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nected with eternal happiness or misery.

If they have entered the paradise of God, and drink of those rivers of life that flow from the throne; they would tell you the joys of earth are vanity, the pleasures of sin delusive, ending in misery and death. That all good, beauty and glory are in -God. That his service is all pure delight, peace and joy. That without a holy temper, none, even in heaven itself, could be happy: : therefore marvel not that it is said, "Ye must be born again."

fresh in their minds. The account is penned and transmitted for publication, if you should approve, with a hope that it may be useful to your readers, and be received as a new testimony, in the providence of God, to the reality and importance of experimental religion, and to the riches of the divine mercy and faithfulness.

Yours, &c. J. W.

Memoir of Mrs. Lucy Jerome, late consort of the Rev. Amasa Jerome, of New-Hartford, Connecticut.

RS. Jerome was a daughter of his Hon. John Treadwell, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut.


Having just views of the regions of eternal despair, where there is weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, judge for yourselves what they would say, when they saw you with multi-was born in Farmington, May tudes, equally thoughtless, walk- 18th, 1781, and was married to ing the broad road that leads to Mr. Jerome August 11th, 1803. that world of misery. But in On the 22d day of September, vain do we listen at the grave, or 1804, she was delivered of twin seek impressive truth from the infants, a son and a daughterworld of spirits; for "if we hear the latter of which deceased very not Moses and the prophets nei-soon after the birth. On Wedther should we be persuadednesday, the fifth day from her though one rose from the dead." delivery, and after a scene of uncommon distress of body, except in the last fifteen hours, she closed her eyes in death, aged 23 years and 4 months.



Mrs. Jerome was possessed of

THE subject of the follow-good natural powers, which were ing memoir was an acquaintance of the writer from her childhood. The particulars of her character, religious exercises, and Christian walk, previous to her removal from her native town, are from his own personal knowledge, and the information of others to be depended on. The affecting 'scene of her death is given from minutes made by her friends and neighbors, at the time, or soon after, while the particulars were

cultivated and improved by a suitable education. In her natural disposition she was mild, amiable, obliging, modest and unassuming. Her conduct in the several relations she sustained, was worthy of imitation, and secured the attachment of her friends and the esteem of all her acquaintance. She was a dutiful, diligent, and desirable child -an affectionate sister-a kind and benevolent neighbor, and a

prudent and faithful wife. The | to be noticed with thankfulness, that they were so exemplaryand that instead of giving us occasion for anxiety, and to be frequently cautioning them against the allurements of youth, they were even helpful to us in respect to others. After her seriousness she appeared to have no more any taste for those companies, and circles, where the name and cause of a Saviour could on no occasion be introduced, with

heart of her husband might safely trust in her. She was disposed to be to him an helpmeet indeed. And she was well qualified for the important sphere in which she had begun to move. But the brightest part of her character that which gave a lustre to the whole, and which it is fit should be particularly noticed with gratitude to Him who is the giver of every good and perfect gift, was her piety-out its being considered a breach her attachment to the Redeemer's kingdom. To exhibit this as it appeared in her life, and more especially in the scene of -her death, was the principal de-sign of this paper.

of politeness, or a fit subject for ridicule. But her delight appeared to be in meetings for prayer and religious instruction, from which she was rarely absent; and in the circle of those Between five and six years youthful friends, where the menprevious to her death, at a time tion of religion was not disgustvery memorable in her native ing, and where social happiness place, and in many towns in Con- was not lessened, but encreased, necticut and other parts, for the by conversation upon divine truth, outpouring of the Spirit of God, and by news of the prosperity of she was deeply impressed with the Redeemer's kingdom. She a sense of her lost and guilty appeared evidently to adopt and state, was hopefully converted practise upon the sentiment of and brought into the family of the Psalmist, expressed Psalm Christ, and made a public pro-xvi. 3, "The saints that are in fession of his name. And now, the earth, the excellent, in whom from a state of natural sobriety, is all my delight." and decency of conduct, the effect of education, and which was her character while unacquaint-cised with a tender concern for ed with the Saviour, she became a warm and active friend to the cause of God was ready to converse upon religion; and tho' surrounded with all the peculiar temptations of youth, by a watchful and exemplary conduct, honored the good profession which she had made. An aged member in the church, speaking of her and several other young converts, two or three years after they had united with the church, observed to the writer, that it was wonderful; and what ought VOL. V. No. 11.

