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are made Rich, He will Return it to us an hundredfold, till ther shall not be Room enough to Receive it. Again, if we will not Truft to Him but to our own Net, that he will Empty it; and fhew Himself to be our God, by Manifold Judgments, till He overcome Us, and make Us fee and confefs That it is He who hath done All these things unto Us: And that ther is not an Evil in the City, which He hath not fent upon us.

We have seen the Faith of Jews and Heathens to exceed ours! It was a Proverb among the Jews, Pay Tythes and be Rich. So much they acknowledged All that they had to come from God. And the Heathens made the fame Obfervation, that they who Pay'd most to God, did Receive most from him. They faw God's Judgments upon them for not giving Him His Tenth: They Repented and Restored the Tythe, and were Delivered. But we Christians remain the only Incurable Infidels! We will not Truft GOD; and Provoke Him to Convince us, by All His Judgments! Which God Avert, by Opening our Eyes, and


Enlarging of our Hearts,that with a fincere Repentance for all our other fins, we may likewife Reftore His Tythe, and Learn to Trust in Him: That he may yet Repent for All the Evil he has brought upon Us; and with which He still threatens Us, and may leave a Blessing behind Him, even a MeatOffering and a Drink-Offering unto The Lord our God; that ther may be Meat in His House, and thereby Plenty in Ours. May His Judgments have this Happy Effect with us, to make us Search and try our ways, to Examine feriously this Matter of Tythe; And to Turn again to the Lord, in this, as well as in any other Breach of God's Commands, of which we have Many to Reckon, and this not the Leaft. Now is the time to fearch out All. For when God's Judgments are upon the Ifa. xxvi, 9. Earth, the Inhabitants of the World will Learn Righteousness.



Of what things Tythes are to be


1. Anf.

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UT of All your Gifts. Numb. xviij. 29. or mor jados. Gal. vi. 6. Of All our Goods or Good things. Of All things that God gives us. Of All things wherein we Expect the Blessing of God. For All come under the fame Reason, of Paying Tythe, as an Acknowledgment and ·Tribute to God for the Nine Parts which He has given to us: And to fhew our Dependence and Trust in Him for All that we fhall Receive. All the Tythe of the Land, whether of the Seed of the Land, or of the Fruit of the Tree, is the Lords, it is Holy unto the Lord, Lev. xxvij. 30. Thou shalt truly Tythe All thy Increase of thy Seed, that the Field bringeth forth year by year. Deut. xiv. 22. The first-fruits of Corn, Wine, and Oyl, and Honey, and of all the Encrease of the Field, and the Tythe of All things. The Tythe of Oxen and


Prov. iij;

Sheep, and the Tythe of Holy things,
which were Confecrated unto the Lord
their God, 2 Chr. xxxi. 5, 6. Of all
that thou shalt give me, I will furely give
the Tenth unto Thee, Gen. xxviij. 22.
Honour the Lord with thy Substance,and
with the Firft-fruits of ALL thine In- 16.
creafe. So fhall thy Barns be filled with
Plenty, &c. This is the Reward God
has Promis'd to it (if we Dare Truft
Him.) And wherein foever we Expect
God fo to Blefs us, of All thofe things
we must Pay Him the Tenth; elfe have
we no Title to this Promife. And this
was the Notion of the Jews. I give
Tythes of ALL that I poffefs, faid
the Pharifee, Luk. xviii. 12. And our
Saviour Determines, Matth. xxiij. 23.
that we ought to Pay Tythes even
of Mint, Anife, and Cummin, i. e. of
the smallest things.

This was the fenfe of All the Fathers, in the Primitive Ages of the Church. They Excepted Nothing from Tythe, of which I have given fome Inftances, and many more are ta be Produc'd.

II. We are moreover Bound to this by the Solemn Vows, Dedications, and Laws


Luws of our Predeceffors, Kings and Parliaments of England, before-mentioned. In the first Great Charter, or Act of Parliament of King Ethelwolf, which I have already Mentioned, and which Selden Recites (ut fupra ) p. 200. it is thus Vowed, Constituted, and Ordained, Unde etiam cum Obteftatione Præcipimus, ut omnes ftudeant, de omnibus quæ Poffident, Decimas dare, quia fpeciale Domini Dei eft. i. e. Wherefor we Command and Objure All to Pay the Tythe of All things that they Poffefs, becaufe it is the Peculiar of the Lord God.

And thus it is in all the following Grants and Dedications of the Kings and Parliaments downwards.

Many of which are Recited by Mr. Selden. And some of them Defcend to name All Particulars that well cou'd be thought of. As in the Laws of Edward the Confeffor fet down at large by Mr. Selden, c. 8, n. 13. p. 224, 225. which Names Tythe, de omni Annona, of All forts of Provifions, Victuals, Wages, or any Income. Moreover of Colts, Calves, Cheese, Milk, Lambs, Fleeces, Pigs, Bees, Wood, Hay, Mills, Parks,


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