

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3 1


But, pending a motion to strike out and insert, each
part shall be regarded as a question; and the part
to be stricken out shall be first open to amendment. 18
The journal of the proceedings of the preceding
day shall be read, there being present a..
Shall consist of a majority of the Senators duly
chosen and sworn...


The presence of a quorum being questioned, the Chair
shall direct the roll to be called to ascertain the
presence of a...

A majority of the Senators present may request or
compel the attendance of Senators to make a....
Pending the execution of the order requiring the
presence of absent Senators, no debate or motion
shall be in order but to adjourn............

3 2 3

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