From the time of her hopeful conversion, her mind was exer

the youth of her acquaintance, and particularly those with whom she had been intimate. To one of these she expressed her anxiety in writing, as follows:

"Dear Julia,

"My thoughts have been on you this morning. I feel very anxious respecting your situation. I wish to know what you think of religion? For some time you felt engaged to attend to it. I fear your impressions are worn off, and that they will not return. I have thought a great deal about E e e

sion of religion, but what is that,
without the Christian graces ?"
"Oh, that the Lord would guide my

Oh, that my God would grant megrace
To know and do his will!
My soul hath gone too far astray,
My feet too often slip :
Yet since I've not forgot thy way,
Restore thy wand'ring sheep."

When she was called in Providence to contemplate the important subject of changing her situation and entering the married state, she treated the matter with becoming seriousness— expressed to her friends a sense

ing, and a degree of concern lest she should not fill, with proprie

discretion and exemplary piety are peculiarly needful.

you of late, and felt anxious to write though you did not desire it of me. But I could forbear no longer at such a time as the present. Julia, we have been togeth-To keep his statutes still! er in the ways of sin-why can not we go together in the road to the heavenly Canaan. It is of the greatest importance to attend. to religion in early life, even now. "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." There is nothing short of God, which can satisfy the desires of an immortal mind. We have been attempting to find substantial joys in the diversions of youth. But have we not always been disappointed? Have we not gener-of the greatness of the undertakally returned unsatisfied with ourselves? At such times have our minds been calm and pre-ty, a station in which prudence, pared for religious duties? We have tried the vanities and levities of the world long enoughwe must judge for ourselves what they are--and carefully avoid all such company as will have a tendency to cool our love to God. Dear Julia, death, judgment and eternity are just before us. Look forward, perhaps twenty years, and view the eternal world. In all probability, we shall be in it before that time! Then is it not important to attend to these things now, because we know not what a day may bring forth.""It is my sincere prayer that your heart may be changed-that you may taste and see that the Lord is gracious." "If we are not renewed, we are filling up the measure of our sins every day. Every day encreases our guilt. For several months previous I hope I do in some measure feel to her death she was rather unreconciled to the character of commonly impressed with an God. But the heart is deceitful idea that she should not survive above all things, and desperately the sickness before her. And wicked. I have made a profes- from various circumstances at

After her removal to NewHartford she applied herself with diligence to the duties of her station; and was noticed by all who had opportunity to observe, as excelling in economy and industry. By these, and by her discreetness, kindness and serious deportment, she soon obtained the friendship and high esteem of her neighbors and of all who became acquainted with her. And it appeared by observations which she made a little previous to her death, respecting that people, that their spiritual prosperity, by a revival of the work of God among them, had lain near her heart, and been a subject which had often carried her to a throne of grace.

After her delivery she was informed by her physicians and friends, that there was hope of her recovery. But she seemed to give but little heed to their suggestions. In the afternoon of the day previous to her death, apprehending her dissolution near, she desired to be alone, and consented to have no person, except a sister, in the room. Ac

the time, as well as from her peaceful and triumphant departure, it appears that, during that period, she was ripening fast for the employments and perfection of the heavenly state. Her conversation was in heaven. She appeared disposed, more than had been common, to repress every suggestion of plans and prospects of temporal enjoyments often giving a turn to the conver-cordingly she was gratified; and sation by remarking upon the uncertainty of human prospects, and the importance of having our affections on things above. She expressed a lively sense of the value of the public worship and ordinances of God's house. And being for a number of Sabbaths previous to her sickness, deprived of the privilege, she submitted to it as a peculiar affliction and trial. She was peculiarly attentive to the Bible, and other religious books; and it was judged from circumstances, that she often retired for secret devotion. Nor were these things occasioned by a gloomy state of mind. She was not gloomy; but generally cheerful, and appeared not in the least to have lost her relish for social enjoyments.

