O piena o d'empieni I nòs scieg i la öl dervi—Brescia : i.e., On St Mary Magdalene's day the nuts are full full or not, our children will open them. 24. SS. Boris and Gleb (in the Calendar of the Greek Church). There is a Russian proverb, Boris and Gleb are bread-makers. Bread in all Sclavonic dialects is called "chleb." 25. (St James the Greater.) The Germans believe that as the weather is on this day, so will it be on the festival of Christmas. Thus : Jakobi klar und rein, Wird Christfest kalt und frostig sein. So also they say, Der Vormittag vom Jakobstag Das Wetter bis Weihnacht deuten mag. This belief was shared by our ancestors, for in an old work entitled "The Husbandman's Practice," is found the following: "An old rule of the Husbandman. "When it is fair three Sundays after St James his day, it betokeneth that corn shall be very good : but if it rain then the corn withereth: S. James's day before noon betokeneth the winter time before Christmas; and after noon, it betokeneth the time after Christmas. If it be so that the sun shine on S. James his day, it is a token of cold weather: but if it rain thereon, it is a token of warm and moist weather: but if it is between the two, that is a token of neither too warm nor yet too cold." If there are white clouds in the sky at sunrise on this day the Germans say that, "Der Schnee blüht für nächsten Winter." 26. (S. Anne.) Rain on this day is called in North Italy "St Anne's dower;" thus— Come l'é sana La dota de Sant'Anna-Milan : i.e., How healthful is the dower of St Anne ! Se piöv el di de Sant'Anna Piov on mes e ona setimana-Milan : i.e., If it rain on St Anne's day, it will rain for a month and a week. A Santa Anna Sa madura l'uliána-Venice: i.e., On St Anne's day the July grape is ripe. AUGUST. Warm. Dry August and warm, Doth harvest no harm. El sù d'Agost L'ingana la massera el pret e l'ost-Milan: i.e., August sun disappoints the maid, the priest, and the host (because it scorches up all the vegetables). Wet. Quand il pleut en Aoust, So the Spaniards say, Quando llueve en Agosto Llueve miel y mosto. And the Italians, L'aqua d'Agost L'è töta mel e töt most.-Bergamo. La prima acqua d'Agost La rinfresca'l bosc-Bergamo : i.e., Rain early in August refreshes the trees. La prim'aqua d'Agost La porta via on sach de püres e de mosch: i.e., Rain early in August carries off with it a sack of fleas and one of flies. A wet August never brings dearth. Thunder. Tonnerre au mois d'Août, Abondance de grappes et bon moût.-Drôme. Thunder in August signifieth the same year, sorrow, wailing of many, for many shall be sick.— Book of Knowledge. Wind. Nordwinde im August bringen beständiges Wetter. General. Ce sont faucilles apres Août. Qui dort en Aoust Dort à son coust.- Côte d'Or. So the Italian proverb: A dormi d'Agost Se dorma a sò mal cost.-Bergamo. August and September. August ripens, September gathers in. August bears the burden, September the fruit. E Setember l'empienss la cantina—Brescia : Septembre ne le rotira.-Haut Rhine. And so the German, Was der August nicht kocht, lässt der September ungebraten. August and March. August is as much warmer than March, as Asia is better than Africa.-A Russian Proverb. DAYS IN AUGUST. 1. (St Peter ad vincula: or Lammas-day.) Quand il pleut le premier Août, C'est signe qu'il n'y aura pas de regain (aftermath). -Coreze. After Lammas corn ripens as much by night as by day. Because of the heavy night dews. 1-12. In Albania the country people believe that the first twelve days of August foretell the character of the weather during the ensuing twelve months. -See on Jan. 2 and 25. 6. (The Transfiguration of our Lord: St Sixtus.) San Transfiguratio qual es el dia tal es el año -Spain: i.e., As the weather is on the day of the Transfiguration, so will it be the rest of the year. The Saviour is coming, get your gloves ready. -Russia. In Sixti festo venti validi memor esto, Si sit nulla quies, farra valere scies.—Brand. 7. (St Cajetan.) L'acqui di san Gaitanu Arrifrescanu lu chianu : L'acqui di l'Assunzioni (August 15) 10. (St Laurence.) A la Saint Laurent, La faucille au froment. Um Sanct Laurenti Sonnenschein Bedeutet ein gutes Jahr von Wein. Sanct Laurenz bringt eine Helle oder Spreng; i.e., rain.-Eifel. Regnet's an Laurentii Tag, giebt es viele Mäuse. |