in that situation spent several hours, apparently in meditation and prayer, and composing her mind for the great change which she expected soon to experience. After this she willingly received company, and was ready to converse, as before, so far as she was able. Soon after this, her friends informed her that they considered her case to be desperate. She received the information with perfect calmness, and appeared pleased that they were no longer reserved, and that she could converse with them freely upon the subject. Having conversed with her alone, her husband, at her particular desire, prayed with her with special reference to the parting scene which was before them. In the evening, several passages of scripture, adapted to her condition, were read, and family prayer attended, in which she was commended to God, as one apparently near the close of life.

When the scene of her distress commenced she met it not only with that natural resolution which is common in such cases, but with a Christian fortitude, which enabled her to go through the whole, though a scene of uncom-Soon after this, she appeared evmon and indescribable anguish, idently struck with death. The with unusual patience and resig- inflammatory stage of her disornation. She said it had been der was past, and a mortification her prayer that she might not commenced; and now, being dishonor God. And she request-relieved from bodily pain, a holy ed those who saw her distressed situation, to pray that she might be patient, and endure, without a murmur, whatever God should see fit to lay upon her.

triumph of soul began, and continued about fifteen hours, and to the moment of her dissolution. She rejoiced in her God and Saviour was filled with a sense of

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the divine presence, all-sufficien- hope will be a comfort to you. cy and glery, without one fear I could wish to live, were it the or doubt, or obscuring cloud- divine will, to assist in bringing and improved her time and it up, but I am willing to leave strength, in bearing testimony it in the hands of God. I hope for God-sometimes speaking it may live and be a blessing to generally, to all in the room, and you, and that you will bring it at others, calling particular per-up for God, to whom I have dedsons to her bed-side-addressing icated it, even before its birth.” them upon the importance of di- At this time the child being laid vine and eternal realities, and in her arms, she joined in a praysolemnly warning them of the er, in which they unitedly dedi danger of delaying a preparation cated it to God. After this she for death. Through the whole expressed a desire to unite, while time her memory was quick and she was living, in dedicating it retentive and all the powers of to the Lord in baptism. Accordher mind appeared to expandingly it was baptized. and brighten as she spoke, es- Soon after a hymn was sung, pecially if of herself the pro-entitled "Moses dying in the gress of death, and her speedy departure, a smile frequently spread over her countenance and when she ceased to speak, she composed her countenance -laid her hands decently across her breast, and in a few moments expired.


The following are some of the things which she addressed to different persons, during this interesting scene.

Conversing with her consort, she said, "It is but a short time since our connection, but we have lived happily together. We had flattered ourselves with much happiness in our connection, but now we must be separated. I hope we shall meet again in the heavenly world, to part no more. You see how liable we are to be disappointed in our prospects as to this world I hope this will be a mean of weaning you from it. You will be left alone with this motherless child. But it is no more than many others have experienced. I hope you will be taken care of I hope you will be supported-I can leave you with God. This child I

embraces of God" in which she joined with a sweet voice. It was the only voice in the room which did not tremble. At two other times she joined, with her dying lips, to sing the praise of God-once in the 227th hymn, in Dwight's selection, and once in the 61st psalm.

Again addressing her husband, she mentioned his connection with that people, and the importance and greatness of his work-"You have taken," said she," a great deal of satisfaction in your connection with this people. I hope you may live and be a great blessing to them. They seem very near to me. I wish I could see them all once more before I die. I hope you will go on in the good work in which you are engaged, and not be discouraged." Some time after, seeing a number of the people of the society in the room, she addressed them-expressed her sense of the kindness of the people since she had resided among them-said their circumstances had lain with weight on her mind that she had been

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